31 July 2003, 03:04 PM
JubsWhat if ...?
What if I just realized this thread is posted in mainly by a bunch of
mods and
What if do people think that we mods aretrying to take over the what if thread?
What if we're not, we just don't have lives?
What if
Heitie's a good gal for sticking it out and putting up with us?

What if I just found a Nestle Flip (chocolate covered pretzel) on my desk?
What if it confused me because I thought I had eaten all of those last night?
What if hmm...?
What if a wicked witch broke into my house and planted a poison-full Nestle Flip on my desk, in the hope I would eat it and die?
What if, well, I wont give her any satisfaction in her evil caper, I will throw it away?
What if hahahaha I smashed her plan?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 03:07 PM
JubsWhat if the Nestle Flip was just a cover up for the bushel of apples in my kitchen?
What if she was hoping I'd think the Flip poisoned, and decide on a tasty apple for lunch?
What if oh no! what to do?
What if I must not eat any of the food in my house until I know for sure if any of it has been poisoned?
What if I need a food tester?
What if any volunteers?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 03:08 PM
lila997What if no one has read Eliot and everyone thinks that I really ate a hallucinogenic peach?
What if they think I'm nuts?
What if oh boy I hope that
zoom is around here somewhere to vouch for my sanity?
31 July 2003, 03:25 PM
JubsWhat if, it's ok
Lila I'm the one talking about a witch poisoning food?

The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 03:26 PM
FahrenheitWhat if you're welcome?

What if I looked up
zoom's reference and that explains my forementioned desire to read more poetry?
What if that also means I understand there was Eliot involved...now?

What if still, after
Jubilee's Flip and
lila's peach I'm concerned that there will be mystically altered food in my kitchen when I next go in there?
What if I forgot to bold all those names until I'd already typed them and I had to go back through?
What if I hit the Insert button by mistake?
What if heh...insert?
What if I've noticed that it's mainly me and the mods?
What if people start to wonder why I've never been a mod?
What if I don't mind being a mere citizen, but the mod forum does kind of taunt?
31 July 2003, 03:34 PM
ShawnWhat if I’m dying to meet
What if I recognize
lila’s driveway?
What if I think it’s cool
lila mentioned
What if
QB stuck her head in here?
What if all of my “What if’s?” had scroller names in them?
What if that just mucked it up?
What if I need to send
Heitie some of my work because she has enough time on her hands to alphabetize the list of famous people?
What if I’m thankful she did it?
What if Veal and Peppers?
What if Ooof?
What if my girlfriend came back from her family reunion with all of her hair cut off and I really wanted to ask her if she had a run in with Alti?
31 July 2003, 03:39 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I'm picturing
Shawn's girlfriend all bald with little scattered tufts?
What if that's not easy since I don't know what she looks like otherwise?
What if I didn't alphabetize them, I hit "sort" in MS Word?
31 July 2003, 03:40 PM
JubsWhat if hahaha
Shawn maybe the family reunion proved as much a battle as a run in with Alti?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 03:59 PM
CorXyWhat if I'm sitting here bawling?
What if I just watched the X/G 'there you'll be' music video?
What if after all this time it still breaks my heart?
What if I miss Xena and Gabs?
What if I dunno why I'm all of a sudden so emotional again?
Jo Marriott & Carly Bramwell Information Page Inspirational Pain31 July 2003, 05:28 PM
AmethystWhat if we started a what if forum and heitie was mod?
What if we did more what if pages in a few hours last night, than the whole time i was asleep?
What if thats due to the fact salem and i are sleeping, therefore less people are posting?
What if i am about to hit the 300 post mark... O.o
What if I played dots last night on yahoo with salem and an irl friend, and towards the end me and his friend cheated, but i still didn;t win?
What if my cold seems to be worse, but i need to be cured by tomorrow, cause i HAVE to work?
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??31 July 2003, 05:33 PM
AmethystWhat if Jess is riding her bike around the backyard at 7.30am, singing '
Do a deer, a female deer'
What if my daughter is very strange for a three year old?
What if her favourite things to watch on tv (other than dora the explorer ,and blues clues) are george of the juble (movie), sound of music and xena
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??31 July 2003, 05:43 PM
FahrenheitWhat if that's not strange at all?
What if I wonder if she's into Barbies?
What if I also wonder if you're going to allow Barbies as some do not?
What if I wasn't going to but here they are?
What if my daughter loves Barbie as Rapunzel and Doctor Doolittle (the new one) and Dora and CatDog and Spongebob and Rugrats?
What if she also loves the food channel?
31 July 2003, 05:45 PM
AmethystWhat if Jess' first barbie was an olympic babrbie from the olympics (obviously)
What if was going to leave it in it's box, but one day unbeknownst to me, she opened it?
What if *tear in my eye* jess just asked to watch xena again
What if i loved my barbies, therefore i shall allow jess to do the same if she feels the need?
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??31 July 2003, 05:50 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if a few highlights make short hair look great?

