08 December 2004, 02:21 AM
HerculenaWhat if ...??
What if it looks like T found the T-shirt stand!
What if I'm still trying to find the gyros stand?
What if where's the Coca-Cola stand?
What if why is that who cares if why not?
What if look, it's page XXI!
08 December 2004, 03:42 AM
Madogiswhat if roman numerals - i should really be able to understand that

08 December 2004, 03:52 AM
AmethystWhat if lab turned my quiggle aisha yesterday, and then today it turned xmas?
08 December 2004, 06:17 AM
Madogiswhat if i think it's safe to say that i've already lost the plot as far as this race is concerned?
what if i think afrodite is a bad influence on me

what if i suppose that's to be expected

08 December 2004, 12:45 PM
HerculenaWhat if that's the first time I heard of the lab turning anything into an aisha?
What if there was an aisha quiggle?
What if X=10 and I=1?
What if I cut him with my Barlow, I kicked him in the side, I stood there laughin' o'er him as he wallowed round and died?
What if no, I didn't, I'm just listening to Bessie Smith?
What if where's the gyros stand?
08 December 2004, 05:37 PM
xenacrazedWhat if i snap my godly fingers & whoosh a gyros stand to wherever Hercy is?
What if Hercules is the one selling the gyros?
What if "Herc" meet "Hercy"?
08 December 2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Julius Caesar:
what if i think afrodite is a bad influence on me
What if my afro has rubbed off on you?
What if- hey, careful there's a tarantula's nest livin in my afro!?
What if ya best not hurt my spideys?

08 December 2004, 05:43 PM
FahrenheitWhat if the lab turned my quiggle to aisha yesterday as well, but today it just added two levels?
What if I would've prefered Christmas?
What if I desperately need a laptop computer device?
08 December 2004, 05:47 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I wonder if my new signature text shows up in all computers, or if you need XP with some language dealy?
What if it's "I have many skills" in Greek?
08 December 2004, 08:35 PM
SaraWhat if change is bad?
What if it's been established?
What if but running people through is great fun?
What if

What if don't hate the player, hate the game?
What if

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 08 December 2004, 09:32 PM
SaraWhat if there is no Eve, only Livia?
What if
Argy, your assistance is required?
What if
bailey can't post and politely requests you fix it, now damnit?

What if

thank you?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 08 December 2004, 09:33 PM
Madogiswhat if it's all greek to me

what if, which is to say, the text works fine for me

what if *rattling 'round in the afro* s-s-s-SPIDER!!!!!!>_<?
what if i'm off to buy comic books and toys and such, or at least look at them and go "ooo"?
what if my bro-ther is taking me

what if i'm having to take a train to sydney by myself though and i fear dying?
what if one does get that though?
what if i kinda wish i hadn't been writing fics about people getting brutally bashed in "the city"

what if i also wish i'd had more than 5hrs sleep and that steve had sung the thinking song on blue's clues

what if still, i learned about rain and snow and things so it's all good?
what if also, music max had a nice run of coldplay songs on

what if *sigh* there's no way i'm making it to or out of sydeny alive?
what if well, it was nice knowing you all?
08 December 2004, 10:40 PM
baileywhat if i'm all better now cause hera is da bomb?!
08 December 2004, 11:02 PM
ArgeauxWhat if
Hera is happy to help?

09 December 2004, 12:48 AM
SalemWhat if poor Maddie catching a train on her own?
What if she takes advantage of a runaway beat up street kid while she's there?
What if she makes it to Sydney and back safely, but trips down the stairs at Woy Woy and breaks her neck?
What if boy am I going to feel bad if that actually happens?
What if either way, I hope Maddie is having fun?
What if I think I'm getting sick?
What if I seem to have lost a lot of weight recently?
What if all that hard work I did sitting around eating for a year and for what, nothing?
What if soon I expect I shall just fade away into nothingness?
What if it's probably stress related?
What if I still can't get past where I was stuck in Tales of Symphonia?
What if, though I did only try again today?
What if I guess I have to level up my party more?
What if I wish I had the new Spyro game, a nice easy paced thing to take my mind off my many worries?
What if I'd go play Sonic Adventure 2 but I'd probably end up depressed?
What if I should just go and sleep for a while?
What if I'm not tired though?
09 December 2004, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Autolycus:
What if she makes it to Sydney and back safely, but trips down the stairs at Woy Woy and breaks her neck?
What if that actually happened to someone I worked with, but it was at Town Hall station?
09 December 2004, 03:10 AM
SalemWhat if, hmm..
09 December 2004, 05:54 AM
AmethystWhat if every time i look at Bailey's sig.. i want to yell out... 'AMAZON'S ATTACK'
What if Mick's mum has purchased a puppy dog?
What if it's a mixture between a maltese terrier
What if, and a scottie dog (scottish terrier)
What if, but white.. since the dog is all white?
What if we have named it too, so they can actually call it a name for the next two weeks till she gets it for xmas?
What if, an older scottie dog, just for the heck of it, since it;s white?
What if, anyways back to it's name... since it has white hair, and is male... i just had to call it
Spike.. and Jess is fine with the name... so in 2 weeks Spike shall join our family..lol
09 December 2004, 07:27 AM
Madogisiwhat if i survived?
what if i'm very sorry to hear about argy's friend though

what if i was at town hall too

what if i purchased nothing, for me or anyone else, but i did make my brother buy me the "american idiot" album by green day for christmas

what if i chanced to flick through an inu yasha book?
what if the chick in green looks like raye from sailor moon - is this intentional or is it just a happy conicidence o.o?
what if i saw trigun and yugi books too, but i felt i had no business buying them - what with their being a series and all and this likely to have been a one-off purchase?
what if the same went for peirs anthony books?
what if there was a book of buffy quotes that i almost purchased but didn't?
what if i almost regret that, but i regret not buying yugi more

what if yami bakura in print and most likely uncensored

what if, which reminds me, i read more today about brittish censorship of h&a?
what if apparently they removed any and all subtext from shannon's old lesbian storyline?
what if i wonder how they explained her leaving then (since the magazine i was reading seemed to infer that she left for france to be with her lover)?
what if, what is it with these people and france??
what if i also read that tammin sursok (*shudders while writing it*) once got sent a dead bird by a fan who's culture considered it a sign of respect and admiration?
what if, what a wonderful idea

...you know, without the respect and admiration attatched to it?
what if the same magazine (tv-week for those of you playing at home) offered horoscopes?
what if mine said this was a good time to become involved in a group activity o.o?
what if salem's said something about him being "autonamous" o_o?
what if ...does that sound like the name of a certain king of theives to anyone else o_O???
what if i also saw labyrinth and the dark crystal on dvd, but then i saw that they had a sticker on saying "region 1" or some such?
what if there goes that glimmer of hope...*stares at the walls until february*?
09 December 2004, 08:29 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I have to go and move a fridge, now?

09 December 2004, 10:25 AM
SaraWhat if it's just a coincidence that Kagome looks like this Raye person?
What if InuYasha?

What if the only thing I hate about Thursdays and Fridays is that they don't show InuYasha or Witch Hunter Robin on Adult Swim?
What if bleh?
What if BUT the new chapter of the manga straight from Japan should be up and translated today?
What if woo hoo?

What if Adult Swim is showing a new commercial that just has InuYasha & Kagome saying each other's name in various tones and situations?
What if

, cause they belong together damnit!?
What if luck on the fridge

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 09 December 2004, 10:51 AM
Madogiswhat if InuYasha

what if also,

09 December 2004, 11:25 AM
SaraWhat if oi, they do look alike?
What if though that picture looks more like the early Kagome whose hair laid down flat than the current Kagome who's got bangs that flair up?
What if my bangs don't flair?
What if all I want for Christmas is InuYasha, the 1st and 2nd movie?
What if oh yeah, and the Season 1 DVD box set?
What if oooh and the missing volumes of the manga I still need to get?
What if and the InuYasha action figures?

What if so you know, I don't want much, just everything InuYasha?
What if that's not too much to ask?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 09 December 2004, 01:39 PM
Prof. LurkerWhat if I have to laugh at the name "

What if it's just a matter of language?
What if it sounds really funny to me?
What if I may say why, later?

What if Tiki is the other scroller who may laugh at "
09 December 2004, 02:43 PM
SaraWhat if uh...kay?
What if lunchtime?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness