26 April 2005, 07:52 AM
Free MadnessWhat if ...??
What if now that I am over my little self indulgent rant, i had a chance to read Keri's post?
What if wtf indeed...I hate that shite?
What if dammit that happened to me on msn too?
What if I tried to open the farkin link and the comp at least wouldn't let me...msn was protectin me from farkin viruses?
What if and my friend is all, "I didn't send you a link" so you know, some stoopid scam is goin around?
What if that majorly sucks, Keri, sorry about that?

What if I know the feeling...had about 50,000 or so viruses on this putrid comp?

What if they SUCK and so do scams and internet arseholes?
What if bleh, well hope you sort it out?
What if, I guess start a new account, see what happens?
what if, keep us posted?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
26 April 2005, 07:57 AM
XF3What if I'm listening to the adult alternative staion on my Yahoo messenger?
What if it's playing Ana Nalick?
What if she has her own thread here at the scrolls?
What if I just woke up?
What if I think about changing the station but then Maroon 5 comes on and make me change my mind?
What if I really like this station?
26 April 2005, 07:59 AM
Free MadnessWhat if I'm also glad sara and co. are ok too?
What if accidents are scary?
What if neck pain is annoying--hope ya feel better?
What if next time I'll catch up before I what if lol...a lot ya can miss in 24 hours.

What if oh well, take care all, more coffee?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
26 April 2005, 08:04 AM
zoomwhat if i didn'y have anything to what if about til just a few minutes ago when i walked outside and found that a large-ass (i could barely move it...) limb fell out of the pecan tree onto my truck?
what if we'd weathered 3 hail storms and a lot of wind without a scratch, and then BOO-YAH on a totally calm & peasceful night?
what if sonofabitch!?
what if pretty extensive damage to the left rear fender?
what if i have actually written poetry about this very tree reagarding a limb that fell once before?
what if this tree has it out for me?
what if now we have the insurance nightmare of figuring out if this is a household insurance claim or an automotive claim?
what if the body shop i like to use takes its sweet time on repairs, so there'll be that to deal with as well?
what if bloody hell it's always something!!!?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
26 April 2005, 08:41 AM
ChianaWhat if, damn,
Zoom, that sucks!
What if you,
Sara, and
Keri need a f***ing break!
What if I have felt
XenaFairy's pain regarding FFX?
What if they could just let you save at the friggin pause screen!?
What if FFX2 rocks!
26 April 2005, 10:00 AM
Madogiswhat if i'm home?
what if no one's online?
what if, figures?
what if i post this detail of the actual painting i'm giving my brother, just so we're all clear that the thing i posted last time was just to give you an idea (being that i was no where near a scanner at the time)?

what if, and that's my attention seeking done for the day, goodnight?
26 April 2005, 10:59 AM
SaraWhat if thanks
Heitie, Kate & Chiana?
What if feeling much better today?
What if bleh on tree limbs falling?
What if
Nora, we mustn't have your evil lawyer's heart skipping any beats, what will people say?

What if here's hoping it's a slow day at work today?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 26 April 2005, 01:06 PM
zoomwhat if the damage looks worse in the stark light of day?
what if @#%$#&! ?
what if i have to check with
Smirky, but i'm pretty sure i can't sue a tree?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
26 April 2005, 02:17 PM
XF3What if I feel better that
Chiana feels my pain about FFX?
What if it would be awesome if they had a save option on the pause screen?
What if I go and buy FFX2 after I beat FFX?
What if I never beat it because I'm too scared to fight Sin?
What if I'm sorry about your car
What if the necessity of automobiles sucks?
What if we could teleport our selves anywhere?
What if that would be cool?
What if I need to step away from the video games?
26 April 2005, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by XenaFairy3:
What if I never beat it because I'm too scared to fight Sin?
What if Sin was my favorite boss battle ever?
What if I didn't care that I had to fight it over and over cause it was fun?
What if I accidently missed one of the Aeons and still beat it anyway?
What if I love Rikku and Lulu?
What if moogles are so cute?
What if especially when they hop over to an enemy and petrify them?
What if I love the song of the Fayth?
What if in real life Wakka and Lulu
SO would not hook up?
What if they need to come out with another non-MMORPG FF game soon?
26 April 2005, 03:00 PM
SaraWhat if *puts hands over her ears and sings loudly so as not to hear any FF speak*?
What if lalalalalalalalala?
What if WoW, WoW, WoW, WoW?

