07 August 2003, 07:46 PM
lila997What if ...?
What if I am still here?
What if thanks for changing the handle
What if the City Mouse is going to visit the Country Mouse this weekend?
What if then they both, along with some boy mouse that Country Mouse works with, are going to go to a concert on Saturday?
What if it's Aerosmith?
What if and Kiss too?
What if that should be interesting?
What if and loud too?
What if I just put "cotton for ears" on my packing list?
07 August 2003, 09:04 PM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i'm not missing the southern heatwave at all?
what if i do miss central air?
what if window units are kinda noisy?
what if
flowery wallpaper ?
the tightrope i walk
it splits sanity at the "i"
07 August 2003, 10:01 PM
<madogis>what if there's no time to read everyone's what ifs?
what if i just got thrown a dirty look for typing too loudly?
what if the following is what comes of covorting with rowdy roommates?
(what if it's written exactly how it appears in my note book?):
whect af i wrote this after a hard nish if arnkng?
what if i'm in my undiwea?
what if grrorrowl?
whet if, that may have been vhe cose if i wasn't so veeedefy trashed?
wat if dan peer pressure?
what if itype this exaely hew its written in drunk speak?
what if yours is a but that wont quit?
what if i should problubly ht myself sleep now?
what if thry uni im the morning and humagry mon ao feed?
whet is, afulally, the only himpy month to feed is my ome?
what if noone can deciphr thr shved speach of a hopoless drunk, but it's fun to see ya fray w?
what if, ok, bed hinenow?
what in, urrrgh...?
07 August 2003, 10:04 PM
<madogis>what if i might translate that later?
what if, that is, if i CAN translate it?
what if 7 drinks in 2hrs is not a good thing?
what if i have to go again, but i really really think i might come in on the weekend (tomorrow)?
what if, if only to catch up with you guys? what if, ok, see ya tomorrow or the next day...or the next?
what if bye?
07 August 2003, 11:31 PM
AmethystWhat if dunt?
Disclaimer: I didn't make this sig, i found it on Kazaa, but it was so nifty i thought i'd use it for a few posts07 August 2003, 11:34 PM
zoomwhat if, oh you potty mouth!
are you sitting on the soap?i beg your pardon
i never promised you a rose garden07 August 2003, 11:36 PM
AmethystWhat if you wish?
Disclaimer: I didn't make this sig, i found it on Kazaa, but it was so nifty i thought i'd use it for a few posts07 August 2003, 11:39 PM
zoomwhat if come to Texas and say that?
are you sitting on the soap?i beg your pardon
i never promised you a rose garden07 August 2003, 11:42 PM
AmethystWhat if... pay for me to, and i might think about it?
What if dunt and sara in the same sentence makes me giggle?
Disclaimer: I didn't make this sig, i found it on Kazaa, but it was so nifty i thought i'd use it for a few posts07 August 2003, 11:46 PM
AmethystWhat if I usually use quick reply?
What if this is my 501st post?
Disclaimer: I didn't make this sig, i found it on Kazaa, but it was so nifty i thought i'd use it for a few posts07 August 2003, 11:54 PM
zoomwhat if i just used the phrase "lickety split" and realized for the first time it's potential naughtiness?
what if obvious things dawn on me occasionally like that?
are you sitting on the soap?i beg your pardon
i never promised you a rose garden08 August 2003, 01:52 AM
SalemWhat if I found a new place to host sig pics?
What if I tried to upload files, but it says they can only be .jpeg, .jpg, .gif or .png?
What if all the files I tried uploaded were .JPEG and .GIF?
What if how do I change it so it'll let me upload things???
What if while playing around I discovered how to shrink pictures to 48 x 48 for avatar use?
What if I'd still rather be able to have pictures uploaded?
08 August 2003, 02:28 AM
JubsWhat if I just got home?
What if the person we were picking up at the airport missed his flight in Chicago, and he didn't get into the local airport until 9 pm tonight?
What if we all went for ice cream afterward?
What if now I feel kind of sick?
What if...esh?
What if maybe it's mono, since my best friend has mono?
What if, but yeah, it's not like I've been making out with her?
What if maybe I'm just feeling sick for the fun of it?
What if we watched the movie with Steve Martin and Queen Latifah after we got ice cream?
What if it was actually better than I had thought it was going to be?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
08 August 2003, 02:29 AM
JubsWhat if The ray is fired at Serenissima475...... and she loses two levels

The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
08 August 2003, 02:54 AM
Joey Jo Jowhat if i have never made anything out of
Seriously.08 August 2003, 04:09 AM
SalemWhat if The ray is fired at Iydomi... ...and he gains 2 movement points!!!!?
What if I got really pissed off today when reading a review that said "it has so many plot twists you won't see coming, like [character] ends up being the main villain of the whole story!!" and gave no warning he was about to spoil the whole damn thing?
What if the first word I was thinking rhymes with
Eyezooms' current name of duck?
What if I know that's probably why she is using that name?
What if and why
Ame is using Duntly
What if I always seem to get spoiled when it comes to things like this?
What if it has put me off it now?
What if I'm now up to the Shadow Temple in the Ocarina of Time?
What if I was so excited that the boss of the Water Temple was easy for a change?
What if now everything else in the game is probably going to be a heck of a lot harder?
[This message was edited by Salem on 08 August 2003 at 05:59 AM.]
08 August 2003, 04:51 AM
AmethystWhat if Salem felt like swearing *giggle*
What if The ray is fired at 10_lil_warlords...
... and he loses 3 movement points!!!!
What if i put on the sound of music for jess hoping she'll watch the whole thing and fall asleep?
What if Sara is kinky?
Disclaimer: I didn't make this sig, i found it on Kazaa, but it was so nifty i thought i'd use it for a few posts08 August 2003, 05:03 AM
SalemWhat if I did swear?
What if I swear all the time?
What if I'm currently swearing about the stupid files not uploading?
08 August 2003, 05:42 AM
SalemWhat if I think I've beaten that uploading place at it's own game?
What if this is a test to see if my sig shows up?
What if it's the Sonic picture still though?
What if I'm having chest pains?
What if...ouch?
*What if take THAT digikitten.com!
08 August 2003, 07:51 AM
zoomwhat if chest pain
Salem is absolutely correct about my name?
what if i preform CPR on chest pain
what if
Ame calling
Sara kinky is like, hello, Miss Kettle meet Miss Pot?
what if i foresee another name change?
what if i too have wanted to see the Martin/Latihfa flick because i suspected it to be better than it appeared?
what if my gang of football watching buddies are getting together to watch a preseason game tomorrow night?
what if i'm not much on "preseason" but i'll probably go til halftime just to see the gang?
what if come on regular season?
what if TGIF?
are you sitting on the soap?i beg your pardon
i never promised you a rose garden08 August 2003, 09:35 AM
SalemWhat if I think when I had the chest pains it temporarily disabled some of my abilities?
What if I left an entire word out of a sentence when talking to
What if that doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is to me?
What if, okay, it probably wasn't because of that, but still?
What if I'm considering changing my name?
What if I don't mean at the Scrolls?
What if, nah, I do mean at the Scrolls?
What if I have a new avatar to go with the name change?
What if I also have a new sig pic?
What if I'm unsure if I should change, because we all know, well, I do anyway, that Salem will be back before long?
What if screw it, I'm changing?
08 August 2003, 09:42 AM
SalemWhat if hello friends, it's me, Zoidberg!?
What if I have two other avatars for this but I'm going to use this one for now?
What if don't worry, you haven't seen the last of Salem?
08 August 2003, 09:43 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I want to see the Martin/Latifah picture as well?
What if my ex-husband's karate test is tomorrow?
What if brown with a black stripe?
What if I think it's tae kwan do, but I'm calling it karate anyway?
What if I want to go but the tests are group tests and last about 7 hours?
What if I don't relish sitting in a church activities room with my bored children for 7 hours?
What if I've done it before and really, really didn't like it?
What if it's not about not supporting, it's about being incredibly uncomfortable and tense, for a variety of reasons?
What if I wouldn't miss the black belt test and ceremony for the world, but this ain't it?
What if his instructor is ultra religious and thinks of the Crusades as a noble endeavor and a faith promoting tale?
What if I hope he doesn't know the real tale and thinks that?
What if he believes I'm possessed of Satan, but at least it's not my fault?
What if oh, thanks?
What if I hope
zoom has fun with her gang?
What if I wonder if they'll have treats?
What if only ever say "treats" in a context of humor?
What if because it's a silly word, but the thing it describes is fabulous?
What if I'm laughing at
Salem's swearing?
What if I've taken to saying "freaking" more because of the impressionable young minds about?
What if I'm not concerned with whether they'll grow up swearing, but whether they'll say it to some other little kids and get them into trouble?
What if I don't punish them for swearing, I just remind them that they're grown-up words?
What if it works beautifully?
What if I do punish them if they use strong language against someone else, though?
What if that's not nice no matter who you are?
What if this post is just a big babble-fest?
What if I stayed up late again last night?
What if I made myself get up early so I'd get some sleep tonight?
What if it's a vicious, vicious cycle?
What if I feel like reading Lucifer Rising again?
What if I have to find my little car first?
08 August 2003, 09:45 AM
FahrenheitWhat if
Salem went through some changes while I typed my last post?
What if I liked the kitty, but the changes are neat as well?
--What if I edited this because I lost my nerve?
--What if the internet is still scary?
08 August 2003, 09:49 AM
FahrenheitWhat if now I think the tests aren't in the church anymore?
What if nevertheless?