What if ...?

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24 July 2003, 10:42 AM
What if ...?
What if there was alot of posts last night after I went to bed?

what if I ALWAYS message salem because I know he wont message me?

What if I should have taken that as a hint?

What if I didnt care?

What if I was thinking of Zug Zug as well!

what if that makes me think of Snoo Snoo?

what if the only person who knows what that is is Rellik?

WHat if I dug Ame out with a spoon?

What if she met a nice lady in jail? Wink

WHat if Ame tried to eat my Saphires?

what if she tried to eat Saphire Sally?

What if that makes me laugh?

WHat if I find little kids really cute?

What if I wish I had my own kid?

What if I dont want the work envolved?

What if I steal someone elses kid?

what if I give the kid back at the first sign of diaper duty?

what if by carring her kids Heitie reminds me of a book?

What if the book is called 'I love you forever'?

what if its a really really sad book and makes me cry everytime I read it?

what if its by a Canadian childrens author so no one has heard of it?

what if salem's mom has that book?

What if I have to go to the gym soon?

what if I dont really want to go?
24 July 2003, 01:02 PM
What if I think Cora would make a neat mommy?

What if it's not that much work?

What if ok, it is that much work, but it's work that you don't really mind?

What if that only makes sense to those who actually have children, or possibly beloved pets?

What if the diaper thing doesn't get annoying until they're around 3?

What if a breastfed baby's leavings aren't even stinky?

What if I dislike really really sad books in that they make me cry as well?

What if I don't need extra drama?

What if I know people who announce everything very dramatically and expect me to gasp at hearing it?

What if it's like this "well...our neighbor's gone. She was 26. It's....very sad..."?

What if then once I express sympathy they get all bright and cheery?

What if there's something wrong with that?

What if I dig mocumentaries?

What if the swishy guy in Waiting For Guffman was also Count Rugen in The Princess Bride?

What if I like actors who actually play different characters instead of seeming like the same one all the time?

What if I guess that would be a character actor?

What if I just duh'd at myself?

What if no matter what he's in Tom Cruise is pretty much the same guy?

What if not so Christopher Guest?

What if pine nut....cashew nut....pistachio nut...?

What if nobody gets that?

What if they kind of do and then say "was the nut guy Count Rugen, too??"?

What if it's weird that I haven't seen Spinal Tap?

What if that's not the actual title of the film but I'm not sure what it is and everybody knows what I mean anyway because I'm the last person over 25 who hasn't seen it?
24 July 2003, 02:20 PM
24 July 2003, 02:21 PM
What if Harlan Pepper?

What if I adore Catherine O’Hara?

What if my mother has decorated their camper?

What if I’m thinking about moving out of the state to get away from my parents?

What if I just bought 47 pounds of dog food?

What if it’s fricking 2003 and there is no digital phone service in Apalachicola Florida?

What if it’s really pissing me off?

What if my dog has a problem with incontinence because she was beaten before I got her?

What if I’d like to beat the person that did it?

What if I feel really sorry for her because she gets so pitiful when it happens?

What if she is on medication and it’s helping some?

Blue on black, tears on a river
Push on a shove, it don't mean much
Joker on jack, match on a fire
Cold on ice, a dead man's touch
Whisper on a scream, doesn't mean a thing
Won't bring you back
Blue on black

24 July 2003, 02:32 PM
What if heeheee Shawn gets it?

What if I'm only 80% sure that was Shawn so I'm not name-bolding because it would only attract attention?

What if I need to keep a little list of names and add to it each time I'm certain of who someone is?

What if moving to avoid one's parents is not unreasonable?

What if if I had the means and could still keep this house I'd do the exact same thing?

What if I desperately hope my children don't do it?

What if, by the same token, I hope to do what it takes so they won't want to?

What if that's why old ladies bake so much?

--What if I realized I could check profiles and that was indeed Shawn so I came back to acknowledge and embolden?

[This message was edited by Heitie on 24 July 2003 at 04:57 PM.]
24 July 2003, 02:35 PM
What if I'm sorry about maybe-Shawn's dog?

What if I don't know if these things improve with time but it seems like they would?

What if I hope so?
24 July 2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Nearly Headless Cora:
What if the book is called 'I love you forever'?

what if its a really really sad book and makes me cry everytime I read it?

what if its by a Canadian childrens author so no one has heard of it?

What if, in fact, I know of that book?

What if it is a big seller at my store?

What if I'm still in the middle of cleaning my room?

What if I am trying to avoid the living room as much as possible so I don't have to think about it?

What if that is actually very easy to do because my parents are out of town and can't nag me about it?

What if, no, I must not procrastinate any longer?

What if it's still really easy to do?

What if, yay! now that they're gone, I can take their car?

What if not to imply that I would ever do such a devilish thing?

What if there's a person (non scroller) who talks to me online all the time, and I just wish he'd go away because he has a pea-sized brain and can't think of anything other than smoking weed and getting drunk?

What if, oi, that's annoying?

What if I think I will block

The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.

24 July 2003, 04:06 PM
What if sometimes I find myself thinking in what if form?

What if I then begin to write EVERYTHING in what if?

The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.

