What if ...??
What if I remembered mine?
What if I feel bad that
Kate can't remember hers?
What if she helped me?
What if thank you!
What if I was just listening to I'll Never Tell from the Buffy soundtrack?
What if I love that song?
What if
Kate scared the crap out of me when she went off line?
What if lolol?
What if I changed my avatar?
What if she's a minxy little fairy?
What if I wore my Callisto shirt to work today?
What if nobody saw it because I had my chef's coat on over it?
What if they did because I walked though the dining room after I took it off to leave?
What if I scared little kids?
What if hehehe?
What if I'm evil?
What if I started page 83?
What if yay!?
01 May 2005, 08:36 PM
Free Madnesswhat if lol sorry to scare ya xenafairy, i did warn ya i was gettin dinner ready?

What if i'm back now?

What if mmmm veggie chili rocks?
what if glad i could help ya get your sig pic thing goin tho?

What if i hope i remember mine eventually?

What if cuz i had some cool sig pics rotating around on the old scrolls?
what if i miss them?

What if ah well maybe i'll get lucky?
What if the internet's been weird all day?

What if odd?
What if oh well...onward to more fun in the cybersun?

What if

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
01 May 2005, 10:17 PM
SaraWhat if OI! I should never be imagined in a pink ANYTHING?

What if it's a sure sign of the apocalypse?
What if hehe, my girlfriend's gonna show me being mushy ain't so bad?

What if *ahem* right?
What if I'm very happy, I've gotten very involved in our guild on WoW?
What if I've been guild grouping the last two nights?
What if I've met some really cool people?
What if lol, they're very surprised to learn I'm a girl?
What if heh, especially when they see me and my character go into battle?
What if SNAP bitches?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 01 May 2005, 10:48 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if the next time I see
Sara I'm gonna sing "Pink" by Aerosmith at her?
What if "sing" may be an exaggeration?
What if I'd have to quickly transition to Weezer to distract her from ripping out my vocal cords?
02 May 2005, 12:22 AM
GabberWhat if no meeting tonight for Keri?
What if yaaaaaay?
What if it was canceled?
What if again, I say yaaaaaay?

What if except for the fact that now I won't get spiffy free CDs for another week or whatever?
What if although they better not schedule the meeting on the weekend of the 14th, 'cause yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't give a crap if it's mandatory?
What if you cancel it when I'm around, it's your own fault?
What if nothing's stopping me from seeing my girlfriend?

What if *bounce bounce*?
What if yeeees, staying away from work makes me a happy Keri?

What if LOL, when I was reading
Sara's post, I thought I read "I've been guild
groping the last two nights"?
What if I immediately exclaimed and went "WHAT!?!"?
What if then I read it again and got it right and got all sheepish?
What if that was pretty funny, lol?

What if
Nora is SO gonna get her vocal chords ripped out, lol?
What if oh and yes
Sara, you are definitely going to like it, hehehehe *cough*?

02 May 2005, 01:18 AM
SaraWhat if while we are a friendly guild, there's been no 'groping' as of yet?
What if but there's been flirting, which is funny, cause my character is male, hehe?
What if it's very amusing to see huge bull like creatures created by men, blowing kisses to a male orc warrior created by a female?
What if it's all in good fun though, they know I'm taken?
What if lol, they seem to like me even more AFTER finding out I'm a lesbian?
What if so yes, I'm in high demand to quest with and because..I'm damn charming?

What if
Nora if you sing to me, consider our relationship OVER?

What if cause I've never done anything bad enough to warrant you singing? heh
What if heheheheheheheh, my girlfriend said I'm going to enjoy it?

What if hehehehehe?
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 02 May 2005, 08:30 AM
zoomwhat if i have a green dress?
what if at least one Scroller has seen it (though has not seen me
in it...)?
what if seeing, or even speaking of it to this day renders said Scroller speechless with nervous laughter?
what if i enjoy have this power to do that...the Awesome Power of the Green Dress?
what if i wonder how she'd take the shiny green pumps i wore with it...?
what if this is where i'd say "bleh