What if I will say this...and grudgingly, I tolerated FF VII, cause it didn't suck?
What if but the rest of 'em, suckage to the Nth degree?
What if that's my story and I'm stickin' to it?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 26 April 2005, 03:24 PM
GabberWhat if yes,
Kate, Ides of March's "Vehicle" is indeed a great song?
What if however I'd never heard it before Bo sang it last week on American Idol?
What if and then I was just in love with the song after that, because it just BOOM says everything in those simple, simple words?
What if but alas, I changed my sig already, lol?

What if and yes, scammers suck?
What if beware of getting any IMs from me on Yahoo, I don't want you to see my new pics, I promise?

What if Yahoo hasn't gotten back to me yet?
What if that sucks, I was hoping I'd hear from them by now?
What if I still can't get into my account, so who knows what all is going on in there?
What if and there's no way I'm getting rid of the account because my website is all hooked up to that account?
What if they better not ruin my website dangit, I'll be royally pissed?
What if I'm usually smarter with those fake sites, but this one was too tricky *sigh*?
What if yeesh, sue the tree,
zoom! sue the tree!?
What if thanks
Chiana, sooo need a break?
What if really nice painting,
What if I have the best girlfriend ever?

What if and ooh, I shelved a WoW official strategy guide today?
What if so I looked through it and got a sense of the WoW, the WoW has cool graphics?
What if and then I was a good girl and shelved the WoW and got back to work?
What if only to then go talk to a coworker in the backroom for 15 mins?
What if I'm so turning into an unproductive lazy bum 'cause I hate IPT?

26 April 2005, 03:25 PM
ChianaWhat if I wish I could play WOW, but my computer has to put on depends just for a windows update?
What if I am doomed to the console I've got?
What if I wish we'd bought an X-Box before we decided to start saving for Amsterdam?
What if I was all ready to buy one, but since I live in this redneck mishugna, quiet mountain town there were none left for months?
26 April 2005, 03:45 PM
SaraWhat if I dunno about best girlfriend ever, but I try?

What if mmmmm, the WoW strategy guide is a thing of beauty?
What if but I didn't wanna fork over the $30 for it?
What if but Ryan did, so I use his?

What if I'm sure
Gabber will see just how cool and nice lookin' the WoW is?

What if
Chiana, if you're ever in Denton, lemme know, I'll let you play WoW on my comp so that you may be addicted and forever lust for the WoW?
What if believe me, I want a X Box too, and a PS2?
What if but I'm saving for Oz so no new consoles for me either?
What if it doesn't make a damn bit of difference though as I'm thoroughly obsessed with WoW anyways?
What if to the exclusion of practically all else?
What if except my girl?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 26 April 2005, 04:00 PM
ShawnWhat if I have dough balls?
What if I fell asleep at my desk for a brief moment?
What if even after a full night's sleep?
What if I went to bed at 9:30 and slep HARD?
What if sleeping hard is like waking soft?
What if "Daddy?! Come get me Daddy!" ?
What if uht-oh, more dough balls?
26 April 2005, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Sister Woman Sister:
What if "Daddy?! Come get me Daddy!" ?
What if uht-oh, more dough balls?
what if stop!?
what if at least i won't risk running off the road laughing now...?
what if "sprained my ankle and can't make it back to the trail..ok...call me on the cell..."?
what if laughter is good medicine?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
26 April 2005, 10:07 PM
Free MadnessWhat if lol no worries, Keri, I won't open any yahoo links "you" send me.

What if that suckage to the extreme I do hope they dind't mess with your site?
What if cuz it's a cool site?
What if speaking of annoying, msn has been acting really stoopid lately?

What if I'm baking my cake that this woman didn't appreciate last night but I dun care it's gonna be tasty?

