27 April 2022, 11:33 AM
xenacrazedWhat If?
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if a mower run by telepathy?
What if geexe dude aim a little higher ...think more BIGlyWhat if say we start with a Republican party that could be controlled telepathically
imagine a day where alla the Trumplican Traitors commit suicide enmasse..?
then alla the narcissist Woke shits do it the next day.....
Prolly decrease the US population by 1/3...plenty of shortages would just dissa-pissin-peir..No?
3rd day maybe we get alla the evil communist leaders in the whole world....?
what if he said it once...?
27 April 2022, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if a mower run by telepathy?
What if geexe dude aim a little higher ...think more BIGlyWhat if say we start with a Republican party that could be controlled telepathically
imagine a day where alla the Trumplican Traitors commit suicide enmasse..?
then alla the narcissist Woke shits do it the next day.....
Prolly decrease the US population by 1/3...plenty of shortages would just dissa-pissin-peir..No?
3rd day maybe we get alla the evil communist leaders in the whole world....?
4th day alla the tailbanlike religious extremists & evil business tycoons...?
Imagine a world with only decent peeps left..?
what if he said it twice...?
27 April 2022, 11:45 AM
Brucy BralessWHat if...WTF.???!?!?!?!?
Oh I see I quoted it rather than edited it..
Well EXCUUUSSSSSE me......
01 May 2022, 08:00 AM
xenacrazedwhat if May?
what if Kentucky Derby, Indy 500, Memorial Day & mowing the yard too much?
what if gotta get the annual A/C check-up?
what if hope it not as sad month as April?
01 May 2022, 11:50 AM
Brucy BralessWhats if..? {see below}
Its raining here AGAIN....it was maybe 3 days a week in March
It got up to 5 days a week in April....
if it gets any worser I will hafta buy the strays life preservers
so they can continue to live in the cellar.
the last most beneficial Kefir pro-biotic is now gone too...
Its makin things a struggle. Dammitt !!
01 May 2022, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
if it gets any worser I will hafta buy the strays life preservers
so they can continue to live in the cellar.
what if can't they live upstairs where it's dry?
01 May 2022, 03:55 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if they wont come in the house..
2 of them just run away if they see me...
there are 2 of them I have never been within 40 ft of
These cats are feral....
06 May 2022, 01:19 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if the cellar only has access from outside at the back of the house...
Stub-tail has shown me that you DO NOT want a completely feral cat in your house....trust me...
06 May 2022, 01:29 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if here we go AGAIN....
I wrote a whine @ this on the 1st but I struck a wrong key
that deleted 10 minutes of typin...

Ever since ..say .. the 1st of April a weather front statrs up in texas Oklahoma
builds into rain storm & moves ENE...as soon as it passes me ANOTHER Starts up
So its like every 2-4 days....
What if I shouldnt complain cause mostly its just enuff of a rain to
keep everything damp & soggy
but not enuff to do any real damage to anyone but me.LoL
I really need a drought here.....
07 May 2022, 11:55 AM
Brucy BralessWhat if a stiff breexe outta the north forced alla
the rain to stay down by Pennsylvania..
What if so far ... no new one...
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
07 May 2022, 02:17 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if what the hell....Gas prices are goin up 2-3 cents a DAY!!!
There is no reason for this they are just doin it as a F-U...
the elected Republicants continually betray the average american
Only problem is the average middle aged white male is too stupid to understand that.
Of course the Dems need to stop being anti-white racists also ..but still.
What if the real reason I came back was to delite in the
Accu-Weiner forecast thats promising me warm dry weather for quite a stretch...
08 May 2022, 09:27 AM
xenacrazedwhat if not only did Demo-rat mayor annex us poor people to raise our property tax, but Demo-rat city council voted to raise our income tax!
what if they bleed us during a recession?
what if all politicians must die!
what if kill 'em all!
08 May 2022, 12:15 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if ..
do you think the Republicants will do you any better..?
I will admit the Demo party has been turning into the
lesser of 2 evils since Bill 'shitbag' Clinton. < Puke Emoji>
Andrew Homo our disgraced ex-governor kept touting his Buffalo Billion.
A billion $$$ to really jump start failing Buffalo's economy.
They gave the money to local rich business moguls
who used most of it themselves...
We have an Olmsted park system here that
was considered a marvel of great city design in its day.
We have a Skyway bridge that right on the waterfront crippling
access to the lake {which can get 72+F warm} ...Yay Swimming!!!
The tax dollars should have been spent on public works to make Buffalo
a classy fun destination to visit or to work & live.
This is a Stellar location,Amherst, a suburb makes the
Safest town/City in America more often than not.
Hell a 2-3 million dollar assassin squad to clean out alla
the human garbage here woulda been a real boon.. JK

No earthquakes , only 2 tornados in recorded history....
We are champs at gettin movin after heavy snowstorms.
But we are crippled by the same things that all of America suffers from....
Corporate greed & undeserved wealth accumulating in all the wrong places,
with all the wrong people.
