04 June 2006, 10:31 PM
Brucy BralessIMDb's List of Top 250 movies
There are a few on here I actually like &
ALOT of utterly forgettable stuff...dontcha think..???
http://www.imdb.com/chart/top05 June 2006, 01:29 AM
XF3There's something very wrong with this world when Toy Story 2 beats Gahndi.
Thanks for posting this!

05 June 2006, 02:21 AM
ArgeauxHow can Kill Bill Vol. 2 beat Annie Hall?
How can Kill Bill Vol. 2 be in ANY best movies list?
Hmmm? Hmmm?
Oh the Green Mile. Please.
V for Vendetta? Big Fish? Who is making this list.
If they had any credibility Big Fish would be replaced with Little Fish.
Oh, votes from "users". It all becomes clear.
The message: don't use and vote.
05 June 2006, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
The message: don't use and vote.

06 June 2006, 09:13 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by Argeaux:
The message: don't use and vote.
HAha thta Is Funny..
Made me think... I DID stop using & Start voting back in the mid-80s....It was good for me but in the big picture of things it hasnt mattered much..
Most of the guys I wanted to vote for as President never made it that far..
I guess everyone who actually LIKES movies but cant be bothered to register at IM DUMB-BEE {such as Myself}shoulda registered to vote..
Just think Inet users 2000 years in the future will see that list & say...What a Buncha dumb-asses people were back then...wont they..??

06 June 2006, 11:16 PM
Madogisi think i've seen about 30 of those movies, of which i could tell you what happens in about 20, of which i liked about ten, of which i would consider about 5 for a best movies list.
ooh, you know what we should do? make our own list! we could each say our favourite movie, and then others could vote on them to see what order they should be on the list! of course there'd only be about 10 (i'm not sure how many poll options you can have) but still.
now i just have to decide what my favourite movie is..
~okay, you can only have 5 options in a poll. so maybe not.
07 June 2006, 07:42 AM
ArgeauxI feel so let down now that we can't vote.
Thanks for the laughs - they made my night.

08 June 2006, 06:27 PM
xenacrazedFrom an internet site using votes only from regular voters, ya really can't expect much in the way of a top movies list. i'd expect a worse list from the Rotten Tomatoes board crowd. But at least the Imdb list had a few cool foreign films. For me, there were way way too many films listed that were made after 1995.