26 August 2003, 04:27 AM
SalemWhat if ...?
What if I finally won my first Scrabble game?
What if it was a 3 way game with
Nora and
What if, now that I've won, there's no where to go but down?
What if

Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg!
26 August 2003, 04:44 AM
FahrenheitWhat if Salem just had a 3 way?
What if now he's going to go down?
What if I think our little Salem's all grown up?
What if heh?

You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 04:47 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I just started thinking about The Ring again and I can't sleep?
What if I'm freaked out?
What if it's stupid because I wasn't even this scared while I was watching it?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 05:03 AM
SalemWhat if I'm playing with just
Ame now?
What if come play with us
Heitie, forever and ever and ever?
What if I haven't seen The Ring?
What if the Xena episode The Ring is one of my favourites?
Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg!
26 August 2003, 05:21 AM
AmethystWhat if Salem goes down alot while we play?
What if, I had to go down first?
What if he won another game.. so YAY
What if i am cooking tuna mornay?
Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.26 August 2003, 07:27 AM
SalemWhat if I beat
Ame twice?
What if she beat me once?
What if the last game was really close, especially towards the end when she was slowly edging closer and closer?
What if there's an Australian Idol special on, showing all the worst auditions?
What if it's cruel, but fun?
What if Rove is almost on?
What if Ranger Stacey is going to appear?
What if yay, she always brings cool animals with her?
What if it's actually
What if that'd be cool?
What if, from now on, I'm going to pretend it really is her?
Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg!
26 August 2003, 08:04 AM
SalemWhat if man, what a let down?
What if Ranger Stacey only brought poo with her?
What if

What if okay, it was still interesting?
Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg!
26 August 2003, 01:13 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I went to bed before being summoned to play?
What if darn it?
What if someone explains how one does play scrabble online so I can be ready for next time?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 01:16 PM
CoraWHat if I watched Canadian Idol last night?
What if I am waiting to see who will get kicked off tonight?
What if YAY Salem won Scrabble?
What if it must have been lucky for me to go to bed?
What if I was losing anyways?
What if I missed Aussie Animal rescue today?
What if I didnt see the ring?
What If its because I remember everyone saying it was scary?
what if salem has had more than one Three way?
what if how quickly a simple game of scrabble turns dirty?
'Lonely rivers flow to the sea,to the sea,To the open arms of the sea. Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me,wait for me,I'll be coming home, wait for me.'
'The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet.'
26 August 2003, 01:42 PM
CorXyWhat if I'm talking to the sweet
Cora at this very momen?

What if I'm bloody excited about the upcoming con this weekend in London?
What if I dunno how I'll get all my stuff into my handluggage?
What if I'll miss the flight?
What if I wont find the heathrow express?
What if I wont find the hotel?
What if I'm overreacting? LOL

Jo Marriott & Carly Bramwell Information Page Inspirational Pain26 August 2003, 04:39 PM
XexyWarriorGoddessWhat if I wish I could go with Corxy?
What if I wish I could see the sexy Salem we all know in person?
What if I wish I was good in Scrabble?
What if I am and I just don't know it?
What if...I've never played?

What if I don't know what the hell tuna mornay is?
Now if only I hadn't lost that key to the World's Mass Destruction Kit.....
We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.
26 August 2003, 06:45 PM
AmethystWhat if we play scrabble at Yahoo, but it's called Literati, and the scoring isn;t exactly the same, but it's basically it.
What if Nora says I had a crappy rack, which is why Salem got to beat me.... and he sooo enjoyed beating me?
What if he woke up early for once so we could all play again?
What if up to 6 players (might be 8) can play... we should get a huge game going one night/day
Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.26 August 2003, 06:50 PM
AmethystWhat if I rather think I have a nice rack?
What if i'm asking Zoom to play with me now?
What if she says yes, so I ask Nora too?
What if Zoom doesn't want to play with me?
What if sweet sweet Zoom will play with me another day?
Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.26 August 2003, 07:01 PM
zoomwhat if
Ame &
Nora just let
Salem win a round so he'd keep playing?
what if
Ame invited me to play Scrabble, but i'm too dang tired?
what if the commercial customers always order big when
bcb is on vacation?
what if, being of suspicious mind, i imagine
bcb has in hand in that somehow?
what if the next couple days will be for catching up and stocking ahead?
what if come on three-day weekend?
are you sitting on the soap?i'm just a soul whose intentions are good;
oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood26 August 2003, 07:03 PM
<VyperBlade>What if I think Ame has a beautiful rack? *wiggles eyebrows*
What if I wanna play with her?
26 August 2003, 07:32 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I just made a new Yahoo ID?
What if I didn't like the old one that much?
What if the new one's not much better?
What if "heitie" was taken?
What if I think I took it, but I can't remember the password?
What if I try to be on later but then nobody else is because it's too late by then?
What if or too early?
What if I'd be ok with the weather cooling off now?
What if every year when I see the first leaves turning color I squeal and jump up and down?
What if it's more of a twisty dance than a jumping?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 07:36 PM
Amethystwhat if, oh ooh.... go to
http://games.yahoo.com/games/login2?page=ltWhat if then go to social 14..
What if, what is your user name?
Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.26 August 2003, 07:39 PM
FahrenheitWhat if my son is singing in the shower right now?
What if he's making it up as he goes along?
What if it's mostly "doooo-doo-doo-dooooooo" etc?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 07:39 PM
FahrenheitWhat if it's heitiehigh?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 07:41 PM
FahrenheitWhat if I only have like 20 minutes right now?
What if so maybe I'll just look around for a bit and then stop by later?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 07:47 PM
AmethystWhat if, tough, you;re in now?
What if the more people, the quicker the game i find?
Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.26 August 2003, 08:22 PM
FahrenheitWhat if it was fun?
What if thanks

What if I'll be on later to see if anyone's around?
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
--Homer Simpson
26 August 2003, 09:02 PM
<madogis>what if a casual hello from me act naturally?
what if i watched futurama last night?
what if yay!
what if it was possibly the funniezsst thing i've seen all week? possibly all month?
what if there's no time to be what iffing today (even though i saw my name mentioned *dying of intrigue*) so i'll just rack off now?
what if i'll be here tomorrow though, fully read up and ready for more?
what if ok, then, bye?
what if, p.s, to Salem - did you tape futurama?
what if, if so, can i watch it when i come home?
what if pleeeeeeease???
what if, ok, gotta go shopping now, bye?
26 August 2003, 11:00 PM
Smirk MorganWhat if I was good and made dinner tonight?
What if I burned the rice?
What if it isn't so bad when slightly brown?
What if I don't understand how cooking dinner for one person can dirty up enough dishes to almost make an entire load for the dishwasher?
So speak to meJust like you shouldAnd then you can say those wicked thingsAnd if you wantWe'll make it goodBefore my mood swings"My Mood Swings"Elvis Costello26 August 2003, 11:15 PM
SalemWhat if darn, I missed a scrabble game?
What if I did tape Futurama?
What if I was excited because of the Zoidberg shenanigans?
What if, maybe a little too excited?
What if "oh no, the professor will hit me! Unless I fix it, then perhaps presents!" or something along those lines?
What if does anybody wanna buy me
this for a christmas present?
What if how cool would that be?
Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg!