09 July 2003, 03:53 AM
Joey Jo JoWhat if ...?
What if Jubilee bathing in calamine lotion does not sound like such a bad idea?
What if I just saw Die hard for the first time?
What if the DVD decided it wanted to freeze during the last ten minutes of the movie?
What if I am going to rip Hollywood Video a new one?
What if
she was my new lady friend?
what if I posted that before?
what if I am just want to get her attention?
what if it's 3 in the morning, and my girlfriend is away for a month, and i am feeling. . . kind of. . . lonely. . .

what if I need a cheerier what if?
what if i missed that show
I'm With Busey?
What if I am kind of scared of Gary Busey?
what if i want to be like him anyways?
what if. . .?
Seriously.09 July 2003, 07:03 AM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i reread years 3 and 4 first?
what if my gf read order of the phoenix before me?
what if i'm only up to page 238 (first day of school, professor trelawney's class)?
what if i think year 5 is going to be much darker?
what if i'm afraid of spoilers?

stranger things have happened
09 July 2003, 08:16 AM
zoomwhat if i did watch
I'm With Busey?
what if it's freakin' hilarious?
what if it's also a bit disturbing?
what if i've actually met people that think/act like that?
what if my new favorite TV night is Monday on Discovery with
Monster House, Monster Garage and
American Choppers?
what if there's going to be some serious videotaping going on when Monday Night Football starts in the fall?
are you sitting on the soap?free your mind, and your ass will follow...09 July 2003, 11:50 AM
ShawnWhat if I've already planned for such a thing and have 2 VCR's just for that!?!
What if I can live without Monster House?
What if Paul Sr. is an arrogant prick, but I still cant help but watch?
What if I want to quit my job and go to motorcycle school?
What if I can’t fix the clutch/tranny on my 1980 and it’s driving me crazy?
What if fat tire hard tail customs are not my favorite bikes, but old bob jobs in a flat track style are?
What if saying what I just said is the equivalent of ‘dirty talk’ to me?
What if I’ve become obsessed with motorcycles and spend all my extra (and not so extra) money on them?
What if all I have left to do is the wiring on the bike I just redid, but have been putting it off because I hate doing electrical work and really have no idea where to start?
Blue on black, tears on a river
Push on a shove, it don't mean much
Joker on jack, match on a fire
Cold on ice, a dead man's touch
Whisper on a scream, doesn't mean a thing
Won't bring you back
Blue on black
09 July 2003, 01:12 PM
JubsWhat if Joe doesn't have to worry about getting attention from me?
What if I realize he just wants a little attention now that his girlfriend is away?
What if I'm ok with that?
What if I would be lonely with my girlfriend gone for a month too?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
09 July 2003, 01:15 PM
JubsWhat if I just realized that Salem and I had a rather lengthy conversation on Fish Flies last night and I find that rather odd?
What if when I say fish flies, more people may understand me calling them MayFlies?
What if I am going to find a swarm of them and take a picture so the scrolls can see their grossness?
What if the idea of getting close enough to take a picture of a swarm of them makes me shudder? *shudder*
What if I stop talking about this now?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
09 July 2003, 01:53 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I got The Sorcerer's Stone in the mail today?
What if all this talk of the newest book made me want to read it but I want to start at the beginning?
What if my son saw it and said very pointedly "Are
you going to read it?"?
What if I told him we both are and he's upset now?
What if he
can read really well, but if it's not about airplanes or steam locomotives he's not interested?
What if I know what a mayfly is, but haven't been close to a swarm of them?
What if thank goodness?
What if we have cicadas on our spruce tree?
What if they live off the roots for years and then emerge from the gound a giant brown buggy thing and crawl very very slowly to the tree, attach themselves to it, and hatch from their old bodies into huge flying things that buzz loudly and have beautiful green wings?
What if it's interesting and gross?
09 July 2003, 02:07 PM
FahrenheitWhat if, speaking of hatching, we also have paper wasp nests in three windows?
What if there's no getting rid of them so we may as well watch them and call it educational?
What if paper wasps aren't aggressive at all?
What if they sit on our fence and wooden clothes pins and chew off some wood to build their nests with?
What if you can hear them and it's neat?
What if they just started hatching a couple weeks ago and I feel oddly protective of the babies?
What if three got in the house and my daughter and I took them outside with a glass and a piece of paper?
What if every wasp was as nice as a paper wasp?
What if I've just jinxed myself and they break through the windows and attack me where I sit?
What if I meant as in
here in my room but it sounds like I meant my hindquarters?
What if heh?
09 July 2003, 02:09 PM
FahrenheitWhat if my designation went up without my realizing it?
What if it's snappy

09 July 2003, 02:22 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I don't want to ride a motorcycle but I like looking at them?
What if I like the really old ones?
What if motorcycles soon have silent motors and become more pleasant to ride?
What if I realize I'm probably alone in my preference for quiet motorcycles?
What if some company starts making motorcycle noise things so the new soundless ones have the big loud rumbles?
What if I think I heard that someone already does so a Honda can sound like a Harley?
What if I dreamed that?
What if I want a Mini?
What if don't see why they can't make one with four doors?
10 July 2003, 12:49 AM
zoomwhat if Mocha Java or Dark Roast Columbian?
are you sitting on the soap?common sense would tell me not to try and continue
but i'm after a piece of the diamond in you
so keep your heart open
this spirit ain't broken...
and just a little is enough10 July 2003, 12:55 AM
AmethystWhat if Heitie has succumbed to Harry Potter, and will soon make it another obsession..
I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER!!10 July 2003, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Lt. Funk -- to the rear, march!:
what if Mocha Java or Dark Roast Columbian?
What if Mocha, please?
10 July 2003, 02:52 AM
FahrenheitWhat if Columbian?
What if I was trying to make myself creative so that I could pen volumes of award-winning fiction, or at least pages?
What if it works sometimes, but not the award-winning part?
What if today I only succeeded in making myself nauseous and non-sleepy?
What if I had a headache anyway and couldn't concentrate so it was all for naught?
What if pressed coffee is a whole lot stronger than the drippy kind?
What if I don't think I'll be having any coffee for a while?
What if I see a lot of peppermint tea in my near future?
10 July 2003, 02:56 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I feel better tomorrow and I take the day off and read Harry Potter to my babies?
What if my mother used to read us Little House on the Prairie books?
What if times they are a-changin'?
10 July 2003, 05:31 AM
SalemWhat if I only just noticed that Heitie is a Scroll Legend?
What if someone already pointed that out before and I missed it?
What if I also just noticed evilswine was a Scroller Extroardinaire?
What if extraordinaire is a long word?
What if hooray for Heitie reading Harry Potter to her children?
What if they all become hooked?
What if the giant Fish Fly picture Jubilee showed me was very creepy?
What if I'm very glad that there's none near my area?
What if no one believing Nicks story on Home and Away is really really
really annoying me?
What if getting annoyed over one of these shows is kinda pathetic?
What if Charmed is almost on so that eases the pain?
10 July 2003, 07:57 AM
zoomwhat if
Heitie's headache is caused by caffienne withdrawal?
what if she tapers off rather than going cold turkey?
what if i'm suffering badly from insomnia?
what if it's been on-going from some time now?
what if i'm looking into holistic remedies such as calcium magnate and melatonin?
what if i come home early and take a nap?
are you sitting on the soap?common sense would tell me not to try and continue
but i'm after a piece of the diamond in you
so keep your heart open
this spirit ain't broken...
and just a little is enough10 July 2003, 12:38 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I thank zoom for the caffeine concern?
What if it's a good point so I think I'll make some green or black tea in a minute?
What if I seem to have no trouble sleeping, except between the hours of 11pm and 5am?
What if my brain gets all yappy because the house is otherwise quiet and it won't let me sleep?
What if the other day I took a Benadryl because when I was a teenager it used to knock me on my arse?
What if it didn't this time and I just laid there kind of nervous in anticipation of being knocked on my arse?
What if chamomile tea works really well to relax you, but then you have to pee 5 times and can't sleep because of that?
10 July 2003, 12:50 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I just went to my doctor's website to check for holistic/homeopathic sleeplessness remedies?
What if he has a zillion articles on Valerian helping people with stress-related restlessness?
What if some also reference Kava?
--What if I'll e-mail the information of anyone wants it?
11 July 2003, 06:51 AM
SalemWhat if I spent last night searching for stories at
The Restricted Section to email to a friend because they didn't want to have to register and were too scared to enter anyway?
What if nevermind why *I* already had a password?
What if this night feels like it's going on for ages?
What if I think I might go watch Kath & Kim?
What if I wait til I'm hungry so I can eat something while watching?
What if it's hot up here at the computer?
What if I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens?
What if sorry, but I have a song playing at the moment and could think of nothing better to what if about?
11 July 2003, 07:05 AM
beauTifully tragicwhat if my gf and i tried a yoga class last night?
what if yoga makes you sweat buckets?
what if snapfish finally put my pics online?
what if

stranger things have happened
11 July 2003, 07:59 AM
SalemWhat if that was a really nice pic and a really nice lookin bird?
11 July 2003, 08:02 AM
zoomwhat if just last night a resorted to Benadryl to insure i would sleep?
what if my allergies really were bothering me, so it was only a sleep-related fix?
what if it pretty much worked, on both counts?
what if it pretty much worked so well that i'm kinda groggy and hungoverish this morning?
what if it was worth it?
what if TGIfreakinF???????
are you sitting on the soap?common sense would tell me not to try and continue
but i'm after a piece of the diamond in you
so keep your heart open
this spirit ain't broken...
and just a little is enough11 July 2003, 10:32 AM
FahrenheitWhat if it's hilarious that Salem already had a password?
What if that's a snappy snap of the pretty birdy?
What if my daughter asked to do yoga the other day?
What if I put a Wai Lana tape in for her and rolled out the mat and she totally did the entire workout by herself?
What if she's a little go-getter?
What if she also likes Wai Lana's pretty pretty outfits?
What if I got to sleep around 1:30 last night, which is actually kind of early?
What if I decide to go with the Benadryl tonight?
11 July 2003, 06:11 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if
Fate offered Salem 300 points to cough up the explanation as to why he's got a password to that site?