03 July 2003, 03:51 PM
FahrenheitWhat if ...?
What if I just burned a music cd?
What if it has Blondie and the Sound of Music and David Bowie and Kirsty MacColl and others?
What if it's fecking cool?
03 July 2003, 05:31 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i heard it was an overdose but rumors are just that..rumors?
what if i'm gonna have japanese for dinner?
what if i'm very happy the week is over?
stranger things have happened
03 July 2003, 05:38 PM
FahrenheitWhat if Tam brings me some Japanese?
03 July 2003, 05:48 PM
zoomwhat if i thought
Tam rumors what if was Stevie Nicks related at first?
what if the Stevie Nicks Taco House commercial on Satruday Night Live with LL as Stevie was one freakin' hilarious sketch?
what if Sandra Bernhard has a freakin' hilarious Stevie Nicks bit too?
what if Stevie is just freakin' hilarious in any parodic context?
what if i had to look up
parodic cuz i thought it was a word but i wasn't sure cuz i've been known to make up words before that sound like words but aren't?
what if i have another Independence Day Eve celebratory Jagermeister shot?
what if i have several?
what if i wish
Argy was online so we could have one of our transglobal toasts in matching shot glasses?
are you sitting on the soap?03 July 2003, 05:50 PM
zoomwhat if i felt the ireesistable urge to say i thought
Salem was cute as a bug, temporarily suspending my hatred of all things cute?
what if i then thought "what kind of bug?"?
what if grasshopper, for a number of reasons?
are you sitting on the soap?03 July 2003, 07:14 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I just took my kids to the park?
What if my son was on the swings and was swinging on his tummy pretending to be an airplane?
What if my daughter looked over from the slide and said "I think that swing could be blocking his intestines"?
What if my hair is sort of in a bun right now?
What if I look a lot like Olive Oyl?
03 July 2003, 07:18 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I used to have that SNL Stevie Nicks thing on my hard drive?
What if said hard drive crashed and I lost over a gigabyte of sound files?
What if that kind of stinks?
What if it doesn't because I got a new computer out of it?
What if I'm listening to my newly burned kicky cd right now?
What if I want a big pile of nachos?
03 July 2003, 08:48 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if japanese and nachos is a strange combo?
what if i had 'vietnamese' instead?
what if it was currrry chicken?
stranger things have happened
03 July 2003, 09:50 PM
AmethystWhat if I like Indian Butter chicken and cheese nan's?
What if i could almost live on them day in and day out
What if i love thai fish cakes, as long as they have the cucumber sauce to go with them?
I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER!!04 July 2003, 01:08 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I just watched Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill?
What if ok, it was pretty funny?
What if I liked the bits about religion and language?
What if the avatar is gone just when it isn't creepy anymore?
04 July 2003, 01:27 AM
evilswineWhat if I could also live off of Indian food?
What if Indian food is like the tastiest s%$t I have found in the US?
What if I hate that most American food is dummied-down, blander versions of other international foods?
What if I am in Indian food withdrawal and need a curry injection?

04 July 2003, 01:48 AM
EmessisWhat if I don't like curry?
What if I also don't like most other Indian food cuz it almost always has cilantro in it?
What if I can't stand cilantro?
What if the tiniest fleck of it can make me lose my appetite?
What if I put a chocolate soda in the freezer last night?
What if it exploded and my mom discovered it?
What if I had to clean it up, but got to eat all the chocolate crust that had frozen on everything?
What if there will forever be some stuck to the top of the freezer cuz I couldn't get it off?
I doubt, therefore I might be.
04 July 2003, 01:51 AM
Joey Jo Jowhat if that chick in Devi's sig is really hot?
There's not enough "O's" in smooth to describe how smooth I am. 04 July 2003, 02:11 AM
EmessisWhat if that's Xenia Seeberg?
What if I completely agree?
What if I'm getting
this personally autographed to me as a b-day present from Jess?
What if I'm impatiently awaiting my birthday?
I doubt, therefore I might be.
04 July 2003, 02:21 AM
Joey Jo Jowhat if
she was my girlfriend?
There's not enough "O's" in smooth to describe how smooth I am. 04 July 2003, 02:27 AM
EmessisWhat if...moscas en la casa?
I doubt, therefore I might be.
04 July 2003, 02:30 AM
Joey Jo Joquote:
Originally posted by Devi:
What if...moscas en la casa?
what if i knew what that meant?
what if i just lied?
There's not enough "O's" in smooth to describe how smooth I am. 04 July 2003, 02:34 AM
EmessisWhat if a can of soda just made an obscene noise at me?
I doubt, therefore I might be.
04 July 2003, 04:34 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I breathe, therefore I eat Indian food?
What if I like it extra hot with chilli pickles?
What if I'm bummed about missing out on a transglobal toast in matching shot glasses with
What if Kirsty MacColl rocks and it's completely sucky that she died in a plane crash?
04 July 2003, 05:46 AM
SalemWhat if David Bowie rocks?
What if I suddenly felt like grinning about being cute as a grasshoper?
What if the top shelf of my computer desk is covered in happy meal toys?
What if thats because no more will fit in my room?
What if not even I fit in my room?
What if I sleep on the top shelf of my computer desk?
What if I had a haircut the other day?
What if I only mention it because I dislike getting haircuts as I'm not a very talkative person and always feel bad when the hairdresser tries to start a conversation and all I can manage is one syllable in reply?
What if I hadn't had a haircut for quite some time and it was a long as Lucius Malfoys from the Chamber of Secrets?
What if it was closer to season 6 Gabrielle length?
What if I got season 3 of Xena on DVD today?
What if they need to hire someone else to design the actual cover?
What if the black flame box is fine, but the case looks like a rush job?
What if I should think myself lucky they even released them?
What if I now have every Xena episode?
What if Nick was just yelling at the camera on Home and Away?
What if it was like he was looking right at me?
What if it was oddly amusing?
What if for some crazy reason I went to type something other than 'amusing' in the previous what if?
04 July 2003, 07:50 AM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i can't recall cilantro in my indian food?
what if it's in mexican?
what if flies in the house?
what if shakira let them in?
stranger things have happened
04 July 2003, 09:52 AM
KSenaWhat if I am amazed that this place still kick ass!?!?!?!

04 July 2003, 11:05 AM
FahrenheitWhat if Kirsty MacColl was killed by a speedboat that had gone into a designated swimming area?
What if her two sons were in the water with her?
What if it was a terrible, terrible loss?
What if it's very windy and kind of rainy here today?
What if I like it?
What if I see Salem as more of a praying mantis, but still very cute?
What if my computer just told me there were 250mb I could safely delete on my system drive?
What if I did and now I'm freaking because that's a whale of a lot of data?
What if I'm just waiting for something to crash?
What if that would suck, especially on a weekend when I have no access to my tech guy?
What if I had a robot tech guy?
What if he only needed to be about three feet tall and I could keep him in my closet?
What if I named him Salem?
What if I hope everybody drives safely this weekend?
--What if I edited because I embarrassed even myself?
04 July 2003, 11:18 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I hate cilantro as well?
What if I didn't like it before, but there was an incident that made me dislike it fervently?
What if my ex-husband bought a giant thing of fresh cilantro and I washed it for him and put it in a thing in the refridgerator?
What if he for some reason didn't use it and it went very, very bad?
What if he then opened it to throw it away and the house smelled like ancient decaying cilantro for a couple of days?
What if you don't want that to happen, trust me?
What if California people have odd tastes?
04 July 2003, 11:39 AM
beauTifully tragicwhat if it's funny when heitie blushes?
what if my tattoo itches?
what if i can't wait for lunch?
stranger things have happened