What if I changed my sig and it won't change for some reason?
What if bleh?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
24 February 2005, 07:29 AM
What if zoom was having sig problems earlier but they righted themselves?
What if the Scrolls were REALLY slow early today, but they righted themselves?
What if it appears that this version of Eve is having some teething problems, but she will eventually right herself?
What if Warrior Priestess 9 should just sit tight, and things should right themselves?
What if I also got a DS today (no big surprise there)?
What if I got Wario Ware Touched as my game of choice?
What if I'm off to start a thread about it all in Games?
24 February 2005, 08:00 AM
what if my sig probs have pretty much been intermittent and self-righting all along?
what if i still haven't fixed my scroll-access probs, but at least i got my MSN messenger working gain?
what if at least i think i did?
what if i won't know for sure til one lof my contacts logs on...?
what if PMS hit me last night like a bulldozer at 70 mph?
what if i think a touch of low blood sugar may have amplified the PMS effects?
what if low blood sugar and an unusually high stress level this week?
what if BOOM!?
what if fortunately for me and all exposed, it's generally BOOM!-and-then-better with me?
what if the BOOM! can be a bit off-putting though, i'm told...?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 February 2005, 11:43 AM
What if most people are off put by the BOOM?
What if poons?
What if Mother of God, I'm fixing to rip out my own cramping uterus so it plagues me no longer?
What if and you're welcome for that stunning visual picture?
What if ow, ow, ow, ow, ow?
What if I want to go home and curl up in bed and not move for awhile?
What if sounds nice except I've got #!@#&&)$#@)&*@!!@##@! Fair Housing Sponsor Reports due March 1?
What if and they aren't finished yet?
What if this week needs to be over?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
24 February 2005, 01:04 PM
Smirk Morgan
What if I'm a boom! kind of temper myself?
What if I've lost a lot of "friends" that way?
What if it's kind of unfair when you consider the constant shit you put up with from other people, but they won't let you have your one explosion?
What if bleah?
24 February 2005, 03:00 PM
What if i almost bought Labyrinth and Dark Crystal today?
What if I had to make a choice between Angel S5, and Labyrinth and Dark Crystal?
What if i chose Angel?
What if the other 2 can be next week?
24 February 2005, 03:14 PM
what if i just fired someone?
what if i feels good?
what if it's totally for the best?
what if it was more a "letting go" than a full-fledged firing?
what if she knew it was coming and took it well?
what if i'm glad that's all over nonetheless?
what if Bali H'ai will call you, any time, any day. 'here i am, your special island. come to me, come to me....'?
what if i must be in a relatively good mood if the show tunes have started?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 February 2005, 04:36 PM
Free Madness
What if it's kind of unfair when you consider the constant shit you put up with from other people, but they won't let you have your one explosion?
What if bleah?
What if been there.
What if it's funny how many people I know who have miscast me in the unwritten story of my life.
What if I've met so many people who at first assume I'm always easygoing...then I explode?
What if that's usually when they run screaming for the exit?
What if but it's ok when THEY explode, right?
What if but thank god a few friends still love me explosions and all?
What if gotta love small blessings.
What if BOOM--great word.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
24 February 2005, 04:40 PM
Free Madness
what if and yes argy it did right itself as i figured it would.
What if all you showtune buffs--you're an epidemic!
What if sometimes butterscotch cream of wheat can right so many wrongs too?
What if so can chocolate?
What if BRING IT ON!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
24 February 2005, 04:48 PM
what if the mustache in my avatar keeps changing it's size/shape?
what if it it cracks me up?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
24 February 2005, 05:34 PM
What if day 5 of cold/flu & it's still lingering?
What if it's bags are packed, it's wearing it's coat, it's headed for the front door but the dern thing stops to reflect on how awful it made me feel?
What if i wish it'd just get it's butt out the door so me be feeling all ok again?
