31 January 2005, 10:03 AM
MadogisWhat if ...??
what if ouch indeed

what if i've been meaning to see "field of dreams" again for about 5 years now?
what if..i'll get around to it?
what if hey everyone - i'm 20

what if i still think i'm 18, so this should be interesting

what if the internet's first gift to me was to crap out just after i'd said "hello" to prof x, and then when i got back online he was gone

what if it's good to see that my computer still recognises me in my old age then

what if i've been watching "ocean star", and there was so much "dylan"

what if nice

what if oooh and "desperate housewives" for the first time - jamie denton inclusive

what if i approve of him very much

what if i also saw an ad for "dead like me", which looks bloody interesting i must say, but unfortunately i think i shall be away from the foxtel when it eventually airs?
what if ahhh well?
what if i've learned that this steak knife on my desk can do wonders for trimming and shaping my nails?
what if good to know?
~what if heh, new page - what a nice present

31 January 2005, 10:36 AM
SaraWhat if damn
zoom, what'd you do to the bottle?
What if ewww, I loathe Valentine's Day?
What if even though yes I have a date this year (same as last year), but still?
What if exactly,
West Side Story IS Romeo & Juliet only updated and with Natalie Wood?
What if I'm thoroughly enjoying my soundtrack I bought with my tax refund splurge?

What if last night I had a dream about the movie Annie?
What if 'we love you Ms. Hannigan'?

What if 'shaddup'?
What if Carol Burnett was great in that movie?
What if that was random but I'm feeling random at the moment?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 31 January 2005, 06:11 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if I know that
West Side Story is
Romeo and Juliet in NYC?
What if I still stand by my preference?
What if I went to a wedding of a classmate of mine this weekend?
What if I thought it started at 6:30, but it started at 6?
What if I was rather late?
What if I got there just for the good part?
What if I'm usually late to most things?
What if I was late to my own birth by two weeks?
31 January 2005, 06:28 PM
zoomwhat if my friend Carolyn & i had an all night musical slumber party when i was in Big Bend?
what if we watched
State Fair, Oklahoma, South Pacific (a personal fave) & i dozed off near the beginning of
Flower Drum Song?
what if there's nothing like a dame?
what if some enchanted evening you may see a stranger across
a crowded room, and somehow you know even then that somewhere you'll see her again and again?
what if Bali Hai may call you, any time, any day?
what if Bali Hai will find you?
what if keeping talkin' that happy talk?
what if cuz you have to be carefully taught to hate?
what if i'm gonna wash this never ending stream of show tunes right outta my hair?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
31 January 2005, 06:38 PM
SaraWhat if funny you should mention Big Bend
zoom the poon?
What if KC, Ryan and I are wanting to go camping there next month?
What if any suggestions?
What if I seriously have a want to watch The King and I with Deborah Kerr?
What if Marni Nixon is a singing sensation?
What if the Ghostess with the Mostess?
What if no one knows who I'm speaking of?
What if you poor uneducated masses?
What if I'm going to eventually rip all my CDs onto my comp?
What if or so I keep telling myself?

What if and now a word from your sponsor?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 31 January 2005, 07:18 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if once you start ripping your CDs and storing the songs on the hard drive, you start listening to music in a whole new way?
What if every CD is stored on the hard drive?
What if WinAmp random shuffle leads to some interesting combinations?
31 January 2005, 08:05 PM
SaraWhat if indeed?
What if and now to eat some dinner?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 31 January 2005, 08:19 PM
Madogiswhat if and now i have that bali hai song in my head?
what if thank you very much?
what if it's nice but creeps me out?
what if the colour in that movie is all wrong

what if, or is it so right that it's blowing my mind?
what if i just remembered what i did for my birthday last year?
what if shopping spree at a toy store

what if that was fun *looks fondly at yugioh colouring book*

31 January 2005, 10:47 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if
Madogis tells me that
Salem has been living it up in Queensland with some hookers?
What if I wonder how many hooks he has that need hooking?
What if when I told
Mad I was gonna what if this she disappeared?
What if she nervously said something about lunch, but I know she was really just afraid I'd post more?
What if I hope
Salem's hookers remember to give him catnip?
What if but not too much because then he'll be worthless for anything?
What if this catnip addiction explains
Salem's constant munchies?
What if the boy is always hungry?
What if the hookers won't help?
What if I should be working at the moment?
What if I have a hearing in about 12 hours that requires me to be a bit more organized than I usually am?
What if I just try to get here early?
What if that was so ridiculous I can't believe I said it?
What if ridiculous even against the other nonsense in this post?
31 January 2005, 10:57 PM
Free MadnessWhat if I don't even remember what i was gonna what if about?
What if i just say bleeh bleeh bleeh?

what if and throw in another bleeh for good measure?
What if when in doubt, bleeh gets you out of more trouble than smiling?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
01 February 2005, 12:10 AM
ArgeauxWhat if some women are drippin' with diamonds?
What if some women are drippin' with pearls?
What if lucky me, lucky me, look at what I'm drippin' with - little girls!?
What if that sounds kinda ... wrong outta context?

01 February 2005, 12:21 AM
SaraWhat if *giggles* I lurve you

What if 'then, my little pig droppings, it's kill, kill, kill!'?
What if 'why any kid would wanna be an orphan is beyond me'?
What if okay enough, a new InuYasha is coming on in 10 minutes and I must go prepare?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 February 2005, 12:40 AM
Free MadnessWhat if holy crap, I'm old?

What if cuz it took me awhile to remember what that was from?

What if and sheesh, after all the times my sister and I belted out that "Tomorrow" song in our youth...sheesh I think i STILL remember all the words!
What if but that "little girls' song was the best one rotflmao muahahah.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
01 February 2005, 03:48 AM
AmethystWhat if first day of school went great?
What if i upload some pics and start a new thread?
01 February 2005, 05:16 AM
SalemWhat if I find it funny more people haven't made the assumption that I do drugs?
What if I don't but I think everyone I meet should immediately think I do?
What if Maddie should stop sullying my good name though?

What if Sandra Sully, I wonder what she's up to these days?
What if she's been awfully quiet?
What if it's awesome to hear Jess had a great first day at school?
What if I vaguely remember my first day, strangely?
What if I remember being in a line with my mum and other kids and their parents, and the vice principal telling you which class you were in and then being directed to the room?
What if I had a nice Kindergarten teacher?
What if Mrs Warwick?

What if I hope Jess has a nice teacher?
01 February 2005, 07:22 AM
Madogiswhat if man, i am so freaking wasted

*falls over*?
what if, okay, so a little bit tipsy, but still

what if only 35min's til my birthday's done - what ever am i to do??
what if, why is every scenario flashing through my head ending up with me being naked o.O?
what if i can taste caramel?
01 February 2005, 07:52 AM
Madogiswhat if jason and his whores, aka: salem's bitches:

what if not to imply that jason is one of salem's bitches - just the girls?
what if jason is all mine

what if although, salem + jason + that video camera i've been threatening...?
what if, did i mention i was a little tipsy

what if

01 February 2005, 08:08 AM
zoomwhat if
Sara and i make a date to discuss Big Bend, as i know all the spots she should hit and may also have some tips on where to camp, etc. ?
what if you can revive the time-honored tradition of playing Xena 20 Questions a la ADITL on the Grapevine Hills Trail?
what if you can leave odd XWP quotes written in the sand at Cattail Falls for the next hikers to ponder?
what if you soak up rejuvenating cosmic power at Ernst Tinaja?
what if you drink yourself silly on margaritas at the Starlight's two-for-one burger night (every Monday!)?
what if viva Terlingua?
what if i wish i were there right now having a nip of the Breakfast of Champions...*sigh*?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 February 2005, 01:01 PM
SaraWhat if name the time and date my friend?
What if though Ryan's trying to utterly poon out saying he doesn't want to drive that far?
What if he also says there are plenty of places around here that are just as good?
What if yeah, he's uneducated and not a native Texan?
What if he's from...California, which explains it all?
What if KC and I really want to go to Big Bend though?
What if something about the desert is very self renewing and helps to regain one's sense of tranquility, I think?
What if so we'll see, we still have a bit of time?
What if but if he doesn't wanna go, I may just go by myself?

What if and that's all there is to it?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 February 2005, 01:05 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if I now have a vision of
Sara, Lone Wanderer of the Desert?
What if I picture her sitting by a campfire trying to get in touch with the oneness of the universe?
What if suddenly from out of nowhere a figure approaches?
What if it is in a skirt, but beareded?
What if he approaches the Lone Wanderer and asks "Hey, are you a Panic Kid?"?
What if the vision grows hazy, but I hear screams?
01 February 2005, 01:36 PM
SaraWhat if lol, good times, good times?
What if man, we sure had fun eh?

What if if I see a bearded, skirted anything, I'm shooting first and asking questions later?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 February 2005, 03:23 PM
AmethystWhat if i don't assume Salem take drugs?
What if i know for a fact, cause he tried to sell me some cocaine?
What if the last few times i have been online, i have had a slow internet connection, which is why i haven't uploaded said school pictures yet?
What if Jess says she liked school, and is going back next week?
What if, i wonder if salem has gotten his comp back yet?
What if, the race around ancient greece is all but over?
What if, it's gunna be damned close?
What if i just declare myself the winner?
01 February 2005, 03:27 PM
AmethystWhat if it's raining?
What if that heavy steady kind that sticks around for days?
What if it only started last night though?
What if maybe it will flood?
What if on the eve of turning 17 it flooded so much people were able to row down the street?
What if, we desperately need the rain, I'm sick of water restrictions?
01 February 2005, 05:21 PM
SaraWhat if bitches, my nose just started to bleed for no reason just now?
What if and dude, I
would be wearing a white shirt and cream colored pants?

What if fortunately my softball reflexes saved my clothes from a bright crimson fate?
What if that's the oddest thing though, I've never had a nose bleed?

What if damn, it must be the stress, the tenants have driven me insane today?
What if kill 'em, I'll kill 'em all?
What if I'm grateful the day is almost over?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 February 2005, 10:13 PM
Free MadnessWhat if holy crap it is COLD outside here in PHilly!

What if but thank the GODS for warm apartments, where my hands warmed up VERRRY fast.

What if but sheesh my hands were gunna fall RIGHT off walkin from the bus stop?

What if oh happy night and warmth sweet warmth?
What if, and Merlot, that doesn't hurt?

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.