24 July 2003, 10:58 PM
what if ME TOO!?

what if i have to actually tell myself "no" when i say "what if" during my ongoing inner monologue?

what if me and Jubilee go crazy?

what if we end up in the same mental institution, constantly talking to each other in what if form?

what if that's really sad about Shawn's dog?

what if i really like Shawn's "Blue on Black" quoting?

what if i love that song?

what if i was away for 12 hours and in that time, you guys had managed to run-up forty-five minutes worth of reading?

what if that means nothing, other that the fact that i read really really slow?

what if "chicken goo" is what i've decided to call the food i've been eating which i can only assume might be something similar to a "corn dog"?

what if after all that reading, i've left myself very little time for responsive what iffing?
24 July 2003, 11:03 PM
what if i think i might know what "Snoo Snoo" is?

what if i'm wondering if it has anything to do with Kiff, Zapp, and Fry?

what if Cora is talking about something completely different?

what if i've just made a fool of myself?

what if that's nothing new?

what if, at the very least, Salem will understand what I'M talking about?
25 July 2003, 12:19 AM
What if I can't imagine anything resembling a corn dog being called chicked goo?

What if I do lots of mental What If'ing as well?

What if I figured out how to text message my ex-husband from my computer?

What if I send him a barrage of messages tomorrow?

What if they're about stupid things like whether he rolled the windows up because it's raining?

What if Ellen's new stand-up thing has a funny bit about car windows?

What if the whole thing is pretty funny?

What if it's rated PG so my kids watched it with me?

What if they collapsed with laughter at the movie popcorn thing?

What if now I'm not sure how new it was, but it was new to me?

What if I like the musical group Barrage?

What if nobody knows who they are but me?

What if I imagined them?

What if I somehow manufactured my video tape of them myself using mind techniques?
25 July 2003, 12:33 AM
What if I do know what Madogis is talking about?

What if I figured that would be what Cora was talking about?

What if Snoo Snoo is the name of some sort of food in Canada?

What if it'd be funny to go say "Can I please have some Snoo Snoo thanks?" at a fast food shop?

What if Canadian children run around screaming "I want Snoo Snoo!!"

What if I have a feeling that I'm going to be roped into going to pick up my cousin from school?

What if I was invited to a party the other day?

What if I can't remember if I've what iffed about this already?

What if I'm not sure whether the party is tonight (friday) or next friday?

What if if it's tonight, I'm not going to go?

What if I'll consider going if it's next friday?

What if the party is because someone has to have surgery?

What if people use any excuse for a party these days?

What if my first reaction to being invited was "....Aw crap"?

What if I suddenly thought of that simpsons episode where Helen Lovejoy or Maude Flanders says "Don't talk about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N" and then Krusty replies "Sex Cauldron?? I thought they shut that place down years ago!"?

What if that was out of the blue?

What if I'm wondering where the blue is, and why lots of things tend to come from there?

25 July 2003, 12:36 AM
What if there wasn't a post by Heitie before I did mine?

What if that's because I take so long to reply?

What if I go to talk in What If form sometimes but manage to catch myself?

What if I sometimes just say it for the fun of it?

What if I've never heard of Barrage?

What if I haven't heard of a lot of bands/singers?

What if I've never heard of Britney Spears?

What if who?

25 July 2003, 12:41 AM
What if I'm pretty sure the blue is the sky?

What if it's the ocean?

What if it's some kind of insect swarm?

What if the food channel just had a thing on Food Finds about some candy?

What if the people making the candy were touching it without gloves?

What if they had rings and long nails as well?

What if candy is very sticky and you eat it raw and I don't know enough about these people's hygiene habits to have them touching my sweets?

What if that last one kind of went another direction but you know what I mean?
25 July 2003, 12:42 AM
What if Barrage isn't so much singers but mostly fiddlers?

What if 7 of them have violins and they play and dance and it's exciting?

--What if I edited this to say 'Oh, here they are'?
25 July 2003, 12:46 AM
What if the group has changed and is now larger with more violins?

What if it's been a while since I saw them last?

What if even then it was just on tv?
25 July 2003, 12:53 AM
What if I feel silly for not knowing the blue was the sky?

What if I had an image of a swirling blue vortex?

What if I was also thinking of a bucket of blue paint in someones shed that is constantly having things come out of it and floating away?

What if I click the Barrage link?

What if it does indeed look exciting based on that picture that's on the main page?

What if I go look at the gallery?

What if it seems familiar to me for some reason now?

What if I led a secret (even to myself) double life and I was a member?

What if this picture made me giggle because of the violin being in the air and it looks like she's making it float?

25 July 2003, 12:56 AM
What if her violin just dropped out of the blue?
25 July 2003, 12:57 AM
What if I have little objection to this picture?
25 July 2003, 12:57 AM
What if that made me laugh?

What if I go to watch Kath & Kim now?

25 July 2003, 12:58 AM
What if, to be clear, that picture I referenced is not why I like the group but it's a nice extra?
25 July 2003, 12:59 AM
What if I hope Salem enjoys this Kath & Kim about which I know nothing?
25 July 2003, 01:37 AM
What if I did enjoy it?

What if this is the home page for the show?

What if it's pretty funny?

What if Magda Szubanski is my favourite in the show?

What if actually, I like them all?

*What if I edit this to say I swear that Heities' two posts above her last one weren't there when I looked before?

25 July 2003, 01:56 AM
What if I was going to ask if this Magda person is the lady from Babe?

What if then I was clicking around the page and saw a picture that looked like the lady from Babe?

What if I'm putting 2 and 2 together and getting Mrs Babe?
25 July 2003, 02:10 AM
What if I just remembered she was in that Crocodile Hunter film as well?

What if I liked her better in Babe?

What if Babe: Pig in the City is not one of my favorite films?

What if I like the farmness of the first one?

What if the City one makes me sad in too many places?

What if I thought for a second I remembered Jim Broadbent being in it but it was Mickey Rooney?

What if Jim Broadbent is one of those character actors I enjoy so much?

What if I watched The Borrowers with my children the other day and maybe that's why I was thinking of him?

What if I don't remember if I already mentioned that?

What if it would be fun to make a little cartoonesque mouse hole in the wall complete with postage stamp portrait and a matchbox bed?