01 January 2004, 08:57 PM
<Totally Charmed>WHO LOVES CHARMED???... I DO [ SPOILERS !! ]
Ei think that whoever hasn't seen Season 6 of charmed is missing out on great episodes. i live in australia and we aren't up 2 season 6, but i found a way to see them and i love the new eps. i think that Piper and Leo breaking up was the hardest thing ive seen cause they were great as a couple, but if it changes things a little i say go 4 it. i also want to point out does any1 know anything bout chris cause i have my thoughts about him but i would like to knopw what u think
[ Edited for potential spoilers. ]
[This message was edited by Argeaux on 02 January 2004 at 05:02 AM.]
02 January 2004, 03:25 AM
AmethystHi i am from Australia too.. What state are you in?
I assume you like Xena too, or you wouldn't be here?
I haven't seen any of the current season yet, just watch out for posting spoilers without some sort of spoiler tag in the title, for anyone who is behind.
Welcome to the scrolls.
Sanctimonius Stooge04 February 2004, 02:31 PM
~Willow Halliwell~*Falls out of her chair* We haven't been watching Charmed lately!

Signature! =P
~Willow Halliwell~
Guess who's in the avatar... take a guess! =P
04 February 2004, 04:08 PM
AmethystCharmed is back on tonight..
then i'll make this forum busy!!
new season.. yay
You're wrong not to trust one that knows you so well. I never betrayed you.. that was... Gabrielle12 February 2004, 09:46 AM
Madogissorry will, the avatar's drawing a blank. it actually kind of looks like wesly from angel o.O
i can't get into charmed anymore. i think things started to go wrong just before paige arrived. paige is ok, i don't blame her, but it just hasn't felt right to me for a while. i also don't appreciate the idea of having them in skimpy little outfits all the time. it just seems to undermine the whole context of the show. at first it was about 3 girls with incredible power, trying to figure out how and when to use it for the greater good and all that, but now it just seems to be like, how little can we get them to wear before they're actually naked? it's tacky.
sorry to bring down the thread. it was an awesome show to me once and i'm willing to believe it can be an awesome show again. i'll keep an eye on it and see where it goes from here.
fear me...for i am the darkness