28 December 2004, 01:18 AM
ArgeauxWhat if ...??
What if those pics made me go 'Aaaaawwwww'?
What if I don't know what's cuter - Mick and Heidie asleep on the lounge, or Jess in her tutu?
28 December 2004, 01:26 AM
AmethystWhat if i post a pic of jess asleep on the lounge with puppy, and Mick in a tutu?
28 December 2004, 10:31 AM
FahrenheitWhat if that would be awesome on every level?
28 December 2004, 01:05 PM
zoomwhat if
Salem's mum sent him to NZ to get him away from scrollers?
what if he's on a secret mission a la
what if
Salem is just one of his many personnas?
what if Double-0 Salem?
what if the first what if is more likely...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
28 December 2004, 02:04 PM
FahrenheitWhat if someone produces photos of Salem in a red wig and black spywear?
What if caysh munny?
28 December 2004, 03:40 PM
SaraWhat if so tired?
What if been up since 5 am?
What if *yawn* why isn't work over yet?
What if I've only been here an hour?
What if hospitals suck, fyi?
What if this day needs to end?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 28 December 2004, 04:45 PM
xenacrazedWhat if yay the scrolls have reappeared?
What if all i gots were error messages between 9-10 am today instead of the scrolls?
What if a 4th chakram knocked out the scrolls power?
28 December 2004, 06:47 PM
Madogiswhat if i had a dream last night about jason smith and all i can remember is that at one point his pants weren't on

what if i dreamt about salem the night before, but sadly he remained fully clothed *sigh*?
what if i may be going to see lemony snicket today?
what if i haven't read the books, but i remember an interview with the author, publicly laughing at his teacher for telling him that if his handwriting didn't improve, no-one would read his stories?
what if it gave me hope for my own illegible handwriting

what if i'm also very excited about seeing jim carey again - by gar it's been a while

what if the scrolls being down last night was a bastard?
what if i was forced to go to bed early out of boredom

what if, but if i hadn't gone to bed, then i might not have had my wonderful dream about jason smith?
what if the system works

28 December 2004, 07:05 PM
Xenawhat if sig pic isn't working?
What if just testing?
What if too big?
What if one more time?
29 December 2004, 01:32 AM
AmethystWhat if they say Lemony Snicket is gunna be bigger then Harry Potter?
What if, but since i had never heard of the books until they bought out the movie, i shall disagree?
What if i bought a hair straightener today?
What if i straightened Jessie's hair?
What if, it's big and bushy?
What if i upload a pic and post it?
29 December 2004, 07:11 AM
Madogiswhat if i'd have to agree that i don't think it will be bigger than harry potter, but i must say i quite enjoyed it

what if, in fairness though, i'd never heard of harry until the first movie came out, but i HAD heard of lemony snicket before the movie?
what if i rate the movie somewhere between harry 2(awesome) and harry 3 (i...*think* i like it) as far as quality goes?
what if snakes! i love snakes!

(cause they were in the movie, i haven't just started shouting things for no reason?
what if, not that that would be unusual anyway?)
what if i aslo FINALLY saw shrek 2?
what if shrek and donkey were lookin' foxy

what if, and the kitty eyes were even more adorable in person

what if awwwww!^_^?
29 December 2004, 10:23 AM
xenacrazedWhat if muh brain has froze for story ideas for this week's race task?
What if chocolate helps thaw that frozen partial-mind of mine?
What if it doesn't thaw it?
What if it's frozen forevuh?
29 December 2004, 11:42 AM
SaraWhat if hooray, today is the last day of work this week?
What if

What if I'm still uber sleepy?
What if hmmm, what to do for New Year's?
What if maybe something different this year?

What if we shall see?
What if and for now, a few short moments of work?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 30 December 2004, 08:06 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I was sorry to hear that the Scrolls went cactus?

What if I have no idea why that is, but I'm glad they're better now?
Originally posted by Zeus: King of the Gods:
What if they say Lemony Snicket is gunna be bigger then Harry Potter?
What if the film just looks like a Harry Potter rip off, to me?
What if I'm staying at home on New Year's Eve and doing nothing, and that's quite alright by me?

30 December 2004, 08:39 AM
Madogiswhat if the lemony snicket movie looks like what the third harry potter movie was trying to be?
what if the stories and presentation thereof really are nothing alike though?
what if that crazy non-chris columbus guy should have gone and meddled with LS instead of HP?
what if *cries at the thought of what the PoA movie
could have been*

what if *remembers the truly beautiful scene on the bridge between harry and lupin...feels much better*

what if, and also "someone like me," hehehehehe...^_^?
30 December 2004, 04:07 PM
AmethystWhat if, I might be a real geek and get online and get drunk tonight (for New Year's Eve)
What if no babysitter, and no real desire to get stranded somewhere due to the lack of transport and extra taxi's?
What if Argy does the same thing, and then it can be like getting drunk together?
What if Jess is getting cranky cause Heidi won't 'listen to my words' (jess's not mine, just her wording)
30 December 2004, 04:27 PM
xenacrazedWhat if the sky is so grey & the town so empty that it looks like what i think the end of the world would probabababably look like?
What if it's the right atmosphere for a zombie movie?
What if "Night of the Un-living Indhickianians"?
30 December 2004, 06:13 PM
zoomwhat if i just bought a bad ass pair of hiking boots?
what if goretex Vasquez Mica GTX's?
what if they threw in some wicked cool padded socks?
what if i go break them in in the desert next week?
what if we have a scroll gathering in Terlingua?
what if anyone care to join me...?
what if byoJagermeister?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
30 December 2004, 11:29 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if
bailey thinks she can out drink
What if I don't know about that?
What if
zoom's got experience and out and out cussedness on her side?
What if
bailey has an amazing appetite for drink?
What if I wanna see that challenge?
What if I don't wanna clean up though?
What if I suggested that we hold this challenge at
Sara's birthday celebration?
What if
bailey doesn't want to have the contest on Sub-Texas turf?
What if we're so taking pictures and posting 'em if it ever happens?
30 December 2004, 11:38 PM
SaraWhat if I doubt anyone can outdrink
What if I don't wanna clean up either?

What if ewww?
What if but I will make their lives miserable the next day when they both wake up with a hang over?
What if
bailey likes to talk tough?

What if tall words from a little gal?
What if I'd be scared too if I wasn't a native Texan?
What if dude, pictures are SO being posted when it happens?
What if

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 30 December 2004, 11:51 PM
Brucy BralessWhat if I was gonna post in here just to see if I could catch Nora's attention but...
it seems Im too late..???
31 December 2004, 05:31 AM
AmethystWhat if i was even geekers than sitting on the comp and drinking?
What if i invited my parents over and drank with them instead..LOL
What if at 9.30pm new years eve, my parents and jess are playing what's the time mr wolf?
What if.. giggles
What if, if i am still up at midnight i will post again, since no bastard is on now and i have consumed 1 1/2 bottles of wine?
What if Yellowglen Pink?
What if the wine was actually pink?
What if Yellowglen Yellow?
What if it's only $10 wine, but lots of ppl in the bottlo seemd to be buying it.. so i thought what the hey?
What if i'll be back again after my parents leave, not that anyone cares.. sniff sniff
31 December 2004, 05:35 AM
SaraWhat if hey, ya bastard, I'm here?

What if you should be so lucky to talk to me on AIM?

What if cause my list of buddies is extremely short?
What if I am picky on who I associate with, you know?
What if only coo' people?
What if I should be asleep but I'm brooding?
What if brooding = bad, but it's what I do?
What if and now, I'm going to go make Angel look like the little brooding bitch he is compared to me and my superior brooding skills?
What if so there?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 31 December 2004, 06:02 AM
AmethystWhat if Sara tried to take advanatge of me whilst i was drunk?
What if, i was shocked and appalled (while being drunk)
What if she never trie that while i am sober.. hehehe
31 December 2004, 06:03 AM
AmethystWhat if, cool i just won this on neopets?
You have won 10,000 Neopoints!
You also win a Stone Muffin! *********************************