24 February 2005, 07:14 PM
what if i. hate. uni?
what if my timetable (which by the way the office never enrolled me in) is totally f*cked?
what if i thought i heard someone being murdered last night and subsequently blaming me for not doing anything to stop it (cause it sounded like it was right below my window)?
what if that pissed me off?
what if i was in a state of fear and panic for hours and had to sleep with a knife under my pillow just in case?
what if i'm thinking it must have been a dream, or that i heard it all worng, or that it was someone's sick idea of a joke?
what if either way, i'm not impressed?
what if and even if it did happen, i refuse to feel guilty for not rushing down stairs to the carpark to meet my own undoubtedly grisly fate, particularly at 3am?
what if i'm selfish like that?
what if i attended a scriptwriting lecture today?
what if i'm in way over my head already?
what if i think i'll give it a miss?
what if there is another unit called "writing for performance" which is an english unit, and therefore might not make me feel like i need to know a lot about technology to participate?
what if, not that scriptwriting really did that, it was just a horrible feeling i had?
what if i have got the worst crick in my neck?
what if i can't think of anyway to get it out because the usual ways aren't working?
what if ow ?
what if wil anderson was very very cool the other night?
what if he was totally wasted by the end of it ?
what if we all kept forcing him to scull his wine and/or beer?
what if me thinks he would have been a veeeery sick little boy after that night?
what if he stayed for about an hour longer than he was supposed to ?
what if "this gig wasn't supposed to go for two hours but i got into a serious thing and then i forgot how it ended"?
what if he didn't say that, but i'm sure he was thinking it ?
what if he mentioned buffy!!?
what if he used it to illustrate his lack of masculinity?
what if re VB ads "you can get it driving a truck, you can get it killing a wild animal, you can get it...waching buffy..." ?
what if he also mentioned neighbours TWICE!! including madge, but it wasn't all that appropriate...not necessarily offensive to her memory, just...well i don't need to be thinking about that sort of thing o.o?
what if "boxing with the stars" ?
what if "he's knocked nikki webster's head off, he'll get good marks for that"?
what if speaking of DWTS, that thing that jason was doing with the twirling around really fast with the girl attatched to his waiste seemed really dangerous and socially awkward?
what if "you are now carrying my child." "but how?" "it is the mystery of the dance." o.o?
what if wil also claimed that his favourite quote of anything ever was from home and away ?
what if alf, re ailsa being trapped in a house fire: "that's my flamin' wife in there!" ?
what if i'm not entirely convinced that its true but i like to think that it is ?
what if speaking of home and away (and i made reference to this in the appropriate thread but it needs to be told to the whole world), robbie and kim are friends again ?
what if, and that's not all - robbie gave kim money to replace the surfboard that he stole and then lost?
what if, but THAT's not all!?
what if *deep breath...* robbie to kim: "i'd put it down the front of your pants but people might start to talk."
what if oh GOD it was good ?
what if i was completely hyperactive for hours after?
what if i choose to believe that jason had it added just for me, after reading a year's worth of suggestive messages ?
what if "maybe if i give her this, she'll leave me alone"?
what if not a chance foxy ?
what if sorry for the length of this what if by the way, i'm pretty much killing time until the uni bar opens for lunch?
what if sweet sweet gravy, how i've missed thee?
what if ag, this damn crick! *wriggles neck about painfully*?
what if i bet i got it from sleeping on the knife -_-?
what if there's a thing at the robbie site which has a white board with the words "marc edwards death - pathology" on it?
what if it's not from any tv-week i've seen, but it all looks very official?
what if i'm starting to believe salem's theory that there is no stalker amongst them...no ONE stalker anyways?
what if marc killed "the body" - one of his blackmail dealies gone bad no doubt?
what if jesse lit the palace fire to leave josie no choice but to welcome him into her home?
what if beth sabotaged the plane because she's jealous of leah and dan's perfect love?
what if pete's been sneaking into people's houses, messing stuff up and leaving notes everywhere because he just wanted a little attention - also i bet he has a skeleton key to every house in summerbay cause he's a cop - that'd be fun
what if, and obviously, josie kills marc because she's had all she can stands, she can't stands no more!!?
what if, it's not like she hasn't killed before....like in 1989!!>.<?
what if anyway, lunch should be on by now?
what if i'm here til 6pm today if anyone wants to, you know, corrospond via email maybe??
what if it's just a thought?
what if heh, stuart got hit by a tuck on neighbours ?
what if i wouldn't laugh, except that it made me think of dee's real-life incident with running into a bus ^_^?
what if, and also the fact that i was sitting there saying "run! RUN!!" to the truck driver, and then he did?
what if it was everson much fun ?
what if okay, lunch, toodle-oo?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis,
24 February 2005, 11:07 PM
Free Madness
What if this woman who lives downstairs from me has an annoying habit of screaming while watching sports?
What if it sounds like she's being murdered?
What if the first two times it scared the f**k out of me until I heard her laughing with her friends afterwards?
What if it thoroughly annoys me when she does that?
What if particularly because she has another annoying habit of knocking on our door and telling us our tv is too loud?
What if so we have to keep the tv at a low notch and i miss this important line of a movie cuz my husband is scraping up the last of his taco salad and making noise?
What if bleh, give me my own house?
What if no neighbors for at least five or ten feet?
What if that'd be lurvily!
What if it can happen when we least expect it?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
24 February 2005, 11:47 PM
what if i should reeally be going to the bank in search of loose change for laundry?
what if just could not be screwed though, particularly since it's several hundred metres away, when my next class is in the room opposite this one?
what if half an hour though - by gum that seems like a time to be waiting?
what if i'm sitting cross-legged on a computer chair in an effort to keep my toes from freezing and falling off ?
what if it seems to be cutting off the circulation rather rapidly though, so i'm not sure if this plan is going to work?
what if damn you thongs!!?
what if my neck's far worse than before, but at least it's cracking a bit now?
what if oh god pins and needles in my foot!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!!>_<?
what if ooh wait, it's the nice kind, that chills you if you move it juuust right?
what if i expect more seering pain in just a ssecond though?
what if speak of the devil ?
what if close quarters is not fun at all?
what if i'm very glad no one around here tells us to turn things down?
what if i'd probably shriek and hide behind the couch if a neighbour came to scold me ?
what if having said that though, they're the noisy ones?
what if movies and cds that i can hear perfectly from my living room on one side, and musicians with a veeery limited repitior on the other ?
what if drunken screaming at all hours of the day and night?
what if fun?
what if *yawn* more than four hours of sleep might have been nice last night ?
what if i think that kirsty and kane should have their own spin-off series now that they're on the run?
what if who knows what far-out crazy situations they could get into next?
what if stupid christie hayes, ruin sam atwell's carreer ?
what if he'll never get a logie now *sniff* ?
what if, and to think that he threw it all away simply because he couldn't stand the thought of kane being there without kirsty - that is just the most touching story of being loyal to one's character that i've ever heard *cries*?
what if bring on "campus" i say!?
what if, and when that fails, bring on the long-awaited reunion with danny raco as the new member of the blue-heelers gang!?
what if sammy sammy sammy, i'll wait for you forever?
what if *wills the logie votes-counters for best male to change every non-h&a entry to sam atwell*?
what if *does same in best NEW male for mark furze*?
what if time to be getting to class then - i hope my feet don't shatter when i try to stand up ?
what if back in an hour!...ish!?
25 February 2005, 02:13 AM
what if back?
what if nothin' doin'?
what if i think i'll keep this class?
what if i recognised some friendly faces?
what if i think i don't like the lecturer though?
what if it's the voice you see, very...screechy?
what if i felt bad for taking sheets when i'm not technically enrolled ?
what if people were left wanting ?
what if, but i need them to determine my furture!!?
what if it's the system's fault damn it, not mine >.<!!?
what if oooh this is the first time i've been hungry in 4hrs?
what if that's very good for me ?
what if, of course in five minutes i'll be trying to gnaw off my own arm for sustinance, but for now i can be happy ?
what if i just had a sudden urge to be alighting a boat at wobby wharf?
what if little wobby, which is the name of the place, and not me trying to say "robbie" cutely, salem, although that is extemely cute ?
what if, ok, so maybe not so much?
what if i wonder if there'll be more kim and robbie hugging tonight ?
what if, and when is one or the other of them going to reach out to him with tales of "my mother/father is dead too - let's comfort each other, shall we?"?
what if *waits patiently for that happy yet heartbreakingly sad day*?
what if *sigh*, my boys are so pretty ?
25 February 2005, 04:50 AM
What if wow, the What if thread had a spike?
What if, wasn't a body of a backpacker found at Lismore the other week? o.o?
What if the picture of the wanted man was frightening?
What if I hope if Josie did kill someone, it was while she was at a strip club and killed them by shoving dollar bills down their throat?
What if not that we have dollar bills?
What if it would be interesting if Peter was the stalker, but I couldn't come up with a reason for him to have started the fire?
What if, unless for some reason he thought Dani was still there, so he was trying to kill her, because it was all her fault about the sara hmess?
What if oh god, can you imagine if Dani was still around?
What if the stalker storyline would all be revolving around her?
What if blech?
What if also, I tink I'm slipping into a depressed mood?
What if *sigh*
What if I'm watchnig Kath & Kim to try and cheer myself up?
What if "No kiss, no coach. No kiss, no coach"
What if "Why didn't you just kiss him?"
What if heh heh.. ?
What if not even Mighty Ducks 1 and 2 and Rocky 3 and 4 is going to do it for me?
What if it'll take a lot more to heal this tortured soul..?
What if "2+2 is 4. 2+2 is 4"
What if ?
What if oh who am I kidding, that didn't even do anything?
25 February 2005, 08:40 AM
What if I didn't know you didn't have dollar bills?
What if now I don't know if you're on dollars, not just like ours, obviously, but still?
What if all this time Australia uses pounds sterling and nobody realized it?
What if except Australians, I guess?
What if heee, mystery of the dance?
What if I have an ailment?
What if stress gives me canker sores, and due to some low bank balance of late I have one of said sores upon my tonsil?
What if that's not a good place for two weeks of inflammation, just fyi?
What if ear, nose, throat, glands, everybody's joined the party?
What if.....ow...?
What if and this follows two weeks of cold/flu?
What if I give our naturopath credit as it wasn't the almost-kills-you degree of flu a lot of people have, but I was so glad to not feel like I'd just gotten up at 5am all the time when it was over?
What if...if that makes sense?
What if and now it would seem I'm swallowing tacks?
What if stupid stress *shakes fist a la Colonel Klink*?
What if last night's giant bag of M&Ms didn't stand a chance?
What if my daughter used her allowance for a Barbie Fairytopia "Dandelion" doll?
What if so we sprayed Demeter Dandelion on her and just now refreshed it?
What if mmmmmmm, my room smells pretty?
What if I want more M&Ms?
25 February 2005, 10:30 AM
Free Madness
What if stress gives me canker sores, and due to some low bank balance of late I have one of said sores upon my tonsil?
What if bleh i HATE canker sores??
what if oral B gel works for me?
What if I think it would work on the tonsil too at least for a bit--then you could always add more?
What if it may help the M&M's go down better?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
25 February 2005, 02:01 PM
what if Chloroseptic spray sometimes eases extreme throat pain?
what if it's not necessarily naturpathic, but it is effective?
what if ice chips?
what if warm saline gargling?
what if softly moaning?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
25 February 2005, 02:05 PM
What if I hate it when people assume I know things when in actuality, I don't?
What if apparently I have people spending the night at my house?
What if thanks for letting ME know?
What if there goes my Friday night?
What if *sigh*?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
25 February 2005, 02:27 PM
what if i'll see your lost Friday night and raise you working on Saturday?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
25 February 2005, 02:37 PM
What if keh, I'll see your working on Saturday and raise you being in the midst of a birthday party with 13 8 year old little girls?
What if your move?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
25 February 2005, 06:26 PM
what if i think i'd actually take the coven of 8 year olds?
what if it's a prime opportunity to shape young minds, ya know?
what if as an long time Girl Scout, i have a great appreciation for passing on the finer arts of fire and knives?
what if cuz party entertainment ain't just for clowns, sister?
what if i stand pat on my Saturday shift, thank you very much?
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
25 February 2005, 06:45 PM
What if I will admit that I have some of the grape Chloraseptic left from when my son was miserable and I caved?
What if a lot of that plus tipping my head to one side was how I managed a number of the doomed M&Ms last night?
What if it was a glorious 20 minutes?
What if echinacea takes down the inflammation, too, and it also aids in healing, but it hurts more initially so I sort of alternate that and my kids' wonder spray?
What if hot chamomile tea is like gold right now?
What if thanks for all the suggestions?
What if in other news the snow is gone on Animal Crossing today?
What if it's so exotic!?
25 February 2005, 06:53 PM
What if I'd be all for the shaping of young minds, if these young minds were the impressionable sort?
What if yup, they're "those" kinda girls, who ewww, I don't wanna get dirty, ewww, I don't wanna sweat, ewwww, I hate being outside?
What if and honestly I have no earthly idea how they're friends with my niece who LOVES to do all those above things?
What if so yes, I'll be surrounded by 12 little girls who are more interested in putting on make up and the latest Hilary Duff video than on setting ants on fire or learning how to do cool things with knives?
What if I stand by my hand?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness