01 July 2003, 06:18 AM
SalemWhat if it took me a while to catch up on all these what ifs?
What if I had to take a break in reading them and have lunch?
What if that was at 3:15pm?
What if I took another break to play the Ocarina of Time?
What if I had Rellik and Cora helping me?
What if it took me a while to read, but I read everyones what ifs?
What if I had been worried no one would have noticed I was gone, but then Heitie brought my absence up?
What if I had been chained in a dungeon, working on a special assignment while breeding Chao?
What if I was mostly gone because of my internet playing up and not loading lots of websites, and also not staying connected?
What if I try hiding from eyezoom anyway?
What if speaking of Chao, here is a
pic of a Dark Chao?
What if it's kinda cute also?
What if my sister and her boyfriend moved out on the weekend?
What if it makes me happy because now no one will come in here, turn on the light, then leave without switching it off?
What if everyone thinks that's crazy, but it really bothers me when people do that?
What if Ame knows about it because of how angry I got when someone did it while I was chatting to her on AIM?
What if speaking of anger, I saw The Hulk on the weekend?
What if I was extremely angry because there was a bunch of children sitting behind me and one of them had obviously seen the movie and kept telling his friends what was about to happen?
What if when there was a loud action scene he would yell so he could tell his friend about what was happening?
What if I had turned around and screamed at them?
What if I was swearing under my breath a lot?
What if as the movie went on, my swearing got louder?
What if one of the children actually fell asleep and started snoring?
What if I'm pretty sure one of them farted out loud?
What if there are words I would like to say, but I can't because I'd be banned?
What if I got banned while saying them in the cinema?
What if I only saw the movie because of Jennifer Connelly?
What if I wasn't interested in anything else about the movie but her?
What if it was a good movie though?
What if I also saw Sinbad when I saw the Hulk?
What if I didn't expect it to be very good, but was presently surprised?
What if Eris was fun in the movie?
What if Eris is the goddess of Discord?
What if Meighan Desmond played Eris in the movie?
What if I have never seen an episode of Charlie's Angels in my life?
What if that doesn't surprise anyone?
What if I suddenly felt extremely young?
What if I have seen the movie though?
What if I go to see the second one next weekend?
What if I see another one as well?
What if I refuse to name the other movie for fear of ridicule?
What if I went to that clown side that has evil laughter?
What if it scared me?
What if I'm not afraid of clowns, not including It?
What if I had a Happy Meal today?
What if everyone laughs at me?
What if it's unfair because soon (or currently) in America you get a Sega game with a happy meal, and we get crazy Winnie the Pooh slinkie toys and hats?
What if I wanted the Sega toys, but it's very unlikely we'll get them here because we never seem to have the same things as American happy meals?
What if I should move to America because a new Sonic anime, 'Sonic X' starts in August or September?
What if it probably won't come here?
What if it will, but I won't hear about it?
What if it does and it'll be on in the morning, because it currently airs in the mornings in Japan, and will be on in the morning in the US?
What if it would be better if it was on at night?
What if I find someone to tape it all for me so I don't have to worry?
What if Angel is on tonight and I watch it?
What if I don't need to because I don't have to tape it and Buffy anymore for a friend?
What if I'm too far into the plot of Angel so I need to see what happens next?
What if I was horrified when I had to tape Buffy?
What if because Lizzie McGuires friend was in it and she had an unpleasant end?
What if I don't like White Chocolate?
What if it's okay in small doses?
What if I like Cadbury the best?
What if Lindt is also nice?
What if I like the plain milk chocolate Lindt best?
What if it's still not as good as Cadbury?
What if I used to get Cadbury choclates called Furry Friends that had Australian Animals on the wrappers?
What if they were thin chocolates and came in a pack of 5?
What if I miss Reggie from Becker?
What if this should be enough What Ifs to keep everyone busy for a while?
What if I'm paranoid something will happen while I post this so I copy and paste this into a program and save it incase?
**What if I was right in saving it because my internet screwed up while trying to reply, so I had to restart the computer?
What if I probably wouldn't have restarted it if Ame hadn't suggested it, instead I would have sat here complaining?
What if I become a Seer like eyezoom?
01 July 2003, 08:26 AM
SalemWhat if I just noticed the first few of my what ifs from my last post had posted again?
What if I deleted them so no one else would see?
What if I deleted them and never mentioned it?
What if I would spend more time on my...ahem...special assignment if it was a what if post?
What if it was raining here today too?
What if that made me happy, because I like rain?
What if all of us being seers would be kind of scary?
01 July 2003, 11:14 AM
evilswineWhat if I am wasting time here instead of doing actual work at work?
What if I kind of ranted (slightly) to my boss about some a$$hole collections guy that called here at work (for something at work, not personal), and I know I really shouldn't rant at all to her?
What if I don't really give a s&^t because I know it probably won't affect the puny annual raise I'll get in a few weeks, anyway?
What if my birthday is Sunday?!?!?

What if it rains on my birthday?

What if I'd rather bask in the sun and get some semblance of a tan rather than sit inside because of the rain?
What if I want to go see a movie this weekend for my birthday?
What if I can't really decide between Bruce Almighty, Charlie's Angels, Dumb and Dumberer, Hollywood Homicide, and Terminator 3???
01 July 2003, 11:44 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I never go to movies?
What if I enjoy it, but my kids keep me home?
What if I don't trust babysitters?
What if I don't want to go to the movies by myself because it's kind of a big city with nasty, city drivers?
What if a woman got all up in our faces today because her unleashed dog shat all over the park and she refused to clean it up?
What if a nice lady with a dog on a leash cleaned it up?
What if I'm glad Salem is back What If'ing?
What if I enjoyed his long long post?
What if I like rain as well?
What if sunshine gets me down?
What if it's in the 70s today and I'm thrilled?
What if I stop ordering clothes online because nothing ever fits anyway?
What if I get over my trying-on-clothes-in-a-store phobia?
What if it's because I don't know what to do with my kids while I'm in the dressing room?
What if I'm a tense, tense lady?
What if "lady" sounds weird because I'm like 11 in my head?
What if I like Happy Meals?
What if I'd still get them if I ate at McDonald's?
What if you could get one with a McFish?