Besotted Scroller

| eeeeeeeeeeeee i have the animated version ^_^ i love it  i think the tape's still ok *fingers crossed* but the carboard box has definitely seen better days  -------------------------------------- |
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Scroll Guru

| Isn't it wonderful. Everyone wants to tell me how cheesy it is, but I just LOVE it.
It's funny cause I used to watch it all the time as a kid, and then I hadn't watched it in years, til I found a tape at a used book store. It was only a dollar I couldnt' resist. Tho I think I would have paid much more. Anyways, I watched it and it was so wierd, realizing how much I tie my childhood to that movie. Like when Mr. Beaver says "merely a trifle" I say that all the time, and I had no idea why. There was lots of stuff like that. It's wierd what can affect you. |
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Besotted Scroller

| all i know is that for many years, i couldn't open a wardrobe without checking that the back of it was really there  -------------------------------------- |
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Scroll Guru

| I never had a wardrobe to check  |
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