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what if water heater making popping sounds? what if isn't quite 15 yrs old? what if plumber said it might be sediment cause hard water is common here? what if but they didn't recommend flushing it? what if thought that was strange? what if they thought i was strange? | |||
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What if : When I was at Suzy's the tank there did that a LOT & Loudly..? Also alla the Hot water ran quite low pressure. I was considering settin up a siphon fron the kitchen sink & suckin Vinegar down there but I never did.... & cant say Im sure if thats even a good idea.. See if the tank is glass lined should say on it...as a brag..LoL But in your circumstances that might be not so good.... | |||
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What if : NPR Reported on a gravitationally lensed Single Star that is 12.9 BILLION Years old/distanced..!!!! Its @ 50x the size of the sun....which is scientifically to be expected. This is sensational news because being lone it can be spectrum analyzed to see if it is made of what we suspect it SHOULD be made of... If its different could mean more new physics comin up..... ![]() What if forgot to add that Venus Mars & Saturn are all visible in a bunch in the East @ 1 hour before dawn....to any early birds readin this.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if 'they' are calling for a high of 66F today... I idiotically looked forward to a nice day.. Its so windy it feels really cool outside & its raining..... FUCK YOU SNOWPIECER !!!!! ![]() | |||
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what if not glass lined? what if makes low noise 5 seconds, 20 sec silences, 5 sec noise, silence 20 sec, repeat x as many times as it wants until i turn on hot water to shut it up! what if still waiting on plumber return call? | |||
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what if watched another dvd of relatives? what if mama xc was on it & laughing a lot? what if great uncle was on there, 90 yrs old, i think & reciting poems he wrote yrs ago? what if both fun and sad watching these dvds? | |||
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what if heard back about water heater? what if just sediment forming? what if it should have a few yrs left? what if not gonna replace it now? | |||
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Yay! thats good ... Suzie's was so loud it was a bit scary being next to it when it banged/poppaged & stuff.... Man rush hour is gettin Early I hit a bad spot before 3PM & on the way back around 3;30PM there were stoppages & a long slow crawl. That didnt used to be until say 4:30 lasting to @ 6:30.... Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if : The feral Calico had no kittens in her after march the 12th. I thought she miscarried or was terrified & abandoned them..... She is a Very traumatized lil kitty...... But I heard tiny squeaky meows today & found 3! 3 week old kittens..! 2 red stripers & 1 black tuxedo cat..err kitten..... Im partly overjoyed & kinda ..NOW What do I do....... MAamas been deathly ill & only ate maybe once/twice in the last 5-6 days.... I CANNOT Get anywhere near her.... Ibought powdered kittn milk for them... It says that they need to feed from momma for at least 2 Days before using formula so Im probably golden with it being Exactly 3 weeks.... I think xc is gonna get a surprixe package in say 2 months with 2 kittens one Named KRISTEN And another named STEWART There will be NO EXCAPE !!!! Becoz 2 Day is the TWO-th of April..... | |||
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What if : Callie is Still not eating..... But We have made an agreement that the Small cooler is a good crib for her & her kittens... SHe purred last nite when I petted her after she found alla her kittens in the cooler. It is the 1st time in her probably 1 year of existence that Im aware of her having purred She did it again today....so if she will JUST start eatin we should be good... Vinnie's mouth is so bad that he cant really eat much either..... Cant ANYTHING ever just go rite..WTF.... | |||
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what if i will mark package 'return to sender'? | |||
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what if hope she gets to eating soon? what if maybe she & Vinnie should see the vet? what if yeah, vets are expensive? what if Natalie Adele dreads going to them & i don't blame her? | |||
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What if I cant do this... Im too sick Vinneys been to 2 vets for @ $400 to be told that I gotta go run around some more.... They did nothing to help him.....sound familiar..? Story of my life....too He has a heart condition that mite make him unable to survive the anesthesia ... Im to sick to get myself to doctors...... Callie rolled on her back for the kittens & has a mammary thats ripped to shreds.. Not bleeding but tore open ti the size of a half a dollar.... Im hopin to surrender her to someone/somewhere that CAN help her.... Why can Nothing ever NOT be a Disaster..? Goddam.... | |||
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what if wish i could help your situation, BrucE? sorry that you're going through so much troubles. i hope somebody in your area can help and support you through this. wish i had super-powers to change around the disaster... | |||
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What if funny you should say that.... I was at a message board where someone asked the question would you rather live in the real world or Skyrim.... I chuckled & thought here obviously I dont REALLY wanna hafta fite for my life 10s of times a day Every day.... Ya know,Im odd that way....I prefer NOT to be murdered in my sleep Thank you very much.... but then I thought....Wait there is a potion of CURE DISEASE... or I could pray at a Temple of any of the 9 divines & be cured + get a small bonus of some sort..... Yes! the 'Gods' there are actually in game REAL... Also you START with a healing spell which can diminish any bodily damage you receive. you can actually have an Arrow stickin outta your head & if youre not in combat it will disappear in maybe 1-2 minutes real time... As long as your not dead youre practically indestructible & always healthy. So when Im feelin particularly low...thisinvades my thinkin in a crazy dopey merciless fashion... If Only..... ![]() | |||
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What if back to nasty old reality.. Vinney ate a half a can of cat food this morning Yay That! Bad news Callie is gettin super flaky..... She wants me no where near her & her kittens & runs away if shes out of the box... I dont know if I can get her to say the SPCA.... She did eat .Im pretty sure tho.... The kittens are all fine as best I can tell.... gonna feed em as soon as Im alert enuff.... | |||
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What if : Callie has made a truce with me ... she is back in the cooler next to my Comp chair She purrs I can touch her but Shes not really comfortable... Her wound looks worse.... & bigger. | |||
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What if theres 3 small deer tracks in the backyard This is new & its different..... Its been muddy so I shoulda seen these before I was wondering how a few cats where eating 3 pie tins fulla food every day..LoL another mystery... | |||
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what if nuke the Stew-fart board! ![]() | |||
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what if good for Vinney? what if hope Callie gets better? | |||
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what if went for the Real-ID driver's license today? what if a breeze except eye test? what if i have 20/10 perfect vision, do not need glasses but i told them there were no letters in the left column, just faded symbols? what if they said i was wrong! what if at a different machine, it was the same BUT i did see numbers below the letters on the left FARTHER DOWN and read them? what if dumb bureaucrats won't admit their computer operated machines are faulty even though i easily read smaller numbers farther down the chart so THERE!? what if mama xc had same problem in 2014 & the eye doc said she had great vision & when she went back, she said the machines seemed different but she passed? what if DMV stands for Dumb Moronic Villains? | |||
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You're a GENIUS ... I wonder if there IS a K-STEW fan board..... I must join Immediately!!! I got Callie & kittens to the SPCA.... I misss em all awready. "what if DMV stands for Dumb Moronic Villains?" I cant argue with that.... | |||
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What if ....I kinda need to avoid alla the coverage of the Horrific-ness that is happening in Ukraine. Its really bothering me. What The Frak does Putin think he is doing..? What if Russia will NEVER be allowed back into the 'Community of Sane Nations' after this... unless he is removed from power. He is almost as bat-shit crazy as Trump is dumb-fuck Stupid. But...at least... they are not Baby eating Democrats Sooo... they have that going for them. Rite xc..??? | |||
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what if we hire Will Smith to slap BrucE? what if that'll push Assputin off the front page? | |||
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WHat if ...Ok but ONLY if he screams "Youve been VIOLATED GIRLY-MAN" at me after wards... It would mean the world to me..LoL | |||
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