26 June 2003, 01:50 PM
JubsWhat if ...?
What if I'm easily distrubed before bed?
What if I'm a big wuss and I can't watch even remotely scary movies or I can't sleep for at least a week?
What if I will never be able to sleep soundly again because I'm affraid the Candyman is murdering everyone in my house?
What if you all think I'm very strange for being so scared?
What if the Candyman is real? *shudder*
What if I'm going to stop talking about this and focus on happier things?
The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa.
26 June 2003, 03:47 PM
zoomwhat if my comp/server probs are mainfesting themselves in other palces besides the scrolls?
what if it exacerbates my irasciblity?
what if that's probably not possible?
are you sitting on the soap?26 June 2003, 03:52 PM
zoomwhat if me not being able to edit makes all your lives a little harder?
what if i reread & edit before i post?
what if i sigh alot?
are you sitting on the soap?26 June 2003, 04:43 PM
FahrenheitWhat if Jubilee can't even shout, can't even cry?
26 June 2003, 08:35 PM
lila997What if we all just said
distrubed from now on?
What if that distrubed the cosmos and angered the Merriam-Webster's gods?
What if they got so angry that they sent little elves to change
bailey's and
Heitie's and
zoom's (oh my!) clocks to 6:66 for real?
What if the elves had bulbous red noses and big floppy shoes?

26 June 2003, 11:42 PM
zoomwhat if this was going to be the last thing i did before going to bed?
what if i'll be up a while longer now?
what if thanks alot
what if
http://the_evil_clowns.tripod.com/pictures1.html?what if nobody's gonna get much sleep tonight...?
are you sitting on the soap?27 June 2003, 01:32 AM
ArgeauxWhat if it's all good,
Heitie, I've just been sick for two weeks and I have an essay due and setting up the Scrolls is taking some time and interfering with my essay and I just didn't want to be typing memberlists on top of that and those are really my issues, not yours, and I could've just said that in the first place?
What if I think Cadbury's chocolate would kill Hershey's chocolate dead, any day?
What if Hersheys is not a big seller in Oz?
What if Cadburys is?
What if I'm going out clubbing with two sexy mates tonight coz I'm sick of sitting at home in front of my computer?
27 June 2003, 01:45 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I sort of felt put on the defensive?
What if I feel better now?
What if I don't really hold grudges, even if there's some sort of grudge to hold, which I don't think there was?
What if I typed "grudge to hole" first?
What if that's an entirely different subject?
What if it sounds uncomfortable?
What if you'd have to speculate afterwards?
What if I don't have a digital clock?
What if there's one in the livingroom, but I just avoid it until the safety of daylight?
What if lila's very cheeky all of a sudden?
What if I wonder why she was posting during the Race?
What if I enjoy the models' bickering?
What if the football wives is one of my favorite teams?
What if I knew how to get the singulars and plurals to agree in that sentence?
What if going out clubbing sounds really violent?
27 June 2003, 05:47 AM
CorXyWhat if I'm totally whacked because I read
all of the posts you made since my last visit?
What if this page of the 'Evil Clowns' that
zoom posted totally freaked me out because my volume was way up high?
What if actually I'm not afraid of clowns?
What if I'm afraid my date tonight wont work out coz I havent heard from the girl in 2 days?
What if I went hiking with my 'Mom's kids yesterday?
What if it was awesome?
What if I seriously hurt my left leg while playing with them?
What if it hurts like hell when I walk?
What if the postman just rang?
What if I just got my college-report in the mail?
What if I have really good grades?
What if it's nothing special?
What if I have to go look for a job for next year?
What if I cant find one that I like?
What if I want to work on a film set?
What if I have to work on a film set because of college?
What if I was asked to help with the design of the webpage of the Lisa Marie Presley Fan Club?
What if that's awesome?
What if I'm still listening to Lisa's album 24/7 since April 8?
What if I just cant get tired of it?
What if that's a good thing?
What if ...I just forgot what I wanted to type?
Jo Marriott & Carly Bramwell Information Page Inspirational Pain27 June 2003, 06:33 AM
beauTifully tragicwhat if i admit for all americans that our chocolate is bad?