08 May 2022, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if ..
do you think the Republicants will do you any better..?
what if locally, yes?
what if college students here vote in local elections?
what if they should not be allowed to do so?
what if they should only vote absentee for their hometown?
what if the vast majority vote Dumnb-o-rat cause they're hipster thinking-they're-cool?
what if there oughta be a 7 year residency requirement before one can vote locally?
what if Dumb-o-crats have won every seat for decades & ruined my town with their gender bending, car hating, student loving, locals hating, tax loving votes which they've gotten rich from and don't care about the working class cause Dumb-o-crats don't get their hands dirty cause they don't have to?
08 May 2022, 05:36 PM
xenacrazedwhat if i add that local & state Repooplicans were very much against annexation & stopped local Vladimir Pukin loving mayor for awhile until Dumb-o-rat judge gave in to his whining?
what if Repooplicans hereabouts are against raising taxes?
what if by tradition, Dumb-o-rats are tax & spend cause they cannot figure out how to budget?
what if local Dumb-o-rats waste money on bike paths, parks for drug addicts, museums no one goes to, traffic calmers cuz they hate cars & their own vacations?
08 May 2022, 05:38 PM
xenacrazedwhat if local Dumb-o-rats scare away businesses from moving here with their tax obsession?
what if downtown looking like ghost town?
what if workers going to counties controlled by Repooplicans to work & live!
10 May 2022, 05:57 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if ..
do you think the Republicants will do you any better..?
what if locally, yes?
what if college students here vote in local elections?
what if they should not be allowed to do so?
What if WHY are conservatives so eager to deny the Constitutional right to vote of people they disagree with..?
All you gotta be is a citizen over 18...Maybe YOU live in the wrong place..?
By the way doesnt the tutition of all these students pay your f-ng wages..?? what if they should only vote absentee for their hometown?
What if this would be a nitemare to keep track of.....
are YOU gonna give them their back votes retroactively if they decide to live there after..?
What if ....Some Animals are more equal than others....Geo Orwell IndiAnimal Farmwhat if there oughta be a 7 year residency requirement before one can vote locally?
What if....Why? because you say so..WTF dude...Why have elections at all..?
Dont worry when morons re-elect the traitorous republicans this year & trump 2024..
You will have your wish & our present fair & decent govt will be gone forever....
we will become Russia..
I dont think you'll be too happy in a decade or so..what if Dumb-o-crats have won every seat for decades & ruined my town with their gender bending, car hating, student loving, locals hating, tax loving votes which they've gotten rich from and don't care about the working class cause Dumb-o-crats don't get their hands dirty cause they don't have to?
What if ..well I hope you feel better now that youve thrown up alla that poison on the scrolls..? 
10 May 2022, 06:02 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if Im gonna just ignore the rest of that....stuff..?
WHat if what I came here to say is that on the 1st of may we Still had NO leaves on any of the trees..?
WHat if that seems kinda late .. to me
they are sproutin out but only 10-20 % are leafy rite now.
WHat if its 70 F here ...feels real summery.
10 May 2022, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if ..
do you think the Republicants will do you any better..?
what if locally, yes?
what if college students here vote in local elections?
what if they should not be allowed to do so?
What if WHY are conservatives so eager to deny the Constitutional right to vote of people they disagree with..?
All you gotta be is a citizen over 18...Maybe YOU live in the wrong place..?
By the way doesnt the tutition of all these students pay your f-ng wages..?? what if i'm no conservative nor liberal. College students are GUESTS here. They 're here for 3 years (counting all the time off school breaks). Why should they have a say in a town where they do not OWN or RENT property? Their daddies pay for their stay. Let them vote for their hometown crooks & stop voting Demo-crooks into office here! What difference does it make if their tuition pays my wages? That doesn't give them the right to decide who's mayor & on city council. They won't care what the crooked mayor does to us cause they'll be back home living off mommy & daddy & probably uncle sam. the rest of us have to live with the mayor's stoopid money spending schemes & driving away businesses and workers & families. what if they should only vote absentee for their hometown?
What if this would be a nitemare to keep track of.....
are YOU gonna give them their back votes retroactively if they decide to live there after..?
What if ....Some Animals are more equal than others....Geo Orwell IndiAnimal Farm who cares if it's a nightmare? If they decide to live here, get a job & buy/rent property after 3 years once they graduated, yeah, then they can vote. what if there oughta be a 7 year residency requirement before one can vote locally?
What if....Why? because you say so..WTF dude...Why have elections at all..?
Dont worry when morons re-elect the traitorous republicans this year & trump 2024..
You will have your wish & our present fair & decent govt will be gone forever....
we will become Russia..
I dont think you'll be too happy in a decade or so.. what if many residents here want a fair & equally represented city gov't but the Demo-crooks have to have their way = dicatorship. You're the gender bending commie tree hugging socialist Pukin's BFF... no wonder you side with the freeloaders! what if Dumb-o-crats have won every seat for decades & ruined my town with their gender bending, car hating, student loving, locals hating, tax loving votes which they've gotten rich from and don't care about the working class cause Dumb-o-crats don't get their hands dirty cause they don't have to?
