Scroll Guardian

| "Misery"
No, not xc biography. Stevie King book made into flick starring James Caan & Kathy Bates. Hadn't seen this in yrs but not a very deep film. Still i liked it. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Cherish"
Hadn't seen this in awhile. Robin Tunney as a chick whose on a home arrest anklet program for a crime she didn't commit. Lotta loneliness in this movie but i like Tunney she's a honey & should be an xc wife. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| Watched a Pam Grier blaxploitation film tonite.
Can't recall the title but it was ok. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Madhouse" (1974)
Vincent Price as horror actor who may or may not have killed his wife. Ok flick, kinda typical for the time it was made. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "We Bought A Zoo"
Overlong flick starring Jason Bourne guy & Scarlett Johansson. i couldn't buy Scarlett as a tomboy zoo employee working for free with no social life. Predictable as all get out. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "To Rome With Love"
Woody Allen's mess of a flick. Several different stories of romance in Rome. But instead of short vignettes told separately, they're all told together & confusedly. Not his best, to say the least. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Frequency"
i think this came out in '99 or '00. Dennis Quaid talks to his son on the ham radio in the future. Ending is pretty unbelievable but fun. i liked it. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Obsessive
| Val & I saw World War Z & Man of Steel @ the Drive In.....
WWZ wasnt as good ae we had hoped....We both prefer the resident evil stuff..
the Superman one was damn good.... |
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Scroll Guardian

| "The Beast of Hollow Mountain" (1956)
ha ha dinosaur roams old west, eating cattle & cowboys. And they didn't even need Matt Dillion's help to kill the dino. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Day the Earth Stood Still"
Original version from the '50s. Klaatu Gort silly ppl in DC. Great theremin soundtrack. i like. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman"
Wolfie wants cured so he, mad scientist, Frankie monster, doc Frankie's daughter & old gypsy lady help him. Excellent ol' time flick. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Hannie Caulder"
Western features Raquel Welch, Robt Culp, Christopher Lee (good guy in this one), Ernie Borgnine, etc. Raquel gets raped & her hubbie's killed so she seeks revenge. Kind of silly but Raquel's nice eye candy. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Time Machine" (1960)
Seem to believe there's a remake of this but i aint never seen it. Great film, never tire of it. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Bridge To Terabithia"
Zooey is in this. Couple kids with an over-active imagination. Ok for a kids movie. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "The Avengers"
Watched this again. MMMMmmmmm Scarlet J. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "China 9, Liberty 37"
Late '70a western starring Jenny Agutter & Warren Oates. Character study flick. It was slow but ok. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Bend It Like Beckham"
Girls soccer in the UK. Kierra Knightly. Fun flick. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Easy A"
Emma Stone in the spotlight. Enjoyed it though much of it was a fantasy. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Adv In Babysitting"
'80s comedy with ok laughs & good soundtrack. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Obsessive
| Heres alot of what I found less than Amazing @ the new Spidey reboot.... I dont remember where we discussed it first... I could smell a Whiff of this in the movie.....I mentioned to Val{while watching} that AG's Spiderman wasnt nerdy he was ..... more effeminate & sorta Gay..... So the article only surprises me in that it exists..not the content..... Dude's a Homo.....Heterosexual males dont 'explore their sexuality' in THAT way.... Its a gay man's fantasy......We all just need a nudge.... I have never looked at a man & said Damn I want me some of Dat......LOL |
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Scroll Guardian

| i didn't see the new Spidey as "more effeminate & sorta Gay". He wasn't a nerdy geek like Toby McGuire's version. i read the new guy as more a loner psycho type.
i would be surprised & disappointed if they actually went with making Spidey gay. They shouldn't mess with an established character like that. It was bad enuff when they made the Kingpin black in that suck-awful Daredevil flick. i think they'll be alienating too many ppl by changing Spidey's sexual preference. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian

| "Absolute Power"
Clint vs Gene. ha good movie from late '90s. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Obsessive
| quote: Originally posted by xenacrazed: i didn't see the new Spidey as "more effeminate & sorta Gay". He wasn't a nerdy geek like Toby McGuire's version. i read the new guy as more a loner psycho type.
i would be surprised & disappointed if they actually went with making Spidey gay. They shouldn't mess with an established character like that. It was bad enuff when they made the Kingpin black in that suck-awful Daredevil flick. i think they'll be alienating too many ppl by changing Spidey's sexual preference.
You got that right ..I didnt think the movie attempted to make him gay I think the Actor's gayness peeked thru ..I thought he was a poor choice. Well the kingpin requires an actor with a certain frame..who else where they gonna get ? John Goodman..??? |
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Scroll Guardian

| i thought Andrew Garfield was dating Emma Stone.
How could anyone datin Emma be gay?
i'm hopin the whole thing is a joke. Spidey 2 will probably be concentratin on action & the romance with Gwen Stacy who gets killed off, probably at the end. Then they introduce MJ in the next movie. Never cared for the comic book MJ. She was annoying & self-centered where Gwen was the girl next door type. |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Obsessive
| Gwen was my preference also. |
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