Monday?"...but not this week?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 May 2005, 10:11 AM
ShawnWhat if the words "shiny green pumps" should NEVER be used anywhere near the name
02 May 2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by madogis:
what if looked so hot in my purple suade jacket (no shirt)

what if, um, that should be *he* looked so hot in my purple suade jacket, no shirt?
what if just thought i should clear that up?
what if, if anything it just raises more questions?
what if anyway, i'm back home and in a lot of pain?
what if sore throat, aching everything, squinty eyes and the general feeling that my body is trying to tell me "you ain't on holidays no more, bub!"?
what if, in short, ow

what if it is true, jason was snubbed for best new talent, but the jules thing was very nice indeed

what if jason's sudden appearance, watching from the shadows with an evil smirk on his face - it's just how i imagined his stalker reveal to be

what if, right down to the cruel yet sexy sarcasm of his "touching" remark

what if, and what better setting then the boys toilets, with just the two of them there alone ^_^?
what if jason is so pretty

what if:

what if i thought it was nice of andrew to wish the greek viewers a happy easter

what if he's strangely thoughtful like that?
what if the neighbours spectacular rocked! i wasnt paying enough attention to see who was doing the flippy things, but i'm just so happy that i got to see dylan on-stage - i've been wanting for so long

what if liked adam's skulking around in the darkness of the offstage area?
what if his lessons in australianese were very good

what if, and i wouldn't worry about kath and kim - it'll be nominated for best lifestyle or reality program next year?
what if seriously logies people - kath and kim is a comedy. it's not a documentary, it's not light entertainment program, it is a comedy. it's really not that difficult?
what if ugh...i am not at all in the well feeling right now?
(what if i was speaking that like jane turner from that strange russian show on fast forward - feel free t do the same

what if nevertheless, i'll drag myself off my death bed and go to salem's house tomorrow and finally give him his birthday present?
what if i'm such a good friend

what if i think he'll agree with that tomorrow

02 May 2005, 11:56 AM
ChianaWhat if any card carrying geek loves lesbians?
What if they all went and told their friends they know a real living, breathing lesbian?
What if
Sara is the new Portia DeRossi of WOW?
What if any dress with pumps that match it, is like being in drag?
What if I'm glad,
Maddie cleared up the story cause I was a little confused?
02 May 2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Chiana:
What if any dress with pumps that match it, is like being in drag?
what if i have to agree?
what if drag can be fun on occasion?
what if i think i look damn good in drag if i say so myself...?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 May 2005, 01:33 PM
SaraWhat if this is true, geeks love lesbians?
What if thanks for the reminder

What if lol, I dunno about Portia DeRossi or anything?
What if I'm trying very very hard to visualize a green dress, shiny green pumps and
What if *crack pop fizz zzzt zzzt zzzt* I think my brain short circuited?
What if

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 02 May 2005, 01:43 PM
ChianaWhat if all us scrollers (including the males) gathered together in dresses with matching pumps?
What if we all did a little number?
What if we looked like a bag of M&M's?
What if I can feel the pain in my toes already?
What if that would be one hilarious picture?
02 May 2005, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Sara:
What if I'm trying very very hard to visualize a green dress, shiny green pumps and
What if *crack pop fizz zzzt zzzt zzzt* I think my brain short circuited?
What if

what if all is right with the world...?

are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 May 2005, 04:46 PM
zoomwhat if i take back my earlier pronouncment and say bleh, fie &

on Monday, this week and every other f'ing day?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
02 May 2005, 06:18 PM
Smirk Morganquote:
Originally posted by Sara:
What if
Nora if you sing to me, consider our relationship OVER?

What if cause I've never done anything bad enough to warrant you singing? heh
What if say it ain't so?
What if I'd come undone?
What if
Gabber is planning on a Holiday?
What if
xc finally confesses "My Name is Jonas?"
What if
Salem found a Hashpipe?
What if
Ame tells
Brucy to Keep Fishin'?
02 May 2005, 09:47 PM
SaraWhat if

What if damnit, lol, I hate that all it took was
Nora using some Weezer titles and I'm all "Heh, she's so cool"?

What if nooo, it can't be that easy?
What if I second the fie-ing and bleh-ing of Mondays?
What if I hate the gynecologist?

What if but my girl was awful nice to me afterwards?

What if I treated myself tonight with some fresh strawberries and cream?
What if it was really good?

What if seeing that Spanish in
Keri's sig makes me all giggly and happy?
What if shaddup alla youse?

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 02 May 2005, 10:38 PM
GabberWhat if the groping thing still makes me laugh?
What if as does the male/male flirting on WoW, hehe?
What if the image of
zoomie and the green dress amuses me too?
What if
Chiana made me suddenly have a craving for M&Ms?
What if but I can resist, why yes, I can?
What if YES,
Nora, Gabber is planning a Holiday, a very nice Holiday that involves relaxing with her girlfriend?
What if 12 more days?
What if hehehehe, yes, you ARE going to enjoy it, baby?

What if my poor girl...and y'know, like taking care of you?

What if hehe, the Spanish was just for you,
What if it's the Spanish version of Soluna's "For All Time"?
What if I do believe I put that one on a soundtrack at some point...the English version that is?
What if the Spanish version just seemed to fit so well, only for my girl?

What if now I'm listening to "Mil Palabras/1000 Words" by Eden's Crush?
What if I'm a dork?
What if I apparently was clenching my jaw at some point and now my jaw and forehead hurts?
What if bleeeeh, I don't even notice I'm doign it sometimes!?
What if ah well?
What if I'm a dork and going to go now?

03 May 2005, 12:51 AM
Free MadnessWhat if I love seeing young lovers woo and scrollers put on green dresses?

What if I second Chiana's suggestion but uhhhh i'll only dance if Nora sings!

What if uhh, good counterbalance, know what I mean?

What if we all just bang two badger carcasses togther and recite poetry and declare that this is the new thing?
What if lol, Chris Robinson(black crowes) said that back in the 90's when confronted with, why does his music sound so much like Rolling Stones and Rod Stewart?

What if lol no badgers were harmed in that extremely dated statement!

What if I learned how to iron pants with a saucepan today?
What if heat it up, use the bottom as an iron, but make sure the bottom is clean, not burned and it ain't too hot?

What if this is a useful little trick if you're poor and can't afford an iron?

What if my pants looked hot?
What if so did my belt?
What if i have to work tomorrow and must wear these pants again?

What if I must also get some quiet shoes if I can find any?

What if the working office corporate world is umm...bizarre?
What if me in ironed black pants with quiet shoes that are not sneaks....that's like Zoom in a dress and pumps?

What if (takes another sip of hot chocolate) oh well back to the fantasy novel!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
03 May 2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Madogis:
what if nevertheless, i'll drag myself off my death bed and go to salem's house tomorrow and finally give him his birthday present?
what if i'm such a good friend

what if i think he'll agree with that tomorrow

What if Best. Friend. Ever!

What if Laurie.. photocard... name..Happy Birthday... eeee...*passes out*?
What if I shall treasure it forever, possibly in a slightly unhealthy way?
What if I kid?
What if though I did take it in it's golden frame in the car to get lunch..?
What if I attach it to a chain and wear it as an accessory?
What if, I just need to find the best place to display it and all will be fine?
What if in other news, I felt like throwing up while playing F Zero GX with Maddie?
What if all the colours and motion and when the track was a series of hills and the sudden dropping and the blergh...?
What if Laurie, wheeee?

03 May 2005, 10:26 AM
Madogiswhat if

04 May 2005, 01:03 PM
Free MadnessWhat if bleh i'm sick?

what if tummy bug, or some kind of flu?
What if I thought it was low blood sugar but is probably a combination of both?

What if at least I don't have to work today but still?
what if bleh?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
04 May 2005, 02:03 PM
zoomwhat if you push clear fluids lest you become dehydrated?
what if cuz that blood sugar ain't coming up without some calories?
what if chicken broth, sports drinks, Jell-o, lots and lots of water?
what if thus ends my motherly moment for today?
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
04 May 2005, 02:12 PM
SaraWhat if what
zoom said?
What if only 10 more days til I get to see my girl?

What if I wish the time passed by much faster?
What if at least after today, it'll only be single digits til we see one another?
What if

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 04 May 2005, 03:16 PM
GabberWhat if *bounce bounce* single digits, hehe?

What if 10 days though is making me a fairly happy girl who didn't complain in her own head as much at work today?
What if except for that my feet hurt from standing so long?

What if yaaay, 10 more days?
What if now I'm going to go bounce my way to the airport to pick up my bro and his wife?
What if I'm still gonna be a happy camper despite the drive?
What if 'cause soon,
I'll be driven to the airport to go see my girl?
What if yaaaaay?