what if someone left a 2-3" dent in my car today while i was at work?
what if i just got my car back from being fixed from the last time someone hit it?
what if i go cut my hair now?
sometimes all we do is cope
31 July 2003, 05:55 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I'm sorry about
Tam's car?
What if that sounds snippy when you put in it What If form, but it isn't?
What if I never had Barbies so I didn't know how much fun they could be?
What if I don't like the specialty ones like the skaters because they can only wear their own clothes?
What if the Ballerina one has joints and she's hard plastic so she's really easy to dress?
What if she's also stunning in a plain satin wedding gown?
What if they need to work on making the shoes stay on better?
What if GI Joe shoes, by comparison, won't come off at all?
What if or maybe it's that they won't go on?
31 July 2003, 06:13 PM
zoomwhat if
Heitie's poetic education ruined my plans to act like i had no idea what
lila997 was talking about?
what if her subsequent exposure to Eliot makes it okay, i guess?
what if people who only have short, intermittent spans of on-line time are at somewhat of a disadvantage?
what if i've taking to making notes as i read all the previous what-if's so i rememeber what i wanted to comment on?
what if i'm whining?
what if you all just be happy that's all i'm whining about?
what if that was sassy?
what if you all just be happy i'm being sassy and not some other less desirable way of being?
what if "scratch your mad and get glad" was another of those things my mother says?
are you sitting on the soap?hush little baby, don’t say a word
and never mind that noise you heard
it’s just the beast under your bed,
in your closet, in your head
exit light
enter night
grain of sand
exit light
enter night
take my hand
we’re off to never never land31 July 2003, 06:19 PM
CoraWhat if it took me ten minutes to read all the what if posts?
What if a bra and a car??
What if wohoo I missed that one?
What if name calling is fun once in a while?
What if Jubs gave up spending time with me to go on a date?
What if I havent talked to salem all Week?
What if that makes me really sad?
What if I wish that I could do magic?
What if My mom is reading HP?
What if it made me want my book back?
what if I am trying to catch up to everyone on the what iffing?
31 July 2003, 06:37 PM
FahrenheitWhat if my mother always used to call us sassy?
What if she'd say "Don't sass me!" and I had no idea what she meant?
What if I guess it means something like cheeky, but when I was 4, no idea?
31 July 2003, 06:53 PM
JubsWhat if I always associate the term "sassy" with some sort of attitude like snooty, or snobby?
What if I'm wrong in this term association?
What if I want to go out now?
What if I have to call people if I want to go out?
What if that is because I have no car?
What if that is because my parents have taken the car they let me drive?
What if why don't I just make some money and buy my own damned car?
What if oh well, I'm moving soon anyway and I wont really need a car?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 06:55 PM
JubsWhat if I need a hair cut?
What if that is because I have many many split ends?
What if I only notice the condition of my hair when I straighten it?
What if I do like how I look with my straight hair?
What if I still wont do it everyday because that would be bad news for my hair?
What if that is because blow drying and flat ironing can damage curly hair (actually, any hair) if done too often?
What if that is why I only do it every now and then, like every month or so?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 06:57 PM
JubsWhat if, wow I just realized we're very cole to the 1,000 mark in What if posts?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 06:58 PM
JubsWhat if every scroller posted a What if a day?
What if a what if a day keeps the doctor away?
What if, ok, Ame's sickly manner right now is kinda going against that...?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
31 July 2003, 07:02 PM
AmethystWhat if curly hair is a pain in the butt
What if to get every knot out of jess' hair, we have to hop in the bath, shampoo and condition it and then sit there combing, combing for ages
What if Seraphin (sac 1 and 2) irritates me, i think it's her voice
What if I confused Jubilee?
What if that's not hard to do?
What if i have yet another glass of OJ?
What if i just realised i have already passed the 300 post mark?
What if Jess says her full name and says
Jessica Isabelle Williams and then for mick (who's middle name is roy)
Michael Isaroy Williams and then for me
Mummy Isashell Willams i assume the shell is from my first name, since my middle name is Deanne :P
What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing??31 July 2003, 07:04 PM
zoomwhat if to my knowledge, sassy is more cheeky than snooty?
what if that made me chuckle?
what if "impudent, saucy, vigorous, lively, distinctively smart and stylish"?
what if that's according to my friend Webster, not me?
are you sitting on the soap?hush little baby, don’t say a word
and never mind that noise you heard
it’s just the beast under your bed,
in your closet, in your head
exit light
enter night
grain of sand
exit light
enter night
take my hand
we’re off to never never land31 July 2003, 07:05 PM
zoomwhat if i really really love that child?
are you sitting on the soap?hush little baby, don’t say a word
and never mind that noise you heard
it’s just the beast under your bed,
in your closet, in your head
exit light
enter night
grain of sand
exit light
enter night
take my hand
we’re off to never never land