30 July 2003, 04:53 PM
zoomWhat if ...?
what if i am trying to up my post count?
are you sitting on the soap?hush little baby, don’t say a word
and never mind that noise you heard
it’s just the beast under your bed,
in your closet, in your head
exit light
enter night
grain of sand
exit light
enter night
take my hand
we’re off to never never land30 July 2003, 05:01 PM
zoomwhat if i couldn't care less about post counts?
what if that sounds snarky?
what if it's not intended to be?
what if it's extremely hard not to be snarky at times even when snarkiness is a legitimate response?
what if it's also extremely hard not to be snarky at times when it's not a legitimate response?
what if the lines of legitimacy are fine and often blurry?
what if black & white vs. shades of grey?
what if i digress?
are you sitting on the soap?hush little baby, don’t say a word
and never mind that noise you heard
it’s just the beast under your bed,
in your closet, in your head
exit light
enter night
grain of sand
exit light
enter night
take my hand
we’re off to never never land30 July 2003, 05:15 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I'm pretty sure zoom knows I wasn't serious about post counts?
What if this knowledge allows me to insert the proper level of snarkism into my reading of her post?
What if I was just going along with the proposed Scrollerland housing codes joke?
What if the 3-cheese Goldfish crackers are delicious?
What if my daughter spilled her goldfish's food today and I had to vacuum?
What if I was battling a very strong army of dustbunnies at the same time?
What if I eventually prevailed but not without great effort?
What if in the midst of battle I backed into the vacuum and its vibration surprised me greatly?
What if I pictured that happening to an old lady and her screaming "my seat!"?
What if I like to laugh while I vacuum?
30 July 2003, 05:32 PM
FahrenheitWhat if wait, I think it's 'snarkasm'?
30 July 2003, 05:52 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if wait, i think it's 'snarkgasm'?

sometimes all we do is cope
30 July 2003, 05:53 PM
FahrenheitWhat if heeheee?
30 July 2003, 06:29 PM
JubsWhat if yay I'm really proud of myself for something?
What if I can't say why?
What if I do?
What if I'm proud because I was able to straighten my hair in under two hours today?
What if it's really straight?
What if I love hair straighteners with ceramic plates?
What if I just thought of something that happened last season on Buffy but I wont talk about it because I dont know where other people are at in the season?
(edited becaues of stupid stupid typos...grr)
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 07:37 PM
AmethystWhat if my house is almost, but not quite as big as heities?
What if we decide how many temples we'll have, and to who?
What if we need a huge one to the God of War, just cause I miss Kevin..
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??30 July 2003, 07:58 PM
JubsWhat if I have realized it's nearly impossible to put eyeshadow on both eyes at once and watch myself do it?
What if I laughed out loud at myself (in my empty house) for trying to do so?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:00 PM
JubsWhat if I really like, in the movie "My Girl 2", when Veda's mom sings the song "Smile" on an old video tape?
What if that part always makes me cry?
What if I really like the voice of the woman playing her mom?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:04 PM
JubsWhat if I really need a new lip gloss?
What if the only shandes I have are shades pink and red?
What if what I really need are more nude tones?
What if tonight a mauve-ish tone would work better?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:04 PM
Jubswhat if even just a clear gloss would be nice?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:11 PM
lila997What if I liked the grits I had at Threadgill's with
zoom and
Shawn and
le a LOT?
What if Happy birthday
What if I am still wary of making the statement "I like grits."?
What if it's because the above mentioned grits were only my second sampling and I fear that I suffer from lack of grit exposure and I can't make a fair decision?
What if it's because I live up north and all we have is boring oatmeal?
What if I don't know what a Malt-o-meal is?
What if it's like a Richard Simmons Deal-a-Meal?
What if
Jubilee tells me what it is and then I start to crave it and can't get it?
What if I was just talking on the phone with
Arista but I am not now cause she had to go pee?
What if
Arista can get malt-o-meal where she lives and she gets some when I visit there next month so I can try it?
What if I call her back and ask her about it?
What if I call and she's still peeing?
What if I'd better wait?
30 July 2003, 08:16 PM
JubsWhat if, well
Lila Malt-O-Meal is kind of like grits?
What if it comes in a box and you have to add water (and milk depending on preference) and cook it on the stove or in the microwave?
What if you have to be careful that it doesn't boil over the pan/bowl?
What if after you cook it, you add brown sugar, or white sugar, or fruit, or pretty much whatever you want to it?
What if I really like it, but some people don't?
What if, yeah, it's pretty much the same as grits?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:18 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I imagine
lila does know what Malt-O-Meal is she just doesn't realize it?
What if I'm wrong and it's somehow banned on the east coast?
What if it's like that thing with Coors and the Mississippi river or whatever it was?
What if it's this

