11 December 2020, 08:54 PM
xenacrazedWhat If?
what if Supreme Court shot down Texas & Trumpenstein's attempt to overthrow election?
what if the orange haired turd got flushed down the toilet...again?
what if he's like a mob boss & the GO-Poop gotta stick to him like flies to shit?
what if be glad when he;s done wiping his ass on America?
11 December 2020, 08:59 PM
xenacrazedwhat if was warm today & took a walk?
what if walk took me through empty property next door?
what if big tree had fallen- how duh heck did i miss that happening?
what if hate seeing any of them trees going cause they block out noise from loud interstate?
11 December 2020, 10:01 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if was warm today & took a walk?
What if it was kinda nice here today too..?
what if walk took me through empty property next door?
What if what a Sneaky xc..? hmmm just HOW did i get all empty & stuff..?
what if big tree had fallen- how duh heck did i miss that happening?
what if hate seeing any of them trees going cause they block out noise from loud interstate?
What if are they Ash trees.. the emerald ash borer has annihilated them around here..?What if they are tall & skinny with no real crown to speak of ..so they can grow pretty close together..?What if they USED to be prolly the Commonest tree..in the city & burbs....Not no more..?12 December 2020, 08:38 AM
Free MadnessWhat if I'm glad yet another attempt by Trump to change the election has failed?
What if it's time the Cheetohead practiced radical acceptance?
What if, I'll be glad when he's gone too?
What if I have a Japanese Maple, a bamboo tree and a couple other trees in my yard that I don't know what kind they are?
What if there's not a lot of noise they need to block but they provide shade in some parts of the yard?
What if I like trees?
What if years ago when I was a teenager there was a huge storm and I was getting ready to go to a voice lesson but my sister kept telling me not to go. We were arguing back and forth and then suddenly a tree falls right in front of the house???
what if my sister was like, "I TOLD you so!"

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
12 December 2020, 01:35 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if there is 1 tree at the new place..a rather big healthy pine..?
What if its a LONG skinny plot of land that the house takes @ 2/3 of..?
what if it has a wee patch of ground makin a small backyard..?
12 December 2020, 02:10 PM
xenacrazedwhat if the tree that fell is a pine?
what if on better inspection, it might have been cut down?
what if someone definitely sawed off the top?
what if there's a trail in the ground where it looks like they yanked the tree top along the ground?
what if it was too thin for a Christmas tree unless they wanted a Charlie Brown tree?
12 December 2020, 02:21 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if hi dere..?
what if they prolly chopped for the top & just wasted it..?
what if suesie is here painting..?
12 December 2020, 02:23 PM
Brucy Bralesswhat if that Pine is in the N-East corner of the lot &
trimmed up high enuff I can grow cherry toms under & next to it..?
what if maybe everyone is here..?
12 December 2020, 02:26 PM
Free MadnessWhat if we have a miniature Christmas tree here?
What if we can't afford a bigger tree?
What if but it's nice, it has some lights on it and some old ornaments my father in law used to have?
What if it's an artificial tree so we keep it up all year round?
What if we like Christmas?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
12 December 2020, 02:33 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if it's an artificial tree so we keep it up all year round?
What if we like Christmas?
What if ...ohhh youre one of THOSE people ..??
What if I never decorate for any of the holidays....am I a weirdo..? What if also the only 'art' I have on the wall is the calendar..?12 December 2020, 02:38 PM
Brucy Braless What if in a bit over a month we have created 8 pages of new what ifs..? What if THIS is my post 3400..? What if I will catch-up to xc's 11,000+ in no time..? What if I feel so lousy today that Im doing no moving..Augh! What if its the last bit of nice weather ..probably til spring..LoL.?12 December 2020, 03:29 PM
Free Madnessquote:
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if it's an artificial tree so we keep it up all year round?
What if we like Christmas?
What if ...ohhh youre one of THOSE people ..??
What if I never decorate for any of the holidays....am I a weirdo..? What if also the only 'art' I have on the wall is the calendar..?
What if lmao yep!!!

