Originally posted by Brucy Braless: what if .. i forgot to mention
just got my 4th booster fer Covid tuhday...
what if 4th booster??????
what if they only started giving 2nd booster in March?
what if black market boosters?
11 April 2022, 12:08 PM
Brucy Braless
What if.....
Indiana is SOOoo backwards.....its the year 2525 here in Buffalo...
I shoulda wrote my 4th shot...
I coulda waited a bit I thought I was 5 months & a week from last shot
But actually its 4 months on April 18th
13 April 2022, 02:15 PM
Brucy Braless
What if I feel Absolutely horrible....
Damn Cats woke me up 4x from 7:30 AM to 9:30 am When lil Rusty kitten burrowed under the covers all the way down to my feet & started playin aggressively with them...
So I got up Ive been sweaty & dixxy all day....
Its ridiculously warm today like 71F & Steamy....
Fuckin very older 'TeenAgers' are runnin up & down the street with their LOUD dirt-bags.. ummm.... Dirt-Bikes....
Yay.... the 13th.... isnt it grand..?
14 April 2022, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Damn Cats woke me up 4x from 7:30 AM to 9:30 am
what if no wonder?
what if the world's awake by 7:30?
what if poor starving cats?
what if wake up!
14 April 2022, 04:39 PM
Brucy Braless
WHAT SNIFF maybe I feel lousy because my immune system finally reacted to the vaccine this time ..!!!!!
Ima ignoring the GD cats .. you prolly should too..LoL
15 April 2022, 05:07 AM
what if got my 2nd booster yesterday?
what if minor headache?
what if sleepy, too?
what if gotta stay awake, keep editing my books & clock into work soon?
16 April 2022, 08:19 AM
what if bought me a gas powered leaf blower?
what if hate the electric leaf blower, dragging around an extension chord?
what if mowed the yard for the first time this year yesterday?
what if bumpy uneven yard hurt me knees pushing the mower over it?
16 April 2022, 02:22 PM
Brucy Braless
What if those Goddam weather Bass-Turds did it again..?
On tuesday they called for one day of 40s alla the rest 50+
That day fridy..{FRIDAY dammit!} gets here its gonna be cold til Sunday
Saturday arrives & its gonna be Unpleasant until F-ing Tuesday!!!!!
THEY Almost NEVER make a mistake saying its gonna be nastier that it becomes....
They always promise they will respect me in the morning..
Whammo it was alla Big FAT LIE... Fargun Iceholes...LoL
Duz everything ALWAYS have to be a dissappointment......you know
Like Putin's military genius..?
17 April 2022, 10:36 AM
Brucy Braless
What if Wow a Surprise Snow over night.!
Dunno when it fell but its stickin to the ground and
All over the cars.
18 April 2022, 11:50 AM
Brucy Braless
what if ..good lord Im wiped out from goin out for dinner & Playin cards all evening.
them dumbass docs gotta DO somethin....
19 April 2022, 06:24 AM
what if had someone haul away a lotta big junk items?
what if gonna rearrange stuff in the utility room, garage and carport?
what if make things easier to get to?
what if hope it works better?
19 April 2022, 12:39 PM
Brucy Braless
What if the decision is to euthanize Vinney....
Im takin this a lot harder than any human Ive ever lost....
He loves summer & hes not gonna make it to see it.
DAMN I am gonna miss him....
19 April 2022, 01:50 PM
what if sorry to hear that?
it's always hard losing a pet who's more a friend and family than are most people
19 April 2022, 02:51 PM
Brucy Braless
What if Yeah....I went down & signed some papers
Said good bye......
Blubbered like a baby..... Little STinker STILL didnt wanna kiss from me....
He will be cremated with a bunch of other cats...
He Liked kittys....& porkchops..
20 April 2022, 05:00 AM
what if nothing wrong crying over a beloved pet?
i've done that several times.
21 April 2022, 12:18 PM
Brucy Braless
What if Rusty the 8 month old kitten has
stepped up & become really affectionate.
Hes no Vinney but he is a real sweetheart.
22 April 2022, 02:43 PM
what if glad to hear one of BrucE's kittens has taken a shine to him?
what if wish 'em all the best of health?
22 April 2022, 04:41 PM
Brucy Braless
What if there is a little gray tuxedo kitty outside..?
I got him to play with a string toy I have..
I tried to use catnip to calm him more....
He is nose blind to it...!!!!!
His NOSE has been less than an inch away twice & he didnt seem to notice ANYTHING...
Just what I need!! Im hoping to semi-tame him like I did with Callie this is gonna make it a LOT harder.....
Luckily Rusty makes a good calming pony.
WHat if I figured out how I became/am so devastated by Vinneys loss.
I invested so much effort into keepin him goin & worrying about him that it upped my grief factor by 10x.....
I have never been so crushed by ANYthing else in my life......
I think knowing will help.
24 April 2022, 08:58 PM
Brucy Braless
whats iffage ...
The weather was Outstanding here today.....
Summery but not HOT...Yay!!!
Lil Stub-tail kitty is the most freaked out cat I have ever seen...
He seems to have bonded with Callie & now that shes gone he is terrified of EVERY THING.
he really has barely eaten at all since....that was the 5th.
unfortunately Rusty who is really calm cant be bothered with him.
24 April 2022, 09:07 PM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by Brucy Braless: What if....
I coulda waited a bit I thought I was 5 months & a week from last shot
But actually its 4 months on April 18th
What if wait.... no.......it WAS a week shy of 5 months
goddam.....I wish my brain worked...
a mind is a terrible thing to lose......
26 April 2022, 05:10 AM
what if traded in leaf blower for a better one?
what if would like to have a remote control lawn mower?
what if a mower run by telepathy?
what if even better, astroturf instead of real grass?
27 April 2022, 08:45 AM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if a mower run by telepathy?
What if geexe dude aim a little higher ...think more BIGly
What if say we start with a Republican party that could be controlled telepathically
imagine a day where alla the Trumplican Traitors commit suicide enmasse..?
then alla the narcissist Woke shits do it the next day.....
Prolly decrease the US population by 1/3...plenty of shortages would just dissa-pissin-peir..No?
3rd day maybe we get alla the evil communist leaders in the whole world....?
27 April 2022, 08:48 AM
Brucy Braless
Originally posted by Brucy Braless: [QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if a mower run by telepathy?
What if geexe dude aim a little higher ...think more BIGly
What if say we start with a Republican party that could be controlled telepathically
imagine a day where alla the Trumplican Traitors commit suicide enmasse..?
then alla the narcissist Woke shits do it the next day.....
Prolly decrease the US population by 1/3...plenty of shortages would just dissa-pissin-peir..No?
3rd day maybe we get alla the evil communist leaders in the whole world....?
4th day alla the tailbanlike religious extremists & evil business tycoons...?
Imagine a world with only decent peeps left..?
27 April 2022, 08:51 AM
Brucy Braless
What if Yay! 4100th post !!!!!
What if its snowing after 2 days in the upper 60s...... YaY Global warming..?!?!?!
What if I feel awful cause I got up WAaaaayyyyY to early...?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless,