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| Yay!
Thank you....
I can hardly wait. |
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| All I can say about last night's ep is WOW! I waan't expecting Shannon to be shot! But is she dead???? |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Scroll Guardian
| quote: Originally posted by WXF: All I can say about last night's ep is WOW! I waan't expecting Shannon to be shot! But is she dead????
Deader than a doornail. |
| Posts: 764 | Location: Buried under a pile of school books... | Registered: 23 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| Or do they just want us to think she is dead??? |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Scroll Tragic

| Hmmm... What if there is something hallucinogenic in the water & the 2 groups of survivors are each others...'Others' ..?? If you know what I mean. I guess we shall soon see, huh..??? This is DEFINITELY the best show on TV rite now...
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| You got that right Brucy! |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
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| quote: Originally posted by WXF: You got that right Brucy!
hahaha that may be a first....*GRIN* |
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| Last night's ep! WOW! But I'm glad they did that to kind of explain what's been going on with the people that were in the tail section. |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Scroll Tragic

| Great Ep this week... It probably will surprise few that Kate is the most interesting char on Lost for me....  I think the best eps feature her....tho Hurley needs more scren time than hes been gettin... Hes a truly unique & interesting character.
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| Great Ep indeed! Can't wait for next week! |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Scroll Guardian

| Hate to break it to you, but the next new ep will be Jan. 11, 2006. That'll just give you all time to ponder and discuss things to death. ____________________________ I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness |
| Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| Jan 11th!!! |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| OK who saw it Wed. night? And what'd ya think? Is Charlie going to use again? |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Scroll Guardian
| quote: Originally posted by WXF: OK who saw it Wed. night? And what'd ya think? Is Charlie going to use again?
I think that the writers and production team with toy with us for a while and make us wonder but ultimately he will not use again. Of course this revelation will follow some big event that will change Charlie's outlook (probably involving Claire/Aaron the Wonderbaby/The Others or the other Others). But that's tv for ya. |
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Scroll Tragic

| I found Mr Ekko's history to be alot more interesting... I like the way they tie things in like the plane..the clergy & the drugs,even tho it makes things a bit of a stretch. |
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |
Ultimate Scroller
| quote:I think that the writers and production team with toy with us for a while and make us wonder but ultimately he will not use again. Of course this revelation will follow some big event that will change Charlie's outlook (probably involving Claire/Aaron the Wonderbaby/The Others or the other Others). But that's tv for ya.
You're right Lila!
quote:I found Mr Ekko's history to be alot more interesting... I like the way they tie things in like the plane..the clergy & the drugs
I agree Bruce-They are solving pieces of the puzzle-1 piece at a time-but I like it!
quote:so what are your thoughts on the growling black cloud monster...? pillar of smoke? might tie in the Aaron/Moses thing...
It is a mystery Zoom. I know they've been seeing boars all along-is the black cloud monster what they teased us with last year? And is that what has been pulling people underground? WXF |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Besotted Scroller

| hello all. i shouldn't be in here... i haven't read anything, so forgive me if this has been discussed, but i must know this, and nothing else... *deep breath*... is sawyer's hair ok  ??? -------------------------------------- |
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Ultimate Scroller
| Yeah Sawyer's hair is OK-Kate just gave him a trim-can barely notice any was cut off. |
| Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003 |
Besotted Scroller

| *only half squinting at things with glasses off* thank you  . i feel much better now  -------------------------------------- |
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Scroll Guardian
| quote: Originally posted by mm hm: so what are your thoughts on the growling black cloud monster...? pillar of smoke? might tie in the Aaron/Moses thing...
ooh, good call zoom. Had not thought of that. But now that I have looked it up (see, those early years as a Catholic school girl paid off...  ) |
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Scroll Tragic

| I dunno Every speculation I have had about this show has been Wrong ,wrong, wrong...I Love it!!!! Not only am I surprised but its better than I expected... I often predict to Val whats up in movies we watch...Im at least 50/50.... but...not with LOST,these guys are good...... 
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |