06 August 2005, 05:43 AM
MadogisBig Brother 2005
i think that they should continue friday night live as a regular game show with zany new contestants - maybe all the BB applicants that didn't make it into the house. they'd be up for it

. it probably wouldn't work as well without having a solid set of housemates to get attatched to but hey, at least we get to keep seeing mike, bree and fitzy in prime-time every week

06 August 2005, 06:55 AM
ArgeauxI think that would be fun!
I'd watch it. The BB withdrawals might not be so bad, then.
06 August 2005, 07:09 AM
11 August 2005, 12:34 AM
ArgeauxBreaking Vesna news:
Vesna says that she's going to ask BB for adult nappies in case she gets so nervous she urinates on the eviction stage. ~~~~~~~~~~
14 August 2005, 09:50 AM
They took my Vessy away.
Why, oh why?
*shakes fist skywards*Dammit. And here I thought there was a chance that another gal could win.
Oh well, the last two guys are nice, at least.
14 August 2005, 02:00 PM
SalemLooks like my vote to win will be going to Greg now.
Poor Ves

15 August 2005, 04:19 AM
AmethystAt least the last two aren't like Glenn and Dean
that would be cringe worthy
15 August 2005, 04:30 AM
ArgeauxTell me about it.

Final Vesnaisms:
Tim ties a strip of fabric around Vesna's ankle. She examines it, and then asks: "Can I trim it down? It makes my ankle look fat."
Vesna requests that Tim and Greg kindly "take your minds off your own stresses and concentrate on mine".
Vesna says: "Tonight's going to be good, right?" The boys say it is and she insists: "Can you say it more convincingly?"Goodbye you funny, funny girly!

15 August 2005, 07:27 AM
ArgeauxWell done, Logans.
Couldn't happen to two nicer guys.

Well done to Timmy, as well, for supporting the Logans all the way. I'll miss ya, mate.

15 August 2005, 07:37 AM
SalemHooray, my 55 cents were well spent

Congratulations to Greg and David

15 August 2005, 10:06 AM
Madogishah, what do you know - my guy(s) won. didn't see that comin'

15 August 2005, 05:13 PM
Amethystfirst jess picked vesna to go on sunday, and then she picked greg to win.
The funniest thing was seeing sandra sully....lo... did ya just curl up and die salem, whe you saw her invasion?
16 August 2005, 01:51 AM
SalemHah, yeah, she was the first thing I saw when I switched over from Home and Away.
Her face on the giant screen.
I would've freaked if I was in the house

"She's gonna kill us all! Run for your lives!" *takes off and leaves a Salem shaped hole in the wall with his screams floating off into the night*
Gretel: Well.. that was unexpected..
Sandra: Heh heh, heh heh heh, heh heh heh heh hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!! Ahhhhhahahahahaaaa!
And that's when she would reveal her true form..
16 August 2005, 03:49 AM
ArgeauxI thought that as well, when I saw Sandra Sully.
There's no escaping her, even in the Big Brother house.

I liked it when she said politics had been a big topic of discussion since Tim had been in the house.

16 August 2005, 05:24 PM
Amethysti thought it was a good idea squishing the last 3 months worth of news down for them.
all tim kept saying was, who took bob's place, was it sully, i bet you it was sully..lol
the other two things that shocked them the most was the london bombings, and kylie minogue's breast cancer i reckon, just from their facial expressions.
17 August 2005, 06:33 AM
ArgeauxDouglas Wood's capture, as well.
They were completely stunned by the London Bombings.
It's amazing how much happens in the space of three months, when you think about it.
18 August 2005, 04:09 AM
Amethystit's funny when you think about it, when we watched that news thing they did for them, how much they missed, and you don't even think about them missing out on, until they watched that.
did you end up taping it? salem missed the tap dags, and i reckon it would be good if he could see it, cause i thought they did really well.
18 August 2005, 06:46 AM
ArgeauxYep, I actually did.

I thought the tap dags were brilliant!