what if i could go for a cadbury's right now?
stranger things have happened
27 June 2003, 09:26 AM
CorXyWhat if I think that Cadbury's good chocolate?
What if I say that Milka's WAAAYYYY better though?
Jo Marriott & Carly Bramwell Information Page Inspirational Pain27 June 2003, 12:38 PM
FahrenheitWhat if our chocolate tastes a lot like wax?
What if it's as bad as our grocery store bread?
What if I have to get bread from an actual bakery or the healthfood store so it'll have some texture and flavor?
What if I have a Hershey's right here anyway because I had a hankering?
What if there's also some chocolate at the healthfood store that's really good?
What if I can't remember its name?
What if there are like 12 kinds and they all have endangered species on them?
What if the white chocolate has a baby fur seal?
What if that's my favorite?
What if I've had Milka and it's almost
too good?
What if I'm having a good ramble?
27 June 2003, 12:42 PM
FahrenheitWhat if
these are they?What if there are 16, not 12?
What if it's a baby harp seal, not a fur seal?
What if I just couldn't hold my What If until I'd looked it up?
What if I should probably start doing that?
What if they're Belgian, which probably explains why it's so good?
27 June 2003, 12:47 PM
CorXyWhat if
Heitie cracks me up?
What if
Heitie is right and
Milka is too good?
What if I just ate a small piece of
What if it was delicious?
What if I'm not going on the date tonight?
What if I'm not going coz I cant walk?
What if I havent been able to reach the girl to let her know that I cant come?
What if that's really stupid?
Jo Marriott & Carly Bramwell Information Page Inspirational Pain27 June 2003, 12:56 PM
FahrenheitWhat if the Milka magically cures CorXena's leg?
What if I wonder if she's going to the party?
What if I'm all wrapped up in the saga?
27 June 2003, 02:33 PM
BrianI refuse to speculate. How're you gonna stop me?
[This message was edited by Brian on 27 June 2003 at 05:35 PM.]
28 June 2003, 05:17 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I love Americans (well, most of 'em)?
What if I love Peach Diet Snapple?
What if we have nothing like that in Oz?
What if I'm tired of life and I'm looking for a way out?
28 June 2003, 08:37 AM
zoomwhat if there is no way out?
what if every way out leads back in?
what if i'm on my way to an out-of-town funeral in a few minutes?
what if it's for a man who was old and very sick for a long time so it's not a sad affair really?
what if i really really wanted to sleep in today instead?
are you sitting on the soap?28 June 2003, 10:04 AM
CorXyWhat if the Milka didnt cure my leg?
What if I didnt go to the date?
What if I didnt go to the party?
What if I watched Buffy instead?
What if it made me bawl like crazy coz it was such a sad ep?
What if every Buffy ep of S7 has made me cry so far?
What if I'm just horribly over-sensitive?
What if that's something about myself that I cant stand?
What if it's not the only thing about myself that I cant stand?
What if my kitty wants to go outside and play with me now?
What if I cant coz my leg's still killing me?
What if I'm kinda terrified by
zoom's new name and avatar?
What if I cant tell why?
Jo Marriott & Carly Bramwell Information Page Inspirational Pain29 June 2003, 12:52 AM
EmessisWhat if I wanna talk more about chocolate?
What if dark chocolate is soo much better than milk chocolate?
What if I like Ovaltine even though it really doesn't taste like chocolate?
What if the beginning of
this is also scary, but amusing at the same time?
I doubt, therefore I might be.
29 June 2003, 01:22 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I want to thank
Emesis for pointing me to that site?
What if I would recommend that
eyezoom or
lila997 never look at it?
What if I now want a hand washed turkey?
What if I want a banana?
29 June 2003, 11:02 AM
lila997What if I am having a hard time not looking at that site since it was recommendeds that I don't look at it?
What if that means that I am getting in touch with my inner rebel?
What if
Heitie need not be concerned cause I was posting on an Amazing Race commercial break- NEVER during the actual broadcast?

What if I am curious about what people's feelings are about white choclate?
What if I realized that my psych degree just reared it's ugly head during that last 'what if'?
Feelings about the chocolate?? sheesh!
What if I should be cleaning my house but I continue to sit here and post while I watch just one more episode from my Charlie's Angels box set?
29 June 2003, 11:18 AM
zoomwhat if that Charlie's Angels box set makes me ever so jealous?
what if i saw all those eps when they first aired?
what if i had Charlie's Angels posters all over my room as a teenager?
what if most of them were of Kate Jackson?
what if my parents shouldn't have been surprised when i turned out gay gay gay?
what if my name and avatar werem't the least bit scary, but actually funny as hell?
what if i enjoy the fact that some people do seem put off by them?
what if i typed "avatat" and it cracked me up?
what if we had to wear our avatars as tattoos?
what if expressing my feelings about white chocolate releases some long-suppressed memories?
are you sitting on the soap?29 June 2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Brian:
I refuse to speculate. How're you gonna stop me?
What if I suddenly realized that wondering how you would stop me
was speculating?
What if I recalled Einstein saying imagination was more important than knowledge?
What if my epiphany granted me access to new visions of the world?
What if these new visions induced fundamental life changes that created magnificent opportunities to serve my fellow man?
What if these magnificent opportunities had to be delayed because I have to go walk the dog?
29 June 2003, 11:29 AM
lila997What if I too saw most of those Charlie's Angels eps in first run but there are a few in this set I have never seen EVER?
What if finding those eps gives me that ecstatic "ooh I just found 20 bucks that I didn't know I had in my coat pocket from last winter" feeling?
What if I did not know that there was a 2 hour pilot movie that had a different opener and did not have the 'Angels posed with weapons' sillouette but a quite different one?
What if I am realizing that I was kinda too young to be watching some of the content in this show and where were my usually over-protective parents during this time?
What if I told
zoom to express her repressed white chocolate feelings and "go with it" in hopes that she will get in touch with her inner chocolate Easter Bunny? :P