05 January 2005, 03:45 PM
ShawnWhat if ...??
What if we hit 80 yesterday/
What if I'm not liking it much but below zero doesn't sound too good either?
What if, glad to hear you are here and not there?
What if I'm doing so-so cuz I might lose my job?
What if I have a friend in Alaska that may help?
What if I don't think Anchorage is as cold as Rapid City?
05 January 2005, 05:22 PM
XenaWhat if we're having an icestorm right now?
What if I should already be home?
What if client crisis this afternoon?
What if I think it's worked out?
What if people are dumb?
What if I'm so getting out of family law?
05 January 2005, 06:52 PM
SalemWhat if I wish Home & Away was available in the states too?
What if the episode I saw was funny?
Wht if no one had turned up to Selina's party, so it was just her, Marilyn and then Gretel, who had giant glasses and greasy hair?
What if later when Selina's boyfriend arrived, who had been out fighting instead of there with her, this little exchange went on?
What if
Curtis: Where is everyone?
Selina: You tell me. Gretel was here earlier.
Marilyn: She ate all the chips, then went home.
What if trust me, if you knew the way marilyn speaks, it was funny?

What if now that I think of it, Marilyn reminds me of what a young Kath Day-Knight could have been like?
What if all these characters should come back?
What if they won't though?
What if, for Maddie's benefit, it was during the era when Irene had short bleached blonde hair?

What if oh yes, I'm pissed off at my new Spyro game, because it tells me the save file is corrupted and needs to be deleted?

What if that's the icing on the cake of what I think of the game?
What if I mean, sure it's a good game, truckloads better than the dreadful 'Enter the Dragonfly' but it just doesn't *feel* like Spyro?
What if I dislike how the changed the way Spyro glides?
What if so now I need to restart the game, but I don't feel like it?
What if I forget what else I was going to say?
What if oh yes, I was kind of hoping that Jonathon was from one of the earlier seasons? >.<
What if I still need to watch the finale of season 5, that my sister had to tape?
What if she forgot?
What if I've been bitten on the back of my neck?
05 January 2005, 07:07 PM
SalemWhat if my Killing Heidi CD is scratched?
What if F*CK!?
05 January 2005, 07:28 PM
SaraWhat if dude, I hate it when that happens?
What if my sympathies
What if
bailey called
zoom old and said that her liver was shot and therefore would be no competition?
What if ooooh, sounds like fightin' words to me?
What if


What if okay, must go soon, Beth Marie's at 7?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 05 January 2005, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if, for Maddie's benefit, it was during the era when Irene had short bleached blonde hair? 
what if O_O?
what if, heh, yeah maralyn is like kath

What if I've been bitten on the back of my neck?
what if, maybe it's guilt o.o?
05 January 2005, 09:00 PM
CoraWhat if I just remembered my password?
What if its about time?
What if I was worried cause I never signed in on this computer?
What if the email that I regisered with is on my parents computer and its being fixed?
What if yay now I can scroll again?
What if I am actually freezing right now so I dont know how much I will do?
What if its been ages since I have just sat down at chatted?
What if I just ordered the new Harry potter?
What if it will be delivered the day it is released?
What if I can hardly wait as it is?
What if I have been watching the extras on my Extentend ROTK dvd?
What if the stuff about Viggo frenching Billy is really funny?
What if your all thinking GREAT now coras going to go on and on about LOTR's cause we all know shes in love with 'legolas'?
What if that was typed in my sarcasitc voice?
What if I ask everyone how they are doing and if there new year is going well?
What if has everyone given up on their resolutions yet?
What if I regret to say I havent even started yet?
What if I have a case of I'll start tommorow but tommorow never comes?
What if yup *points finger* procrastinator?
What if I leave you to go procrastinate furthur?
Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies Down on me, I'm still standing Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised Conscience clear, I'm still standing here
05 January 2005, 09:30 PM
xenacrazedWhat if i say howdy to Cora?
What if, there, i said it?
What if need sleep but too tared ta get up outa chair?
What if i duct taped a pillow to my comp screen & sleep here?
05 January 2005, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Cora:
What if the stuff about Viggo frenching Billy is really funny?
what if O_O...is...is there footage of this O_O??
05 January 2005, 09:40 PM
ShinigamiWhat if a person's worth was measured by the amount of Spam one finds in their Inbox? O.o'
Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
What's Your Hidden Talent?http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourhiddentalentquiz/ 05 January 2005, 09:54 PM
baileywhat if
sara's just trying to start stuff?
what if, but i did say that?
what if, but i'm cute, i get away with stuff like that?

what if it's cold, oh so very cold?
05 January 2005, 10:52 PM
ArgeauxWhat if I'm liking
tiki's theory a WHOLE lot?
What if I like to drink beer?
What if I'll have a beer drinking contest with anyone any time?
What if, not because I think I can win, just because any excuse to drink beer is a good excuse?
What if you should try the mythical
Shiner Bock,
Heitie, which it seems
WP9 is familiar with?
05 January 2005, 11:04 PM
Madogiswhat if, in 14 days, i've made 90 posts?
what if that's just...how does that even happen o.o?
~what if 91

06 January 2005, 12:49 AM
Madogiswhat if, and this be post 1700 - so 100 posts in 14 days?
what if i'm rather chuffed at reaching it (if not alarmed by the rate at which it happened)

what if, and thank god it's in the what ifs, and not in fight club - i don't think my reputation could handle it

~what if woo! 1700! woo!

06 January 2005, 02:32 AM
Madogiswhat if 6.30 and no parents?
what if one wonders?
what if my computer just restarted itself for no apparent reason?
what if i ask salem if his did the same, as in , maybe it was an itty bitty blackout or some such?
what if it wasn't even enough to stop my cd player, if it was?
what if that has happened before though?
what if and now salem appears to be online again?
what if curiouser and curiouser?
06 January 2005, 02:42 AM
Madogiswhat if i'm going to eat and probably won't be back till after will and grace?
what if, if anyone's interested?
06 January 2005, 05:48 AM
SalemWhat if oooh, my computer DID restart itself?
What if I clicked a program and then suddenly everything went back and it was starting up again?
What if I'd assumed it was fed up with all the disconnection business msn was doing?
What if I went and watched the Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior?
What if, I was only in it for Lucy?
What if so I had to point it out to everyone whenever she was on?
What if also, Melosa was there which I didn't know about, so that was fun

What if I've been playing Warrior Within and I *was* making nice progress?
What if you should've seen me, up against one of those giant monster things, with only the bare minimum of health left and coming out of the fight the winner?
What if I was very proud of myself...until I moved along and got knocked off the platform and hand no sand left to reverse time and save myself?
What if and wouldn't you bloody know it, the game sends me RIGHT back to the start of the fight with only the tiny health left?
What if I kept dying again?
What if so I gave up for now?
What if Kaileena is pretty hot for a video game character?
What if, no, not the chick in the metal thong, the one that wears the red dress and black boots?

What if and now I'm watching 'Anywhere But Home' for the 4th time

06 January 2005, 07:21 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I think wireless stuff for the computer is slightly overrated?
What if I think it's VERY overrated?
What if that's because you have to keep sticking batteries in it?
What if the wireless mouse I had for the computer wouldn't work properly, so I went out and bought a standard one, and now things are tickety boo?

06 January 2005, 12:27 PM
CoraWhat if oh YES
Maddy there IS some footage of 'this' ?
What if good ole LOTR's?
What if I have to go to work soonish?
What if it has started to snow?
What if with in a few minutes its really comming down?
What if that means work wont be busy and I might be able to go home early?
What if WOHOOO?
What if I ask if maybe when I get home some interesting people will be on msn for a change?
What if ..sorry Maddy I didnt mean that you werent interesting, I just meant OTHER interesting people?
What if boy that sounds like I am digging a hole?
What if I had better go ..but there is a good song playing from my play list?
What if Meatloaf?
What if ill get up when its over?
What if I ask Ame how puppy is doing?
What if I really really want that kind of dog?
What if *sigh* ?
What if anyways gotta go bye?
Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies Down on me, I'm still standing Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised Conscience clear, I'm still standing here
06 January 2005, 07:01 PM
Free MadnessOriginally posted by Hera:
What if you should try the mythical Shiner Bock, Heitie, which it seems WP9 is familiar with?
What if Mmmmm, Shiner, how i've missed thee?

What if my ex boyfriend used to go to beer distributers and get cases of this?
What if hmmmm one of these moons I'll do that?

What if I'm enjoying Merlot right now?

What if and chicken and rice coming up?
What if simple pleasures again...rock and roll!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
07 January 2005, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Ahhh...Who Gives a Brass Razoo
What if I'm enjoying Merlot right now?
What if and chicken and rice coming up?
what if that just sounds like a bad reaction to the merlot

what if *already hounding salem for to lend me his ROTK dvd, cause...billy...*?
what if i think i have swimmer's ear from my shower

*tilts head*?
what if and i'm bloody hungry all of a sudden - how is that fair??
what if the end of my h&a fic is now in sight - it's kind of exciting

what if, more exciting still, the real thing is coming back in 3 days!!

what if robbieeee!!!

what if *will be crushed when he's not in it on the first night...or at all..

07 January 2005, 02:03 AM
SaraWhat if a few games of Scrabble with
Nora and Dave?

What if and some nice conversations tonight?

What if similar is cool?

What if Fire Emblem rocks?
What if a girl in glasses, dressed in black is hot?
What if and that's all there is to say?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 07 January 2005, 02:09 AM
ArgeauxWhat if
Ares has a thing for women wearing glasses?
What if I must remember to put on my glasses, before he gets home?
07 January 2005, 02:22 AM
CupidWhat if my hubby looks sexy in glasses too?

What if but bummmmer, he don't think so?

What if but it's so sexy in the morning having coffee with him cuz he hasn't put on his contacts yet?

What if mmmmmmm hubbies like him make me LURVE mornings?

"Those who love us...never really leave us."--some mortal dude from a 21st century movie

Gotta love me!

Come to my
Corner!Xena's Private Tent
07 January 2005, 04:24 AM
SalemWhat if I've been playing Warrior Within all day?
What if, really, all day?
What if I made a ton of progress too?
What if I've turned it off for now though, because something happened plot wise and now everything is too scary?

What if can I just say how much I freakin love this game though?
