10 January 2005, 10:51 PM
The TrollLaw and Order- Criminal Intent
I'm a huge fan of Law and Order: Criminal Intent.
Well mostly of the lead actor Vincent D'onofrio and his character Det. Robert Goran. When I watch him locate the psyche of the criminal it is almost a sexual thing. It's like he looks inside that ugliness/passion and always finds something beautiful.
Any other fans out there?
11 January 2005, 01:06 AM
ArgeauxI'm a big fan. I like that Eames is smaller than Goran, yet she ends up being the "muscle" in a lot of circumstances.

The show had some dud episodes a little while back, but it seems to have picked up again.
When it's good it's intriguing.
14 January 2005, 11:24 AM
The TrollI forgot about Eames. She is so protective of him isn't she? She must be the caring mother he never had. I really like her too.
Argy- do you get the shows in the current season? I guess we will be seeing the viewer's choice soon for whether Wallace lives or dies. Did you follow that whole story?
17 January 2005, 02:14 AM
ArgeauxWe're WAY behind the US, in Oz.
So much so that I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
17 January 2005, 11:17 AM
The TrollOK cool...I haven't given too much away about that one. You'll know this character cuz of the OZ connection when the story comes up. You are going to like this story arc, Argy- definately don't miss it! It runs thru a few seasons- we haven't even seen the end of it here.
If you want to talk about any eps we could try, but I don't know if I will remember them. What stands out to me, as I already said is D'onofrio and his work. I am going to see a few of his movies now too: "The Thirteenth Floor" and if I can find it "The Whole Wide World."