16 January 2007, 10:20 PM
Brucy BralessEragon
Its not Lord of the Rings.....
But it as close as were gonna get for a while I suspect...
Im a big kid @ heart & love this kinda stuff....
I will watch it again soon..!!
Its only 100 minutes long..
I need longer
Its open ended enough to offer hope of a sequel.
16 January 2007, 10:35 PM
beauTifully tragicyou could read the books.. uhh you can read right?

i didn't see the movie b/c i didn't enjoy the book.. good idea, crappy dialog
16 January 2007, 11:14 PM
Brucy BralessNo I dont read....
Man youre really givin it to me tonite..
With the CFS I usually fall asleep or just lose track of what Im reading....
I can do it ..but its more of chore than Fun...
Isnt there a Tatoo somewhere Callin to you...?

16 January 2007, 11:41 PM
beauTifully tragicquote:
Originally posted by Br%cy:
Man youre really givin it to me tonite..
who me??

Isnt there a Tatoo somewhere Callin to you...?
all the time
should be getting one next month