What if I don't keep calendars on the wall tho, for some reason I never get around to putting one up?
What if it's not for lack of wanting one, I'm just too lazy lol?
What if I usually just keep appointment cards altho I do have a little calendar for writing appointments in?
What if I probably would be more apt to put a calendar on my wall if I went somewhere every day?
What if, but I don't go many places, just doctor and dental appointments now and then?
What if I do have some art on my walls tho, particularly a big painting of my father that was done by my sister?
What if it's kind of comforting to see him there, kind of makes it seem like he's still alive?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
12 December 2020, 04:18 PM
xenacrazedwhat if i have not had a tree for Christmas since 2015 when mama xc was alive?
what if what's the point when ya ain't got no family?
what if bah humbug!?
13 December 2020, 01:58 PM
xenacrazedwhat if for 2021, i have a Britney Spears calendar?
what if laugh all ya want, her music sucks but she's a hottie?
what if it's better than a calendar with pics of birds or junkyards?
what if i wonder if Kate has a Johnny calendar?
13 December 2020, 08:56 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if for 2021, i have a Britney Spears calendar?
What if ...ohhh youre one of THOSE people ..?? Big Grin
what if laugh all ya want, her music sucks but she's a hottie?
What if before she went all nutball she was THE most faked woman in the Celebrity fakes newsgroup..she sure WAS a hottie....she is kinda lookin like a Trailer trash MILF when they dont doctor up her photos..?
What if I think Emma Watson prolly has top 'honors' now..?
what if it's better than a calendar with pics of birds or junkyards?
What if THEREs aCALENDAR of JUNKYARDS..?? I wantit! I want it! I WAAANNNNTTT iiiITTTTTT!!
what if i wonder if Kate has a Johnny calendar?
What if I wonder if She has a secret hoard of Junkyard calendars..LoL..?13 December 2020, 08:59 PM
Brucy Braless What if Im now hopin to be in the new place BEFORE arffin Xmass..?? What if when I do too much I just get too weak & dixxy to do anything for Daze ..so pushin it isnt the waty to go...dammit..?? What if ..if it wasnt for my remaining nice guy Bro.. this would take me till late spring..LoLWhat if this is the last nite for on street parkin for the winter..?? What if that means a constant battle with the 'fuck you' neighbors next door who always park JUST so I cant get in & out..? What if THEY are the Sole reason I dont like it here..?? What if this is a Nicer place in a better neighborhood than where Im going...but its white over there so the people arent shitheads..?14 December 2020, 09:07 AM
Free MadnessWhat if I don't have a Johnny calendar, but I'm gonna get some Johnny cologne just to support Dior since they're not kicking him to the curb like everyone else?
what if, Dior Sauvage has had Johnny on their cover since 2015?
What if and they're still airing his ads and sales have skyrocketed?
What if, it's not been a good year for Johnny with his lawsuit going to hell but I'm glad he's still fighting and I HOPE once he sues Asshole Turd directly that he'll get a better result next May?
What if, Asshole Turd is in that remake of "The Stand" on Netflix I think it is?
What if I really love Whoopee Goldberg but I can't watch it?
What if I really enjoyed Ruby Dee as Mother Abigail back in the 90's when The Stand was a mini series?
What if, it had Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald and Laura San Giacomo too?
What if, that was a great cast, and so I don't need to see any remakes thanks?
What if Hollywood generally sucks anymore, there's no more art anyway, it's all politics?
What if, people can't just go watch a great story, it has to fit some narrative or agenda?
What if this is why I don't always keep up on today's stuff, preferring to enjoy my favorites from the past?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
14 December 2020, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
what if for 2021, i have a Britney Spears calendar?
What if ...ohhh youre one of THOSE people ..?? Big Grin
what if laugh all ya want, her music sucks but she's a hottie?
What if before she went all nutball she was THE most faked woman in the Celebrity fakes newsgroup..she sure WAS a hottie....she is kinda lookin like a Trailer trash MILF when they dont doctor up her photos..?
What if I think Emma Watson prolly has top 'honors' now..?
what if it's better than a calendar with pics of birds or junkyards?
What if THEREs aCALENDAR of JUNKYARDS..?? I wantit! I want it! I WAAANNNNTTT iiiITTTTTT!!
what if i wonder if Kate has a Johnny calendar?
What if I wonder if She has a secret hoard of Junkyard calendars..LoL..?
what if whatcha got against trailer trash MILF's?
what if sadly even they don't wanna be around an xc?
what if i have to put a sack over my head to go near them?
14 December 2020, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if, Asshole Turd is in that remake of "The Stand" on Netflix I think it is?
What if I really love Whoopee Goldberg but I can't watch it?
What if I really enjoyed Ruby Dee as Mother Abigail back in the 90's when The Stand was a mini series?
What if, it had Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald and Laura San Giacomo too?
What if, that was a great cast, and so I don't need to see any remakes thanks?
What if Hollywood generally sucks anymore, there's no more art anyway, it's all politics?
What if, people can't just go watch a great story, it has to fit some narrative or agenda?
What if this is why I don't always keep up on today's stuff, preferring to enjoy my favorites from the past?
what if i liked the '90s Stand but did not like Molly Ringworm?
what if i want to see the new one but it's on CBS exclusive pay for stuff which sucks?
what if too many streaming services means you can't see everything unless you're rich?
14 December 2020, 12:18 PM
Free MadnessWhat if yeah, Molly kind of annoyed me in that too lol?
What if she just whined a little too much?
What if, but for the most part I always liked her as an actress...she's certainly never been BAD in anything that I've seen her do?
What if but that sucks about having to pay to see things anymore?
What if, I remember the days of six stations and nothing else was needed?
What if humans have gotten too greedy over the years?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
14 December 2020, 03:46 PM
xenacrazedwhat if
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Plk&feature=emb_logowhat if ha ha ha!?
14 December 2020, 04:59 PM
Free MadnessWhat if HAHAHAHAHA!

What if that was PRICELESS????
What if I actually thought that was really him at first, and I was a little confused but then I realized what it was lol?
What if, that guy is a Dead Ringer, hate to say!!!
What if just for kicks and giggles,
here's an article about me and John for the Chestnut Hill Local in Philly?
What if, the guy that wrote it doesn't have any time for Trump either so we all got on famously?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
15 December 2020, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by Free Madness:
What if just for kicks and giggles,
here's an article about me and John for the Chestnut Hill Local in Philly?
What if, the guy that wrote it doesn't have any time for Trump either so we all got on famously?
what if great article, Kate?
what if i learned new stuff about you guys?
what if hope you framed the article?
what if maybe you'll get more takers on your amazon stuff from the mention?
what if coincidence seeing Schuylkill River mentioned cause i wrote it into my story not long ago?
15 December 2020, 04:26 AM
xenacrazedwhat if Biden won electoral college for real, no fake news?
what if that won't stop the orange haired creep from crying foul?
what if meanwhile, the covid vaccine's in town?
what if now we can see & hear about side effects & stuffage from people not affiliated with the testing?
15 December 2020, 04:02 PM
Free MadnessWhat if thanks xc?

What if wow you included the Schuykill in your story? Cool!
What if I used to fish in that river many years ago?
What if my ex boyfriend showed me how to fish and I managed to catch a couple nice ones a time or two?
What if it's a gorgeous river, just don't fall in?
What if there's no way anyone could not drown in that river even if they're good swimmers...too much vegetation in there?
What if, I'll stick to my backyard pool in the summer?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.