What if ..well I hope you feel better now that youve thrown up alla that poison on the scrolls..? what if i'll feel better when there is an equal amount of Demo-crooks & Repooplicans in the local gov't instead of one-sided Demo-crooks who have ruined the city?
11 May 2022, 05:24 PM
Brucy Braless[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed
what if locally, yes?
what if college students here vote in local elections?
what if they should not be allowed to do so?
What if....Geez dudr ..like felonious PRISONERS..?
This is Kinda un-American.... What if WHY are conservatives so eager to deny the Constitutional right to vote of people they disagree with..?
All you gotta be is a citizen over 18...Maybe YOU live in the wrong place..?
By the way doesnt the tutition of all these students pay your f-ng wages..?? what if i'm no conservative nor liberal. What if Im sorry this isnt really true.....
Ive written dozens of really GREAT Liberal ideas on here &
you've never agreed with a single 1 that I can recall.
The most Liberal thing you've done is support Joe Biden....
Whom Most Liberals feel is a 70s Conservative Democrat......
I will admit he shaped better than I thought he would. College students are GUESTS here. They 're here for 3 years (counting all the time off school breaks). Why should they have a say in a town where they do not OWN or RENT property? Their daddies pay for their stay. What if..Hay hay HHHAAAYYYYY this is a LOTTA presumption on your part.
Ill bet MANY of them work while in school there...
That certainly entitles them to a vote...POO-Tin
What difference does it make if their tuition pays my wages?
What if OKay YAy then lets NOT ALLOW rich people
who own business& pay wages vote EITHER...! That doesn't give them the right to decide who's mayor & on city council.
They won't care what the crooked mayor does to us cause they'll be back home
living off mommy & daddy & probably uncle sam.
the rest of us have to live with the mayor's stoopid money spending schemes
& driving away businesses and workers & families. What if this is as silly as Jesus Mary & Joseph ridin an
ass back to Bumfuck,Whereveristan for the census...
WHich historically isnt true either.
You vote where you live ..maybe you should try to prove they are all
Zombys the dead cant vote ..
unless they are Republican. what if they should only vote absentee for their hometown?
What if this would be a nitemare to keep track of.....
are YOU gonna give them their back votes retroactively if they decide to live there after..?
What if ....Some Animals are more equal than others....Geo Orwell IndiAnimal Farm who cares if it's a nightmare? If they decide to live here, get a job & buy/rent property after 3 years once they graduated, yeah, then they can vote. What if ..All I can say is an elected govt is/must be a Compromise.
Its worked Well for over 200 years I really dont think we should abandon it now...what if there oughta be a 7 year residency requirement before one can vote locally?
What if...Dont worry when morons re-elect the traitorous republicans this year & trump 2024..
You will have your wish & our present fair & decent govt will be gone forever....
we will become Russia.. I dont think you'll be too happy in a decade or so.. What if I noticed you completely ignored this ..^ ^ ^ ..? 11 May 2022, 05:31 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if ..all I can say is
this & is VERY VERY Disappointed....
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
12 May 2022, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if...Dont worry when morons re-elect the traitorous republicans this year & trump 2024..
You will have your wish & our present fair & decent govt will be gone forever....
we will become Russia.. I dont think you'll be too happy in a decade or so..
What if I noticed you completely ignored this ..^ ^ ^ ..?
what if my city is already Russia?
Only one political party- the Dumb-o-crooks.
No Repooplicans, Libertarians, Independents or other parties allowed. (this includes BrucE's tree hugging, gender bending, commie socialist freeloader party)
Opposing votes don't count here just as they don't in Russia.
No fair & decent gov't here. Only one voice. If you don't like what the Dumb-o-crooks are doing, raising taxes, annexing county property, giving drug dealers their own parks, then you're outta luck because the college students don't care how they treat the city they will not stay in after graduation. Those morons keep reelecting the same traitorous fruitcakes every few years without any concern how it affects the locals & people in the county but they have the majority of voters.
i am not happy with this dictatorship city & i am certainly not alone. i'd move to a better county if i could afford it.
12 May 2022, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if ..all I can say is KRISTEN STEWART read
this & is VERY VERY Disappointed....
what if, come on now, we all know Stew-fart can't read!
12 May 2022, 01:15 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if my city is already Russia.
Opposing votes don't count here just as they don't in Russia.
What if yeah...
local govt is so overlooked that it seems to be rather easy for it to become corrupted.
Buffalo is 75% black {I think} & several black officials have been charged with crimes.
Was really bad between 2000-06..
Dont know if its been cleaned up or just shoved under the rug.. What if Ghetto culture has a filth all its own.....
the accessible persons in all welfare-ish type services are black women so Obviously racist....
it should be a crime.
Being an older white male Im everything they despise.
so I get a hard time & a bullshit runaround ALWAYS & Forever. What if wouldja beleve that Megan Fox
read your posts to Kristen Stewrat..???? 14 May 2022, 12:48 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if My god...is it Hot here....
What if its 74F in here rite now &
Im sweaty in shorts & sneakers....
I think its gonna snap back to cold
rainy & miserable soon tho