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Yes, I thought the movie was quite good until the big twist reveal. Which was a Huge Letdown. I still have to admit I enjoyed it a lot ..til I threw up in my mouth a lil bit there... So all in all it was a success to me. Now lets move on to a Massive FAIL ! Val & Hubby got 4 ! free passes to a showing of Guardians of the Galaxy.Suppposedly including 17 minutes of extra footage not included in the regular release. Usually they only get 2 tix. It was @ Regal Cinema we showed up 1 &1/2 hours early..After eating at a Mexican restaurant. There were at least 40 people in front of us.. We waited for over 45 minutes ..then a bigwig came out & announced that there is NO MOVIE just this 17 minute clip.... WTF???? It was pretty obvious that this was not clearly stated in the free tix email.Over 1/2 of the now ell over 100 people walked out immediately. We debated for a few mins & then left ourselves. We zoomed off to Niagara Falls to watch the latest X-men movie.. | |||
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i figured you'd like this cuz i didn't. If they'd had the illusionists wrongly tossed in jail, beaten up & their lives ruined- then get revenge on whoever was behind it (Michael Caine), that woulda been better story. Way it was, i couldn't care less bout any of the characters. i was actually hopin they'd get busted cuz they were gettin too showy & big-headed. | |||
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Jeepers, i didn't even know ya were gettin hitched! | |||
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There is a Nasty Ratty roach infested crime zone of a city around the fallscalled Niagara Falls NY. ![]() The movie house is there..Honest ! I may be weird & a Cad but I aint gonna marry my own daughter.. Thank you very much.. ![]() Besides shes way too Snooty for me. | |||
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"Little Manhattan" i think this flick came out 10 yrs ago. It's about 10-11 yr old boy & girl romance in NYC. Very nice movie, kinda old fashioned. i liked. | |||
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"Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women" (1968) Cheap grade-b sci-fi bout astronauts going to Venus. Bad acting, cheesy dialogue, hot chicks, dinosaurs- gotta love it. | |||
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Veal & I saw the Fault in our Stars tonite. It was predictable....but Shailene Woodley can really act. Shes the girl in Divergent & never hits a false note there ..nor in this movie either. | |||
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I went with a friend to see Idaits about a Polish orphan raised in a convent in the early 60s...who goes to see her lone aunt before taking her vows.. Its in Black & white ... the movie is stark & barren. It has great reviews..I thought it was S L o W...... Im glad I saw it...but its nothing special... | |||
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"Tommy" (1975) Hadn't seem this since it first came out. The Who rock opera starring Ann Margaret, Oliver Reed, the Who, Elton John, Tina Turner. It's still pretty good. | |||
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"The Phantom Planet" (1961) Asteroid planet with mini-ppl, bug-eyed creatures from flaming planet, hot chicks in short dresses, gravity defying machines, corny spaceships & cheesy dialogue- good grade-b sci-fi. | |||
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here's an article from PopMatters bout Spidey Man movie franchise- http://www.popmatters.com/post...chise-what-happened/ i didn't know Orci and Kurtzman wrote this movie. Yuck! Orci and Kurtzman were the Herc writers who came over to Xena season during S5 & ruined the show! Or helped ruin the show along with selfish preggers LL & her idiot husband. This makes me NOT wanna see Spidey 2 even more! | |||
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Waita Minute you evil Contrarian..!!!! If I Hafta suffer thru a Hot humid muggy summer that reminds me of a drunk's close fetid breath..YOU have to suffer thru...this Oh-so-improved Spidey reboot! What happened to I LOVE Emma Stone-face.....Shes SO MUCH Better than Kristen Dunce-Cap?? I think Andrew Spider-fag is SO much better than Toby MagWire..?!?!!?!??! Riddle me THIS BatMan..?? | |||
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Did U not read my post???!!??? Did Spidey shoot webs over yer eyes? Did zombie kryptonite short circuit yer mind? i post ant-Spidey 2 post cuz Orci the Orc and Kurtzman the CrapMan wrote that movie & i said it makes me wanna see it less. Nuthin again' Emma the Babe Stonecrazed who is much better than Kris-tongue Dumby Dunce even tho they play diff characters Emma would be a better Mary Jane with red hair. Neither AndE Barfield nor TobE McInquire made a good Parker/Spidey. But that's not what i was talkin bout to begin with. Crappy Herc/Xena writers shouldn't be allowed to write movies. i'm surprised they don't have Eve as a character & screamin' "in the name of Eli begone ye Green Goblin!". Tho i betcha ya woulda liked it especially if Phyllis Diller played Xena! Ha! | |||
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Yes a Phyllis Diller Xena Reboot ..Thats something I can get behind! | |||
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"Under the Skin" Scarlett Johanssoncrazed as an alien who eats ppl & they get under her skin. Me, i wanna get on her skin. Loved the cinematography & the music score & the atmosphere. They could have added more dialogue & explanation, esp. between Scarlett & the cycle dudes or between her & the guy she met on the bus. Other than that i really liked the movie. | |||
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"Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me" Laura Palmer's story & Dale Cooper before it all happens. One of my top 10 movies. | |||
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Im glad you enjoyed it. I think SJ's Character was NOT an actual Alien but something they created as a lure. Thats because of the odd graphics at the beginning which I assume was her creation. I would say it is Just barely a good movie. A view I think is shared by its creators as they didnt release it when they made it. They waited for SJ to become a bigger star. ****SPOILER ALERT ****** I also thought the ending {Rape& Murder}was very very lazy story telling. Its as if they painted themselves in a corner & then said ..Oh yeah we could just do this & game over.Loses 1 star for that compared to a so-so end & loses 2 or 3 stars compared to a genius ending. | |||
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Scarlett Johansson has another movie out called Lucy. Its sci-fi.....theres not a lot to watch this year but there is a lot of My kinda stuff. | |||
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Obscure.... More like Very Vague..I didnt think she was eating them ...it was the true aliens in the fluid who were doing that ...I would guess.They made her a little too human, she sympathized with the deformed guy & then tried to behave as she had seen humans do... The motorcycle clone dudes were just too annoying.....I think they existed to keep the film from become too static...they were just pointless motion..I Think they were looking for SJ after she went AWOL. A sideshow they werent essential to the main plot. I wonder how the true aliens reacted to their little creation being destroyed. I suspect they planned to do that themselves anyways. | |||
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BrucE repeated himself! We even disgree on what happened in this movie. Disagreeing critics. Just like Sissy & Egghead. i'll be Egghead, BrucE is SissE ha! Even tho the movie was obscure & needing more narration i still liked it & hope to see it again. | |||
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Well it was vague & left open to interpretation. But I see that as much of a flaw as anything. It could have been much better it was poorly made. It only made me think as in ....WTF???!!!???! Not a compliment to a movie. | |||
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Haha I actually responded to this again to answer the Q I failed to previously' Im not certain when it was made but Its listed as 2013 on IMDb. I think I had heard of it long before that & figured it hadnt come here or I had just missed it. I had been searching for it on & off for most of a year,I think. I Checked the Newsgroups & all of the download sites I could find to no avail.I avoided file-share asI got into trouble with them & my ISP in maybe 2010.they throttled my speed & warned me of a 3strikes policy. Things I liked about thefilm wereits beauty & the way it had a unsettled creepiness to it that it maintained. The music was appropriate but un-inspired in my opinion. It was as flat as un-varied as the story. Below is an itnerview with the director which shows he is as confused & lackin in elloquence as his move. He picked a "gimmick" & stuck with it .. & couldnt see that it wasnt workin IMO. I only watched 1/2 the interview as it was as boring & unfocused as his "masterpiece". Even after finishing this he still has no ability to describe he was doing & little understanding of anything.It seesm he was attempting even he doesnt know what. After listening to him Im surprised it turned out as well as it did. This is not a man I would hire/trust to take out my garbage cans & return them next day safely to my backyard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZUvIfXKVVc | |||
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I want to preface this with the knowledge that I am an Atheist a science & a sciencs-fiction fan. Problems an intelligent person should have with this film: That aliens will come her to eat us...even if they are a carbon based life form any other evolutionary system is unlikely to produce aliens that are so essentially 'us' that we can be there food .. it it likely that we will be poison to them. This ranks at least a 9 out of 10 on the stupidity scale...Its a Sarah Palin kind of idea. That aliens would find it easier to travel the universe to find food rather that produces their own where-ever they EVOLVED.This is Michelle Bachman class Nutty. That SJs character can understand nothing of earthlings but knows how to drive...& this goes double for the motorcycle douchebags. That SJs character can speak the correct language with the correct accent perfectly coherently but again has no grasp of being human. that the aliens are to dumb to put a tracking device on ALL of their beings/creations. That every man is a rapist & a muderer given the opportunity. I found this part an ignorant slap in the face & more than a little insulting. There is probably much more I could find if I re-watched it with a critical eye. Since Star Trek engaged the Universe with an eye to a realistic interpretation of the universe & universal scientific laws. This sort of sci-fi is reduced to a mood piece ...and is really a piece of drivel as sci-fi.It fails to engage anyone with any knowledge of reality at all. Most 10 year olds could have the ridiculous conceits of this movie explaned to them & would find it stupid. ------------------------------------------------- PS: dear xc this is written in response more to the idiots on IMDb & their aggravating self-aggrandizing than you. Id post it there but its way too much of a bother to sign-up & all of that to argue with smug idiots...LOL | |||
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