What if ...?

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23 July 2003, 04:44 AM
What if ...?
what if STOP coppying my dreams?

what if GET OUT OF MY HEAD???

what if gotta go?

if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
23 July 2003, 05:14 AM
What if did you really have a dream about charlies angels, marie, rapids and vampires?

What if that navy game is very fun?

23 July 2003, 08:55 AM
What if I do not know what the navy game is?

What if I wished that I still had an instant messenger program cause I miss talking to everybody?

What if some day I save my dinars and get a new PC?

What if I go to Iceland or New Zealand instead?

What if I decide to only travel to place that end in "land"?

What if NewfoundLAND, GreenLAND, DisneyLAND, NetherLANDS, OpryLAND, PortLAND, Rhode IsLAND?

23 July 2003, 10:30 PM
what if that's alot of land?

what if, well, no, i didn't actually have a Charlie's Angels dream?

what if i was refering to my "Tony Barber is a vampire" dream?

what if i miss instant messaging too?

what if i miss having unlimited access to a computer that will let me log in?
23 July 2003, 10:38 PM
what if i only just read Salems' whole dream?

what if i realized the horriffic things that go on in that boy's head?

what if i also had a dream about somebody snapping Marie's neck?

what if by "Marie", i mean "my"?

what if by "neck" i mean "student card"?

what if it was trying to tell me to get out of uni while i've got the chance?

what if it's saying that i kinda suck at uni and have no hope of ever translating the double-dutch that my teachers keep spouting?

what if i'm wondering if double-dutch is really that hard to understand?
23 July 2003, 11:21 PM
What if I thought double-dutch was a way of jumping rope?

What if Madogis' teachers jump rope as a progressive form of instruction?

What if I could see that working for certain types of mathematics?

What if there were also jump rope applications in studies of history, music, and language?

What if it's starting to sound like a legitimate teaching method?

What if I'm upset about Marie?
23 July 2003, 11:43 PM
what if you're right about the skipping?

what if i'd like to see that blanking blank blank printmaking son of a blank try?

what if i'm very very glad i no longer do printmaking?
23 July 2003, 11:58 PM
what if i just found the refresh button on this screwy silver task bar thingy (i have no idea what the bar is actually called - task just sounded familiar).

what if i might be able to tell if people have been posting before i do?

what if that's good?

what if i went into the scroller's list yesterday and found a picture of Salem?

what if it was so cute that i almost cried?

what if, when i was telling my roommate about Salem, they said that Salem was a "scrawny girly pretty boy"?

what if i found that pretty funny, but suspect that my roommate may just be threatened by Salem's delicate, fragile, and graceful good looks?

what if i still think it's funny?

what if i'm giggling at it right now?

what if you're all screaming SUBTEXT right now?

what if i think that's funny too? Razz
24 July 2003, 12:07 AM
What if I had to look up printmaking?

What if some of the Google-image entries under printmaking are kind of scary?

What if I don't get how printmaking works?

What if that's ok, I don't want Madogis to have to revisit the blanking process?

What if I'm waiting for my headache to go away?

What if cocoa marble fudge Rice Dream is delicious?

What if it reminds me of a fudgesicle, but in quart form?

What if next time I eat it with a stick?

What if I meant a popsicle stick but now I'm picturing a leafy branch?
24 July 2003, 12:19 AM
what if you should go with the leafy branch?

what if it might have some kind of nutrtional value we were unawear of?

what if printmaking is the act of making prints or copies of stuff?

what if it's really slow and difficult and the end result is crap?

what if that's just my opinion, and i apologise to anyone who might be offended by my wild alegations?

what if i can't figure out what that damn quote is from in the movie quoting game?

what if i think i've herad it, but i just can't remember it?

what if i just go back and start throwing random titles at it and see what happens?

what if i wouldn't know where to start?
24 July 2003, 12:35 AM
What if printmaking is not something I'd relish doing?

What if I like the branch but am concerned about bugs?

What if the chimps in our zoo use branches specifically to eat bugs as seen on tv?

What if the zoo people made a special hole in the ground just for that and they stock it with bugs?

What if maybe not but that's what it looks like to the casual observer?

What if my headache is starting to fade?
24 July 2003, 12:46 AM
what if YAY for your headache subsiding?

what if my yelling just brought it back?

what if the zoo actually has a bug exhibit, and the chimps are just crashing it?

what if i feel sorry for who ever it was that thought that their priceless bug collection would be safe with those very very hairy looking "zookeeepers"?
24 July 2003, 12:48 AM
What if I'm kinda sleepy?

What I wanna know what room mate Madogis is talking about?

What if Charmed is on tonight?

What if I'm so excited?

What if I just can't hide it?

What if I send Ame an SMS message via ICQ?

What if I don't because I don't wanna seem like an obsessive stalker?

24 July 2003, 12:55 AM
What if thanks Smile ?

What if the zoo really does have a bug exhibit and these are the extra offspring?

What if that's kind of sad, in a bug way?

What if the chimps also examine their own...leavings?

What if the older female did it right by the glass and we were standing mere inches from her?

What if it makes one feel very Jane Goodall for a moment?

What if then it's just gross?

What if I'm glad she didn't throw it over the partition?

What if these associations have ruined the leafy branch idea?
24 July 2003, 12:57 AM
what if it's the roommate i always talk about?

what if i'll be watching (or possibly taping) Charmed too?

what if has less to do with it being the last episode, and more to do with the fact that i've been seeing the guy who plays Luke/ The Judge from Buffy in the commercials?

what if (assuming it's on) i'll be taping futurama too?

what if that's because the tv will undoubtedly be occupied with the gutteral sounds of the NRL Footy Show?

what if that very same roommate has a sick attatchment to Andrew/Matthew Johns?

what if i think she needs help?

what if i finally bought food!?

what if i can stop being an involuntary vegetarian now?

what if there's a slab of processed chicken goo with my name on in? Smile
24 July 2003, 01:01 AM
what if i bet you're glad there was a partition?

what if, yes, it does kinda kill off the the leafy branch idea?
24 July 2003, 01:01 AM
What if Heitie has almost reached 200 posts?

What if I can see her online on AIM?

What if it isn't her?

What if I wonder where I got her ID from?

What if it was probably from one of those chats?

What if I have issues sending people messages first over instant messenger programs, because I always feel like i'm intruding?

What if I just saw her go offline?

What if now I don't have to fret over whether I should've sent her a message or not?

What if I see Emessis online, but she is away?

24 July 2003, 01:05 AM
What if i giggled at the term "...leavings"?

what if i should probably go home soon, even though i'm having a relling good what if session with y'all?

what if i'm afraid that i'll use up all my internet usage privilages on scrolling, leaving nothing for actual uni work?

what if that wouldn't be so bad if i didn't have a computing lesson tomorrow afternoon, and i'm pretty sure we'll need internet access?

what if i want my chicken goo?
24 July 2003, 01:06 AM
What if I figured that was the room mate you meant?

What if I'm wondering which guy you're talking about in charmed?

What if I assume it's one of the people wearing white robe outfits?

What if I don't think Futurama is going to be on?

What if I wish it was?

What if I don't know if I have any room for it on the tape because I taped something else at the end of it?

24 July 2003, 01:10 AM
What if yes it was me?

What if someone, I think it was Jubilee, pulled me into a chat thing a few times 40 years ago and Salem was often there as well?

What if I have a long list of IDs from then and I don't remember who half of them are?

What if I almost never turn my IM things on but if I do it means you're not intruding?

What if that is not the case with everyone and I actually have intruded and it was very embarrassing so I'm now IM-shy as well?
24 July 2003, 01:12 AM
what if woohoo! i wont have to sit through the Footy Show to get to Futurama!

what if i had a sudden and inexplicable urge to watch King of the Hill?

what if that security buzzer keeps going off?

what if it's really starting to "not amuse"?

what if i should've been doing something resembling work with my day off, but i thought "nut's to that!"?

what if i'm really quite hungry and should probably leave?
24 July 2003, 01:15 AM
what if *sigh*

what if i have to go home now?

what if the temptation of steaming hot chicken goo is just too much to resist?

what if my shoelaces keep untieing themselves and there's nothing to be done about it?

what if i wish i still had velcro shoes Frown
24 July 2003, 01:16 AM
What if next time I see Heitie online I send her a message?

What if Jubilee is online and I send her a message now?

What if I waved goodbye to Madogis?

What if everyone was IM shy and we all just sat around staring at peoples names waiting for them to message us, but they never do?

What if it's creepy when you do do that and then a message does pop up?

24 July 2003, 01:18 AM
What if I want to make a joke about laughing at my leavings but it keeps coming out gross?

What if see?

What if I assumed my designation would change with 200 posts but it has not?

What if that's fine, I like Legend?

What if I feel on par with Grizzly Adams and other such legends?
24 July 2003, 01:21 AM
What if I hope Madogis enjoys his or her goo?

What if the gender question was answered and I'm just behind the times?

What if, again, like Grizzly Adams?