01 January 2007, 12:44 AM
xenacrazedHappy Feet
Well it's an animated movie about a group of penguins in the Antartic. These particular head waiters believe that ya gotta be able to sing to make it in their penguin society. The story follows Mumble who can't sing but he can tap dance and that makes him even more the outcast or outbird.
Great animation; weird mix of music, teen angst and environmental issues. Not too predictable a movie. i'd put this in league with "Cars" and "Monster House". i'll need to see it again on dvd before i can compare it with "Cars". But i love the penguin chorus of the Beach Boys "In My Room" heh hee.
04 January 2007, 08:53 PM
Meredith GentryThis was truly a wonderful movie! It was upbeat to keep the kids happy but had a great story behind it! I really felt for Mumble. Plus the 2001 a Space Odyssey line was hysterical! Did you catch that xenacrazed? My friends thought I was crazy, but I know I heard it!
04 January 2007, 09:27 PM
xenacrazedYou mean, "This is heaven, Dave...It's wherever you want it to be."

05 January 2007, 07:20 PM
Meredith Gentryquote:
Originally posted by Meredith Gentry:
This was truly a wonderful movie! It was upbeat to keep the kids happy but had a great story behind it! I really felt for Mumble. Plus the 2001 a Space Odyssey line was hysterical! Did you catch that xenacrazed? My friends thought I was crazy, but I know I heard it!
Precisely!!! I about rolled off my chair when I heard it!