New TV Season- What to Watch?????
07 August 2021, 04:56 PM
Brucy BralessNew TV Season- What to Watch?????
Ive seen 3 eps of Walking Dead Origins...
A catch up for new folks & a good way for me to see whats up in a condensed version
Im pretty much done with the show....but..
Not Completely ...LoL
13 August 2021, 04:00 PM
xenacrazedOne more ep left of Bosch to watch.
Not sure when the Imdb-tv spinoff comes out
13 August 2021, 04:01 PM
xenacrazedGave up Disney+ for a while.
Maybe get a free trial in October
Don't wanna steal the shows, ha ha
24 August 2021, 03:51 PM
xenacrazedHey! Lucy Lawless has a new show coming soon on Acorn TV.
She plays a detective & Renee will guest on one EP.
Hope her show is a good one.
24 August 2021, 04:08 PM
Brucy BralessDon't wanna steal the shows, ha ha
As my Daughter usta say when she was 7...
Nah Funny !!!!!Lucy show sound intersting...I hope its Old Bagg Xena..LOL
31 August 2021, 05:17 AM
xenacrazedFinally finished AO.
Interesting ending although they never resolved much.
i wish there'd been another season where they tied up all the loose ends.
01 September 2021, 11:28 AM
Brucy BralessI dunno..all I can remember about Brit M's productions
is that they start with a unique or interesting idea
but never seem to know how to resolve it...
so she leaves it too open ended it feels incomplete.
02 September 2021, 11:10 AM
ArgeauxNot sure if I've put this already, but I highly recommend Happy Valley.
Gentleman Jack is also good.
Basically anything with Suranne Jones in it is worth watching.
02 September 2021, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Hey! Lucy Lawless has a new show coming soon on Acorn TV.
Hope her show is a good one.
It was made in Australia and I hated it.
Stopped watching after three episodes.
It had potential, and the characters were great, but the mysteries were AWFUL.
03 September 2021, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Hey! Lucy Lawless has a new show coming soon on Acorn TV.
Hope her show is a good one.
It was made in Australia and I hated it.
Stopped watching after three episodes.
It had potential, and the characters were great, but the mysteries were AWFUL.
That's too bad. i like deep mysteries, ones you wanna watch over again.
Hadn't heard about Happy Valley or Gentlemen Jack. Have to look them up.
10 September 2021, 05:11 AM
xenacrazedStarted watching The Manifest on Netflix.
It's okay, nothing special, not deep like OA nor quality like iZombie
10 September 2021, 11:35 AM
Brucy Bralessthats cool...
I got meself caught up on
its disappointingly just more of the same....
SHe's a bit player in her own show.....
makes me sad...
21 September 2021, 03:40 PM
xenacrazedi guess the next Marvel TV show will be about Hawkeye. Disney sure know how to pick them.
i haven't seen What If tv show but i will when i get Disney back for a month or so.
Watching Chuck tv show again.
i need to check the list of new shows for the fall. i have no idea what's coming on that's new & may be good
03 October 2021, 11:50 AM
Brucy BralessI Finally figured out whats up with
SupergirlThey have slowly been turning it into a Kid's show.
Supergirl's sister's lesbian lover was ushered out
after she got cold feet with changing that much.
Besides she lives with Supergirl...
that kinda Clit-Blocks any future romances.
She does have a Platonic 'friend' tho..
Brainiac & his Tranny GF are celibate as is every other
character on the show now..too
Pretty much anything that made the show distinct in anyway has been removed..
A large part of the show is now them consoling each other on imagined failures to outsmart the plot & the bad guys...
At least they get to keep their soap opera acting skills up to
10 October 2021, 01:20 PM
xenacrazedHaven't checked out or know what's new on TV this fall. So, returning to old faves.
Will start watching What If soon
11 October 2021, 12:54 PM
Brucy Bralessits cartoons i think...?
thats not for me...nuh-uh...
11 October 2021, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
its cartoons i think...?
thats not for me...nuh-uh...
Just wait til Wile E. Coyote reads this...
11 October 2021, 05:42 PM
Brucy Bralessit was good then.
but it goes over my head now...capish..?
14 October 2021, 04:50 PM
xenacrazedSaw the 1st ep of What If
They should rename it Who Cares
The story was blah & they couldn't even come up with worthy animation like they did with the Spiderverse movie
15 October 2021, 04:29 PM
Brucy Bralessyeah when i saw some of the blurbs for episodes..
I thought ...well, That sounds dumb..
Then I began to suspect it was ANIME-ted &
realized I will hate this.
Sooo thanks for you heartfelt review......

15 October 2021, 10:08 PM
xenacrazedi love a lotta animated movies. But you would think that What If being from both Marvel & Disney would have some innovative animation.
i struggled staying awake!
20 October 2021, 06:15 PM
Brucy BralessI found something called
Y the Last Man its been cancelled but I have all of it.
Its based on a Vertigo Comic book series.
I have watched the 1st 3 eps.....Seems OK
Apparently it goes full on 'woke' after that....I can see how
the last 1/2 hour seemed to be setting up a pretty dicey scenario
Also 1 can find a paraphrased 'reading' of the books on youtube..
prolly will finish this before I start anything else...
23 October 2021, 12:04 PM
xenacrazedStarting watching a 3 part documentary on Diana. i'd forgotten stuff about her, stuff that's just now showing up on The Crown.
23 October 2021, 06:15 PM
Brucy BralessWOW! 1 of the 3 tragedies where I know where I was when I found out.
All were an equal punch to the gut....."Stay on Topic"
1)the Challenger disaster.... I was at work & was told by a shitbag hopin to see me over react....
2) Princess Diana....also told at work by my boss....
Who looked like Abraham Lincoln & ran the dirty book store !?!....Geeexe Im So NOT WOKE......
3) my younger bro called me in the afternoon on 9-11... I was incredulous....
He finally snapped "Turn on the TV....Channel? ....ALL OF THEM.....!"
Runner up BONUS event:
Watchin Hercules with my daughter buildin a puzzle.....
I SAw this 1 during commercial break ...they announced .. Xena: Warrior Princess
I whooped so loud I startled her.
"Calm down Its just a Show....."
But I knew it would be so much more than that....
I know some people will not believe parts of
"Really... YOU have a Daughter..????"

24 October 2021, 12:39 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
i guess the next Marvel TV show will be about Hawkeye. Disney sure know how to pick them.
yeah already been done... Green ARROW.
He was a more interesting character with a better backstory.
Maybe they could get a High powered actress to guest star in the premiere.
His life long friend Black Widow.....too bad DizzKnee done Scarlett J so dirty.
A superhero TV show with no superhero has zero audience.
Someone on the Inets said...
It amazing that Disney has bought up all of our childhood memories
only to trash & destroy them for us.
i need to check the list of new shows for the fall. i have no idea what's coming on that's new & may be good
All I can offer is the Witcher there is 1 season out already,
there are reviews on Youtube well worth watching even before the show
its more convoluted than an over shuffled deck of magic cards.
So know something ahead of time is GOOD....for this one.