28 January 2007, 05:45 PM
lila997The Queen
Started my pre-Oscar movie run and saw
The Queen this weekend.
As expected, Helen Mirren was quite good (someone I know has an older relative from the U.K. who exclaimed after seeing it "Why I do believe that she is more like the Queen than the Queen!"

For those who do not know, the film covers the events immediately following Diana's death. I found it intersting that the whole film essentially takes place in less than 5 days. Such a moment in time but something that, according to the film, changed people's views quite a bit (or at least had the potential to). The story is what it is- a character study and exercise in good casting- but I enjoyed it.
31 January 2007, 02:47 PM
Brucy BralessIll be seeing this when it hits the Cheapy movies...
Im no fan of twitty British royalty...
With Diana gone I have lil interest in the rest of the blighters.but it does look good in previews.
02 February 2007, 04:51 PM
KSenaSaw the trailer for it on TV the other day. Seemed quite interesting. And I have a thing for british movies. So, me thinks me will go see.

25 April 2007, 02:03 AM
Brucy BralessWell Ive seen this tonite...
It is pretty good.
Im old enuff to remember thinkin poorly of the queen & the monarchy at the time...
10 May 2007, 08:40 PM
xenacrazedSaw this on dvd this last weekend and it was pretty good, though sad with all the Diana clips.
Same day i saw the movie, the Queenie was at the Kentucky Derby. Ya know, she didn't even sing "My Old Kentucky Home" with the crowd. How rude! But i betcha she drank herself silly with a buncha mint juleps and had some jockey brough back to her hotel suite so she could play "ride the filly" with!