What if and no one will know but John and me, nya nya nya!

What if I put blackberries in it this time and extra sweetener?
What if I hope it's mighty sweet?
What if cuz sweet is lovely?
What if I wish i had the day off tomorrow?
What if sigh, oh well at least I'm gettin money!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
27 April 2005, 12:15 AM
Free MadnessWhat if thank the Gods my microwave came thru for me?

What if it took twenty minutes but the cake is moist, and it tastes perfect?

What if after an hour and a half of the oven spitting out a half baked cake...I'll take it?

What if the only thing I'd change is the sides are a bit hard thanks to the nuker but hey beggers can't be choosers?

What if...midnight snack, yum!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
27 April 2005, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Gabber:
What if really nice painting, Maddie?
what if thank you

what if it's now been hastily framed and is ready for off-loading

what if, why are the beatles so strange, with their odd little talking bits before and/or after the songs that i st-...
borrowed from their album (can't remember which one - some kind of "best of" perhaps)?
what if i quite like the "are we suposed to giggle in the solo?" at the start of "let it be"

what if ow, i think i'm bleeding - that wasn't supposed to happen?
what if daydream island tomorrow?
what if dear god they'd better have a tv?
what if, surprisingly, i don't think i'd mind being without one for a few days (provided that someone was vigilantly taping home and away for me of course), but it just so happens that the logies are on this weekend!

what if *prays* pleeease let jason win?
what if, especially if he decides to take on my dare for him to kiss chris hemsworth if he does

what if ahh...moving on

what if...nope, not getting past that any time soon

what if

27 April 2005, 05:04 AM
SalemWhat if Maddies horsies are very prettiful?
What if I'm in the mood to watch the Logies right now?
What if there should be puppies running everywhere during it?
What if I hope Laurie was invited?
What if I hope my shoulder stops hurting?
What if I should not be made to balance things on it?
What if I saw some pictures of the new Zelda Gamecube game?
What if they looked nice, especially Link riding his horse along a small river?

27 April 2005, 06:42 AM
Free MadnessWHat if I'm glad to see Salem alive and scrollin?

What if, forgot to mention, that horse painting was really good, Maddie?
What if gifts like that are the best?
What if I have an artist friend i pose for who told me this appalling story?
what if his family do not appreciate his artwork being given to them as a gift?

What if and he's frickin good too, better than my sister which is saying something?
What if people have no taste?

What if they'd rather have oodles of money spent on them for some dumass purse or whatever that they'll prolly just throw away cuz it don't match their eyes?

What if oh well, their loss, if it were me, I'd take it?
what if but i have so many paintings and drawings of me and my husband, given to us by all our artist acquaintences...and lol, I dun know where to put them all?

What if I also need frames but am either too lazy or too poor?

What if this cake rocks, especially for breakfast in the morning?
What if mmmm blackberries?
What if coffee goes well with it?
What if

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
27 April 2005, 07:04 AM
Free MadnessWhat if rotfl I read Gabber's "sue the tree, sue the tree" and pictured Zoom in court with a tree and Nora as Zoom's lawyer?
What if I pictured Nora asking the tree questions and the tree didn't answer(cuz trees can't talk) and Nora got pissed and so did Zoom?

What if it cracked me up...then i realized i just had a caffeine rush?

What if but that sucks, tree limbs, nature, smashed cars...reminds me of my neighbor who had the same thing happen to her?
What if said tree limb was covered with snow at the time and the weight knocked it down onto her car?
What if, what is that, God's way of saying...he don't like the car we drive?

What if lol, anyway, hope it gets sorted somehow...keep us posted?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
27 April 2005, 08:06 AM
zoomwhat if thanks for all the sympathy?
what if it's a
truck though, not a car?

what if "your honor, the tree is being unresponsive. permission to treat the tree as a hostile witness..."?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
27 April 2005, 08:36 AM
Madogiswhat if lol, it may be the maple syrup sugar-rush talking, but hah!

what if thanks kate - i think he liked it

27 April 2005, 09:45 AM
ArgeauxWhat if eat eggs?