and you can order it
What if that's really weird that you can order it right from their site?
What if I wish other companies would do that?
What if in Malt-O-Meal's case I doubt it would be necessary though because it's right there in hot cereal near the oats?
30 July 2003, 08:18 PM
lila997What if
Arista reads my last post and gets mad that i told people she was in the bathroom?
What if she won't care cause she tends not to embarass easily and will think it's funny?
What if I tell
zoom that the Cirra thing from a page back referred to Callisto's home village?
What if I dunno if that info will make it funny for her now but at least she'll know the reference?
What if I am now wondering if besides
Shawn, QB and bloodyclownboy am I the only scroller who's met
What if oh yeah I think maybe
pj has too?
What if Scroller Camp out... *sigh*... can't do it?
What if that makes me sad and I don't wanna talk about it?
What if my gianormous dog is sitting on both of my feet and I can't move?
What if no, really?
30 July 2003, 08:20 PM
JubsWhat if I'm about to drink my first ever frappuccino?
What if I'm kind of nervous if I will like it?
What if that is because I don't really like coffee?
What if I'm trying it because I do like iced-mocha flavored coffees?
What if here goes nothing?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:22 PM
JubsWhat if, hey, that's not bad?
What if, mm, I kinda like it?
what if I was a little taken aback at first by the strong coffee smell emitting from the bottle?
What if now I kinda like it?
What if I might have to drink these more often?
What if, they're still kind of expensive?
What if, so maybe I'll only drink them every now and then?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
30 July 2003, 08:23 PM
lila997What if thanks
Jubs and I really don't recognize it?
What if that looks like something we call Cream of Wheat?
What if it's prolly nothing like it?
What if I feel compelled to go to the store right now and check the hot cereal aisle to see if they even sell it in New England?
What if that's not possible cause of the laborador-on-the-feet problem I am currently having?
30 July 2003, 08:24 PM
AmethystWhat if Malt O Meal looks just like porridge?
What if i have no idea what grits are?
What if they sounds like shredded potato for some reason
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??30 July 2003, 08:25 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I urge Jubilee to use caution in her Frappuccino consumption?
What if it goes down very easily and you don't realize how much coffee you're really getting?
What if the caffeine doesn't fully hit you for a couple of hours, but then watch out?
What if I knew a girl many moons ago who drank 4 of them very quickly and was out of commission for a whole day?
What if no it wasn't me?
30 July 2003, 08:25 PM
AmethystWhat if Sara and Gabber have met Le too?
What if oops... Happy Birthday Le!!
What if I never met lila?
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??30 July 2003, 08:25 PM
lila997What if ut-oh
Jubilee is gonna have insomia from that frappuchino?
What if said insomnia will likely produce some funny what-if posts so it's all good?

30 July 2003, 08:27 PM
AmethystWhat if I hate hate hate coffee?
What if i can't stand eating anything chocolate that has a slight mocha taste to it, cause it just reminds me of coffee?
What if I have the flu?
What if i rang my mum for sympathy, and she has the flu too?
What if jess is picking on me cause she knows i am sick?
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??30 July 2003, 08:27 PM
lila997What if
Ame is the absolute very first scroller or on line person I ever met?
What if does that mean that
Ame took my "on-line/IRL meet-up virginity"?