22 July 2003, 08:14 AM
zoomWhat if ...?
what if geez louise my brain hurts after catching up on the what if thread?
what if what else
bloodyclownboy doesn't know is that eyezoom changes her name ALOT?
what if eyezoom is well-known for her Xena-like reflexes and is almost always "careful" at work?
what if the mostly has to do with the fact that she works with
what if
everyone at work should "be careful"--at work a
and here...?
what if
Nora's cats &
lila997's dogs set up a chat room with Stella (zoom's dog)?
what if stoats & weasels would not be allowed...except for chasing?
what if this applied to ferrets, gophers and marmots as well?
what if i'm disappointed
Madogis didn't acknowledge my limerick?
what if a big Pythonesque foot dropped out of the sky and squished me right now?
what if...bbllllrrrrrrrrrppphht (large squishing sound)...?
are you sitting on the soap?i love the smell of napalm in the morning22 July 2003, 09:15 AM
SalemWhat if ick what a mess?
What if we better get someone to clean that up?
What if we had a scroll janitor?
What if they had to clean up all the mess created by these pets?
What if they are all well toilet trained?
What if it's us scrollers that need to be cleaned up after?
What if Evanescence performed Bring Me To Life on Rove tonight?
What if it sounded different as live performances tend to do sometime?
What if it kinda scared me?
What if it looked as if Amy was having convulsions?
What if that doesn't matter because she's still cool?
What if I listen to their album now?
What if I can't because I'm watching TV?
What if I will later?
What if I suddenly remember seeing a picture of Stella in the Subtext forum a while ago?
What if it was just some crazy dream?
What if this all turns out to be a question posed to the What if machine in Futurama?
What if how cool would it be to have that so we could ask it all these what ifs and see the outcome?
What if you've read it, you can't unread it?
What if stay tuned for more what ifs to astonish?
What if no one understands that?
What if I may have gotten something wrong?
What if I know what I mean, and in the end, aren't I all that matters?
22 July 2003, 01:22 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I can't keep up?
22 July 2003, 10:23 PM
<madogis>what if i can't log in again?
what if it's because i'm using the same computer that i had yesterday and for some reason it just can't handle me logging in?
what if i really meant to acknowledge the limerick?
what if i was just too abscent minded to remember?
what if i liked it so much, that i was reciting it to myself on the way to uni this morning?
what if it made me giggle, but also feel sorry for "curiosity's cat"?
what if i thought that (although well limericked) the flattening was uncalled for?
what if i taped Rove last night?
waht if i've only watched half of it?
what if, because it was the last half, i missed the first five minutes of Angel?
what if even after i changed the channel, i was taping Rove instead of Angel by mistake?
what if that kinda sucks, but i'll get over it?
what if that's because not a whole bunch of stuff happened in that time?
what if i stop talking about Angel before i throw in an accidental spoiler?
22 July 2003, 10:37 PM
<madogis>what if i went bowling last night?
what if i got about seven strikes in two games?
what if that's pretty good?
what if it would've been better if i hadn't got so many gutter balls to even things out?
what if i was reluctant to go because the last time somebody told me that we were going bowling, i ended up at a crazy cult and had to share my feelings about bible passages?
what if by the time we actually bowled, i was too traumatized to realize it, and to this day can remember nothing due to an intense desire to wipe the whole night from my memory?
what if i'm on my lunch break?
what if i'm here instead of lunching?
what if i need to buy soap?
what if i've been using shampoo instead?
what if i don't even know if the shampoo is mine?
what if i'm just waiting for my roommate to confront me about the disappearence of shampoo stuffs?
what if we had to get a new shower head because a guest once said that it felt like someone was "spitting" on him, due to lack of water pressure?
what if now we have too much water pressure and we can't get the shower to stop running?
what if the spray hits me directly in the face and i can't swivel the head to avoid it?
what if it's really quite annoying?
what if i still haven't bought any food?
what if i had rice with vegetables and mayonaise for eats yesterday?
what if it was surprisingly edible?
what if i'll probably have the same thing again tonight?
what if i really need a car, and perhaps the knowledge to drive it?
what if i think that my roommate is through with diving me places?
what if i'm screwed?
23 July 2003, 12:03 AM
Smirk MorganWhat if everytime Evanessence came on the radio, I want to turn it off?
What if I want to like 'em, but I just can't?
23 July 2003, 12:25 AM
JubsWhat if Nora have you heard any songs on their CD besides the two playing on radio?
What if maybe that would help you like them?
What if, even if you don't like them that's still ok?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
23 July 2003, 02:02 AM
SalemWhat if I find it funny that I finally branch out from video game/xena/david bowie music and Nora doesn't like the band?
What if I wanna know what the other song the play on the radio in America is?
What if I've only ever heard them play Bring Me To Life on the radio here?
What if I guess they play Going Under on the radio?
What if that was completely wrong?
What if I bought their album which was a major event for me since I never buy CDs unless they are movie soundtracks or David Bowie?
What if if it wasn't for that thread at the old board I never would have downloaded any other songs of theirs and then never would have been what iffing about it?
What if I like pretty much all the songs on it?
What if my favourites are My Immortal, Haunted, Tourniquet, Hello, Bring Me To Life and Going Under?
What if I like the other five songs, but not as much?
What if I listen to them right now?
23 July 2003, 02:38 AM
Madogiswhat if i'm logged in properly?
what if hooray!?
what if my suspicians about that other computer not liking me logging in (i'm on a differnent one now) are completely true?
what if i think it's cute that Salem is branching out?
what if i think that we all have to nod and smile along with him so his spirit isn't crushed?
what if i think the girl that sings that "Bring Me To Life" song sounds an awfull lot like Sophie Ellis Bexter?
what if i'm now remembering seeing Salem dance like Sophie Ellis Bexter?
what if that was a secret that i was suppose to take to my grave?
what if Salem is thinking about putting me in my grave right now?
what if i'm slowly getting used to these keyboards again?
what if i like their springyness?
what if i still don't plan to buy food until tomorrow?
what if i had a picnic bar and my first taste of milk in four days for lunch?
what if that should hold me over until i can find something else with a slight nutritional value?
what if it doesn't?
what if i starve to death with a stomach full of maiyonaise?
what if a girl named Sarah said "it's not fair" today?
what if i had no choice but to say "you say that so often, i wonder what your basis for comparison is?"
what if it happened again, only this time she said "i thought i was being generous", and then i said "generous? what have you done that's generous?" and kept myself amused for minutes to come?
what if that's my most favouritest scene of Labyrinth ever?
what if that stupid girl should've taken Jareth up on his offer while she had the chance?
what if that's what i would've done?
what if i hope she's happy now, having crushed Jareth's hopes and dreams and having ended her own by chosing a life of normality and servitude?
what if the next time Toby annoyed her, she went through the whole thing again, if only to correct her mistake?
what if there should be a sequal and that should be it?
what if they all lived happily ever after?
what if the end?
if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 03:01 AM
CoraWhat If I also think she should have stayed?
What if I think she should have become Jareth's Queen?
What if that is what I would have done?
what if she should have forgotten the Toby?
what if she shouldnt have burst the bubble in the first place?
What If I what if I would have found Sarah saying that Funny also?
what if I I am up late tonight?
what if I am sitting in the dark?
what if my glasses are dirty?
what if I an sharing info that people dont care about?
what if I wish that I could 'swish and flick' my way into a better me?
what if salem is dead?
what if I poked him?
what if rellik got an email from someone really cool?
what if I am jealous?
what if I am not because he doesnt have a real Irish accent?
what if she reads this and gets offened?
what if thats ok cause he is still hot?
what if I wanted a hot guy to write to me?
what if that will never happen?
what if I just go back to my happy place?
23 July 2003, 03:06 AM
SalemWhat if the sequel to Labyrinth should be no one believeing Sarah that she fought her way to the castle beyond the labyrinth, so they have her commited to an insane assylum, and then she keeps seeing Jareth everywhere and isn't sure whether he really is there, or if she truely is insane, and spends most of the movie trying to escape from the labyrinthine asylum, whilst trying to track the goblin king down?
What if I write
Heitie in bold so she see's this because she can't keep up and I ask her how old her children are because I'm not sure?
What if I found incense and am currently burning it?
What if it's making me kinda woozy?
What if this post icon is how I feel right now?
What if I glared at Madogis?
23 July 2003, 03:11 AM
Joey Jo Jowhat if
this hot guy writes cora a letter?
what if by
hot i mean
what if by
average i mean
hey, it could be worse?
what if by
hey, it could be worse i mean
howard stern?
what if
salem's avatar is kinda freaking me out?
what if rellik kinda freaks me out too?
what if
salem and
rellik are the same person?
what if i have never seen them in the same picture together?
what if i cant think of anymore what ifs?
Seriously.23 July 2003, 03:26 AM
<madogis>what if i forgot to log in?
what if i go back and do it in a minute?
what if i Neraly-Headless Cora is sharing info that no one cares about?
what if join the club?
what if that's what what if is all about? (or as is my understanding.)
what if i scoffed at Salem's glare?
what if i want to know why he's suddenly become an insece burnin' hippy?
what if i heard a song on Tripple J about "i wanna be a hippy an i wanna get stowned"?
what if it's in my head?
what if David Bowie's tyranical reign over my musical memory is over?
what if i wish somebody decent had overthrown him?
what if there's a little "message" thingy blinking at me?
what if i assume that someone else has said something while i'm getting my what iffing ass together?
what if i think that Homestar Runner has a pretty name?
what if i'm horribly wrong and it's actually the name of and elite and blood-thirsty assassin, sent to murder us all, just like me?
what if i've said too much?
23 July 2003, 03:57 AM
SalemWhat if I'm playing that navy game?
What if I won the first game against cora?
What if i'm losiong the second game?
What if it's kinda fun?
What if my/relliks dark secret has been uncovered?
What if I'm now run out of the Scrolls?
What if Madogis was wondering where I am?
23 July 2003, 04:14 AM
Madogiswhat if Madogis was indeed wondering where you am?
what if Madogis has been cruising the scrolls, barging in on which ever thread Madogis feels like?
what if Madogis is struttin' around like (it) owns the palce?
what if Madogis is wondering if Madogis' gender-identity crisis is over yet?
if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 04:14 AM
FahrenheitWhat if that was very thoughtful of
What if they're 5 and 8?
What if
Madogis double spaces because it's really hard to read tight text quickly and that's a whole lot of What If'ing to go through slowly?
What if "losiong" sounds like the name of an advisor to the emperor in ancient China?
What if
Salem's incense isn't really incense?
What if some of it's drifting over here?
--What if I edited this to insert bold?
--What if that ends 3 years of me not using bold names?
--What if it's new and exhilarating?
23 July 2003, 04:19 AM
Madogiswhat if sorry, i don't understand how computer spead reading works?
what if i try to remember to double space in future?
what if i blame Salem for teaching me bad habbits in earlier (waaaaay earlier) posts?
what if he's sraightened up and is flying right, and i should do the same?
what if i demand that everyone read the 'Australians' thread?
what if i'm very proud of my reasoning and i think that everyone would agree?
what if i advise small children to only enter the thread as directed (assuming it still exists) and not to dawdle in fight club, not that i've stooped to any such level in my own posting *shifty look*
if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 04:22 AM
FahrenheitWhat if thanks, that's much better?

23 July 2003, 04:24 AM
CoraWhat if I am beating Salem?
what If I dont care it I get carried away with my posts?
What if I think Homestar Runner should write me a letter?
What if I always get carried away?
what If I am used to people not listening anyways?
what if I have one more ship to sink?
what if I hit it right away?
what if I clicked on the wrong spot?
what if that cost me the game?
what if I go to bed now?
what if I dont cause its almost time to get up anyways?
what if I wished rellik and salem WHERE the same person?
what if I knew they where alll along?
23 July 2003, 04:24 AM
Madogiswhat if that's ok. sorry for the inconveinience?

if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 04:29 AM
SalemWhat if thankyou for telling me their ages
What if I now feel informed?
What if
Cora is damn good at the naval command game?
What if I keep getting invited to other tables?
What if yahoo games scares me?
What if
Madogis had no gender?
What if I add to the confusion?
What if she is a good artist?
What if he wasn't?
What if she posted a new topic all of her own?
What if he liked pokemon like me?
What if I just lowered everyones opinions of her?
What if now they don't speak to him?
What if I've confused
Cora in the navy game?
23 July 2003, 04:30 AM
Madogiswhat fi i suspected that you were all just figments of Salem's twisted imagination?
what if when i wanted to start posting here, he held me back just long enough to create a whole world of scrollers to throw me off the scent of his lies?
what if i've recently had insomnia too, and it ain't pretty?
what if i reccomend that Cora stays up till around 10am then goes to sleep?
what if that kinda worked for me...sometimes?
what if i just had to go throught this post and double space it?
what if i'd already forgotten about it?
if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 04:34 AM
Madogiswhat if Madogis was confused about Salem saying that she, he and/or it has or should start a new thread?
what if in the event that Salem was implying that Madogis HAD started a new thread, Madogis wanted to know what thread he was talking about?
if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 04:41 AM
SalemWhat if I was just saying you should start a topic, not that you did?
What if I had the most bizarre dream last night, more so then the Lucifer one?
What if it started out involving Charlies Angels?
What if it we were all in a raft going down rapids calling for Bosley while we were being shot at?
What if at some point Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond was there?
What if she fell down a hill?
What if I had to take her to a house while the Angels took care of the rest of the mission, whatever it was?
What if in the house there was some kind of demon monster?
What if it may have been some kind of vampire?
What if it broke Maries neck and I saw her die?
What if that was very,
very creepy/wrong?
23 July 2003, 04:42 AM
Madogiswhat if this computer takes a painfully long time to do stuff?
what if i'm slowly killing it with all my random scroll browsing?
what if i attempted to read the World Domination rules, but Fate scared me off?
what if, also, it was kinda long?
what if it was for priviliged members only and i couldn't play?
what if i didn't stick around to find out?
what if, instead, i ran away like a little sissy girl at the mere thought of my potential army's crops being withered into a festering pulp?
what if i have to go wait for a bus outta here?
what if i miss this one, then there's only one more chance for me to get home?
what if after that i'm screwed?
what if the computer lab stays open till midnight, so i'll be ok until then...i hope?
what if i'm gonna go now?
what if bye?
if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.