25 February 2005, 07:00 PM
zoomWhat if ...??
what if we call it a draw?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
25 February 2005, 07:01 PM
SaraWhat if okay?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 26 February 2005, 12:22 AM
SalemWhat if *I* just got back from Paintball?
What if you can imagine how well that went?
What if by the end of the day, I was good?
What if at the start, not so much?
What if I tripped over immediatly at the start of the first game, when I was running for cover?

What if and later after crouching for a while, trying to run from the crouched position, I couldn't get upright again and just ended up in the ground?
What if I do best as a sniper type?
What if I got hit in the shoulder, but the paintball hadn't broken, and when I turned to check, I copped one right in the side of my head?
What if, ouch?
What if we have 1 dollar coins?

What if, 2 dollar coins also?
What if we have 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars in bill/note form?
What if it takes my eyes a while to adjust to the bright new springtime colours in Animal Crossing?
What if they is purty though?
What if I wish I lived in my town in Animal Crossing?
What if I could go for some popcorn right now?
26 February 2005, 02:56 AM
AmethystWhat if, i have been online for hours, why aren't you on AIM or MSN salem?
What if you are already gone, but why weren't you on before?
What if it's not too fun to try and put dollar coins in the strippers underwear?
26 February 2005, 09:15 AM
zoomwhat if the cramp blight has worked it's way down I-35?
what if they arrived about 5:30 on a morning i could've otherwise slept in a bit?
what if cramps are bloody bitches?
what if and i
still have to work today?
what if i think the betting may have just reopened...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
26 February 2005, 05:00 PM
xenacrazedWhat if this is aboot the time of day that Xena eps used to be wrapping up on tv?
What if tomorrow i finish up the season 4 dvd box set?
What if still have to watch the post-"Deja Vu" ep extras?
What if season 6 due out in March or April & i have it reserved?
What if they started taking reservations on season 7?
What if there was a season 7 and it was only released to dvd and never to tv?
What if i want it i want it i want it and i want it now!?
27 February 2005, 03:32 AM
ArgeauxWhat if the painters and decorators have visited me, as well?
What if the cramps have not?
What if this is a VERY good thing?
What if I just got back from spending a weekend with my nieces?
What if I love those nieces to pieces?

27 February 2005, 04:28 AM
AmethystWhat if I have just finished wathing Amphipolis under Seige?
What if i watched all of s4, and obviously up to s5?
What if salem has been doing the same thing, and he is only one ep behind me?
What if i have been watching angel s5 too?
What if i am up to the ep where angel and spike fight for 'champion' rights.. i can;t remmebr much about the ep though, nor what it is called? destiny, or fate or something?
What if the scrolls have been slow slow slow this weekend?
WHat if, partially my fault, i have barely posted myself?
28 February 2005, 02:04 AM
SalemWhat if I started watching from the early Hercules Xena episodes though?

What if my legs are sore, but it's okay, no one cares?
What if it would seem I'm back into the work 5 days a week fold?
What if sure, getting paid is nice, but I do so enjoy my sleep?
What if I wish I got paid to sleep?
What if although I wouldn't want anyone watching that I actually was sleeping though?
What if I'm not comfortable sleeping while there are non sleepers in the room?
What if I need Wyatt's forcefield?
What if I wish work places had nap time?
What if I curl up in a pile of glass?
What if I might not wake up though?
What if I knew the risks, I knew the risks?
What if hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
What if Ame knows what I mean by that last what if?

28 February 2005, 03:56 AM
SaraWhat if I can't sleep?
What if this weekend has been jam packed with stuff?
What if and next weekend is sorta busy too?
What if and the weekend after that I'll be camping?
What if I'm tired but I can't sleep?
What if tomorrow is going to suck so badly?
What if I ran out of medicine and haven't taken today's dose?
What if that means I'll have to take two tomorrow?
What if which means I'll probably get very sick?
What if which sucks cause my Fair Housing Sponsor Reports HAVE to be sent off tomorrow to be in Austin by the 1st of March?
What if and my boss and supervisor will be gone so the other two people in my office will go and f*ck off and leave KC and I alone to get this done?
What if suckage?
What if not looking forward to it?
What if I'm going to get those reports sent off and sent electronically if it kills me?
What if I'm going to go try to get some sleep now?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 28 February 2005, 04:15 AM
AmethystWhat if hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
What if i care about your sore legs salem?
What if i can't bloody beleive no one what iffed in 12 hours, except these 2 magnificent people?
28 February 2005, 04:24 AM
SalemWhat if we are magnificent?
What if me moreso than Sara though?
What if I hope she gets though her Monday magnificently though?
What if there should be another Scroller drinking get together, except this time it should also feature the movie with the "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"?
What if I expect if such an event occured, I really would have nightmares and I'd wake everyone up with my screaming, trapped in a cupboard somehow?
28 February 2005, 02:49 PM
AmethystWhat if, since you're the only one who owns is boy, we'll have to have the drinking night at your house

What if next time your parents go away for a week, don;t go with them?
What if hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
28 February 2005, 06:06 PM
Madogiswhat if i am SO not meant to be here right now?
what if my lecture starts in minutes!>.<?
what if i'm supposed to be there 10 minutes before it starts, but i'm not! i'm here!!!?
what if i wonder if salem died when he saw the new tv week?
what if i would have if i were him

what if, but i'm not him, and he's not me?
what if i feel all out of the loop about the "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

what if i understand the risks though, so i'm happy

what if oh GOD there's no time for this??
what if i bought superglue to fix the milkshake maker that i somehow broke yesterday and also i'm wearing my new yugi shirt which still smells new because i didn't wash it before wearing it?
what if those two things have nothing to do with each other but i have to run everything together - no time!!?
what if my mood seems heightened by the new suppliments i'm taking: ginko biloba?
what if gecko bilbo (or possibly balboa) if you ask me?
what if mother claims to have a picture of jason smith from a magazine which she's refusing to give to me?
what if *cries*?
what if crap - a tangent - i wasn't ready for this!?
what if DWTS is on tonight - too much excitement all at once! no time!!?
what if *runs*?
28 February 2005, 07:38 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I'm out of touch on the hmmmmm as well?
What if my mother has a ginko tree in her front yard?
What if I could use some thought clearers?
What if I wonder if I could take some leaves and make an infusion?
What if it worked with the vanilla beans and vodka?
What if then I wouldn't know how much to take, though?
What if I just buy some pills or some nice drops?
What if I call it a preparation?
What if I saunter in and ask the healthist at the counter for a ginko preparation and some tooth powder?
What if I'm like a quarter through reading The Chamber of Secrets?
What if it's much more different from its film than the first one was?
What if exciting!?
What if I feel we should have dollar and two dollar coins, and possibly fives?
What if I'm a little jealous?
What if I use ones for my kids' allowances and they really take a lot of space adding up like that?
What if a nice coin or two would just do the trick?
What if I shall post a letter to the proper authorities...after I take some ginko?
01 March 2005, 12:34 AM
Madogiswhat if i thought you had "silver" dollars?
what if tv and movies have lied to me yet again?
what if the text on this screen is all...screen-text like?
what if that damn crick is in my neck again?
what if i feel like being adventurous - i'm opening a new window!?
what if take THAT 1950's society!?
what if ok, so i've been watching so much family guy that there's all these quotes milling about in my head that i don't know what to do with?
what if i keep seeing an ad for something or other involving peter rowsthorn (i think) and it makes me wonder when and if kath and kim is coming back?
what if, which in turn leads me to pine for the panel

what if *crick* ahh...?
what if i haven't used that adventurous new window for anything yet?
what if i'm expected to come up with an idea for a 10min film script before friday?
what if help

what if all i can think of is that teen horror movie starring jason smith, chris hemsworth, and isabel lucas that i've been threatening to write?
what if, but i don't know if i can cram it all into 10 minutes?
what if therein lies the game i guess?
what if also, i don't know if "jason", "chris", and "isabel" would be too obvious for character names o.o?
what if "robbie", "kim" and "tash" would get me sued?
what if everything would get me sued

what if i construct a film comprised entirely of something for kate lyrics?
what if that will DEFINITELY get me sued?
what if hm, maybe that could be the title?
what if harry potter and the chamber of secrets is my favourite of the movies so far and my second favourite of the books

what if it could all use more malfoy though, and maybe a dash of sirius for absolutely no concievable reason whatsoever?
what if i like sirius?
what if i used the window?
what if nothing else is happening in the world apparently?
what if the ginko seems to be making me more focused, but focused on everything other than what i'm supposed to be focused on?
what if i was watching the grass outside the window very intensely and wondering if i have too many black shirts while there was a tute going on all around me?
what if i like my shirts, so therefore i think they're just the right amount?
what if you see what i mean - i'm far too focussed on the subject?
what if it feels weird being on a PC keyboard?
what if my keyboard seems to be about the same size as the mac computers, so this one's all foreign and, well, weird?
what if i'm going shopping for more pepsi today?
what if i drank the last warm, flat reminants of it with lunch?
what if, why yes, i am killing time again, why do you ask?
what if *sigh* i should go see if there's anyone who feels like emailing me...*curses the putrescent lack of msn*?
what if

01 March 2005, 12:56 AM
FahrenheitWhat if we do have silver dollars, but they don't make them anymore that I know of?
What if plus nobody uses them or the Sacajawea dollars that came out a few years ago?
What if "silver" dollars are too big (sigh..for some, anyway) and the Sacajawea ones are apparently too like quarters for people to tell the difference?
What if this is despite them being golden and having a woman and child on them instead of silvery with George Washington?
What if just...look at your coins?
What if it's really not that confusing?
What if all the paper money looks pretty much the same yet most people seem to find their way around that?
What if I have strong feelings about this, it would seem?
01 March 2005, 01:10 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I don't know much about our new coins, etc., so I've been looking over the
mint site?
What if awesome, I love shiny things?
01 March 2005, 01:24 AM
Madogiswhat if the sacajawea ones sound like they cause the same problem as our 5c does?
what if not that anyone's planning on doing anything about that?
what if i've heard tales of being able to glue two 5s together to make them *seem* like a $2 coin?
what if it sounds like an ingenious ploy?
what if perhaps the issue is for people who cant' look at their coins, ie, the visually impared?
what if our coins and notes are different sizes to combat this?
what if, like a $5 note is slightly shorter than a $10, if i'm remembering correctly?
what if then again, this could all just have been a wonderful dream?
what if patent pending?
what if hm. half an hour til i shop?
what if i'm seriously considering buying icing sugar, even though i know it would mean a slow and sickening death?
what if me and icing sugar don't mix?
what if, but i want it

what if ah fudge - i have to come to uni again tomoree?
what if i'd kill for a lemon squash?
what if gravy...?
what if ok, so maybe i come in early tomorrow and go for lunch before my first writing tute?
what if *shows up bloated and covered in gravy stains* i'm ready to lear-*collapses over a desk*?
what if um...we'll see?
01 March 2005, 01:41 AM
FahrenheitWhat if our quarters have little ridges on the edge and the dollars don't?
What if I think that's specifically for the unsighted and/or when you're fiddling for change in a pocket or purse?
What if I'm not letting this one go?

01 March 2005, 01:46 AM
SalemWhat if I did die?
What if I'm posting from beyond the grave?
What if I bet Laurie ran out and bought a copy and had it framed? ^_^
What if, because I bet no one sent her a complimentary issue?
What if I bet she wanted to tell someone on the set yesterday, but no one cares because they've all been on the cover every other week *glares at hayley*
What if it made me sad reading that Laurie was excited doing the wedding scenes because she's never been married herself?
What if I'll marry you Laurie?

What if I consult with Ame whether we should let people in on the "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" business?
What if I think my parents might be going away for a weekend sometime soon, because my mum has enough "fly buys" points for a free night somewhere?
What if, paaaaaarty?
What if everything I need to know about Sacajawea I learnt from the Simpsons?
What if Heitie should enjoy reading the Prisoner of Azkaban, the movie will make much more sense afterwards?
What if Peter Rowsthorn is on an ad for Pizza Hut, or some other Pizza place?
What if last I heard Kath & Kim are taking the year off?
What if and then maybe next year a 4th series or a movie or more likely they agree to disband and join other television programs?
What if Kath can be the new cop in town on Blue Heelers with a dark 'istory, Kim can be the hot new girl in Summer Bay who has all the boys falling head over heels in love with her and Sharon can the coach of the girls soccer team on Neighbours?
What if The Panel probably won't come back til July or whenever?
What if and then they'll break for Christmas in October?
What if, well shit now I want some pizza?
01 March 2005, 01:46 AM
Madogiswhat if i just remembered that i was outraged?
what if, by that neighbours show and their "let's mangle connor - it'll be such fun!" attitude?
what if nobody messes with my connor

what if what i wouldn't give to live by myself right now?
what if i was forced to do 4 days' of dishwashing because no one else would do it?
what if i did the last lot as well?
what if, for those of you who don't know me very well, i DON'T wash dishes or do anything else of that sort?
what if no more than my fair share at least?
what if this is decidedly UNfair?
what if hate my house and everyone in it!!>.<?
what if no wait, the house is actually pretty nice?
what if, and THEN i get the "well if we washed up after every meal..." speach from the clean one?
what if don't WANT to wash up after every meal - running a sink full of hot water and soap for 4 breakfast bowls is not my idea of resources well-spent?
what if not to mention the fact that i'm lucky to have time for breakfast in the morning, let alone washing up after it?
what if i'm venting here, i should stop before i get too distracted and miss the shuttle?
what if i forgot to mention, yes, there was a backpacker killed here in lismore and yes, the picture of the suspect is unreasonably freaky?
what if i had a dream about the killer seeing that photo in the paper, and it looking nothing like him, and him holding it up to show his family and them all laughing at the inconsistencies?
what if i have strange dreams?
what if i mention this now because the place where the bus will be dropping me off is less than a KM down the road from where the body was found?
what if...goody?
what if, and then there's the waiting in the dark for the bus to return...all alone...in the cold...and the dark

what if well, if i don't make it, have a nice life and it was genuinely nice knowing you

what if goodbye?
01 March 2005, 05:42 AM
SalemWhat if after living in this house for 15 or so year, it finally happened?
What if, I fell down the stairs, for real?
What if I was walking up them and turned to go back down?
What if, the bottom few stairs kind of go around a corner, so one end of them is really narrow?
What if I went to put my foot down, but it was the narrow section, so there wasn't much there?
What if, down I go?
What if, sure it wasn't very high up, but the stairs are made of timber and the floor at the bottom is *hard*?
What if my foot was bleeding and all grazed?

What if the other leg twisted funnily on the way down and I have a sore backside?

What if and everyone just
laughed at me?
What if and now, I don't remember what else I had to say?
What if I hope Maddie is okay, and my falling down the stairs wasn't the psychic bond?
01 March 2005, 08:27 AM
zoomwhat if i spent 4 hours in the garden at the shop yesterday?
what if yay! for digging in the dirt?
what if i planted herbs and tomatoes and a couple large succulents that i had to dig up from my house and transplant?
what if digging up and tranporting large, spiny succulents is tricky, tricky business?
what if i managed to remain relatively unscathed?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
01 March 2005, 03:11 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I hope Salem's backside and foot are alright?
What if I want to say something clever and backside related but I can't?
What if it has something to do with staying up too late last night...sleepy...can't think, etc?
What if I want to garden?