I was only mentioning to another scroller this morning how little i know about some of the new (and some of the old scrollers).. so i thought i'd post a thread where each person posts some general information about themselves, so we can all know each other that little bit better.
You don't have to answer all questions, and you can add anything you like also.
Real name: Usual scroll name: (as some people change theirs weekly) Age: Country you live in: (state too) Kids/pets: (names are good too) Other tv shows you like other than xena: Other Past times: (sports, reading gamers?) Fav xena character: Fav ep or season: (of xena) Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Favourite Colour: Favourite movie/actor/actress:
add anything else too
21 February 2006, 10:17 PM
Real name: Michelle Usual scroll name: Amethyst Age: 33 Country you live in: Australia (state, New South Wales) Kids/pets: 1 child, Jessica, almost 6 years old Other tv shows you like other than xena:fav current shows, house and the OC, i still like to watch eps of buffy and friends on dvd Other Past times: game cube, game boy... and i just took up tap and jazz dancing Fav xena character:Xena.. and Ares Fav ep or season: fav seasons.. 3 then 5, then 6.. fav 2 eps off the top of my head, Motherhood and last of the Centaurs Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: n/a Favourite Colour: purple Favourite movie/actor/actress: i really like Anne of Green Gables...lol
Real name: jemima, but YOU can call me maddie -_- Usual scroll name: madogis Age: 21 Country you live in: australia, nsw Kids/pets: cat - no name Other tv shows you like other than xena: buffy, home and away, family guy, futurama Other Past times: mostly i watch tv and play on the internet. sometimes all at once. also i write and draw. Fav xena character: hm.. my first instinct was callisto , but probably joxer. Fav ep or season: i think i decided it was "the quill is mightier" and season three. i also like "been there, done that" Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: eh... to watch, nrl? Favourite Colour: light blue Favourite movie/actor/actress: "the last unicorn," uhm.. jason smith (or james or johnny), juliet landau.
22 February 2006, 01:19 AM
Real name:Nicole Elizabeth... But I'm known mostly as Nikki or Boop Usual scroll name:ArtemisRed... Doesn't Change. Age: 23 Country you live in: Las Vegas, NV - U.S.A. Kids/pets: My Best Friend and I have a plant named REGGIE !! Other tv shows you like other than xena:Arrested Development, Buffy, Deadwood,Friends and SEINFELD Other Past times: Theatre, Dancing, Singing... Drinking . . . Fav xena character: Joxer is one of my FAVORITES, and of course, XENA... and yes I do the war cry everytime I toast a shot of liqour !! Fav ep or season: I love Season 3 and next in line would be 5... sounds strange but I think most of the eps were shot SO WELL. Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Ice Hockey is a passion of mine and I DIE for College American Football.... GO USC!!! Favourite Colour: A balance of Red and Black is always nice, but I've become very found of green... No envy jokes, please Favourite movie/actor/actress: MOVIES = School of Rock, Freeway, LOTR trilogy, and many a Disney FlickActors = I'd say Anthony Hopkins, Christian Bale, Winona Ryder (she rocks my world), Johnny Depp, Bruce Campbell, ummmm.... I can stop now
Usual scroll name: Brucy Braless Would use 'familiarity breeds contempt'{of me} but its too long to type....
Age: 51 Country you live in: Buffalo, New York State USA
Kids/pets: Valerie & Cat named Sydonia(Face on Mars location) but I call her 'Sillyus Maximus'...usually
Other tv shows you like other than xena:
Other Past times: Internet,Comp(Strat/Sim)Games, Intelligent TV....RGP games ..tho not recently
Fav xena character:Xena then Gabs
Fav ep or season: (of xena)Generally the show got better over time But the finales were among the WORST eps.
Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch:Play golf I NEVER watch sports.
Favourite Colour:Since Ive been ill bright sunny yellow is my fave.. It perks me up.
Favourite movie/actor/actress:
Male probably Mel Gibson
Female, too many to mention But Ill try:
Clare Danes Scarlett Johanssen Nicole Kidman Kate Beckinsale Evangeline Lilly Jen Connelly Alicia Sliverstone Denise Richards Anne Francis Jane&Bridget Fonda Debra Farentino Ione Skye Phoebe Cates Rosario Dawson Rebecca Gayheart Rachel Mc Adams Parker Posey Naomi Watts Diane Kruger Gwenneth Paltrow Jeri Ryan Julia Roberts Salma Hayek Sandra Bullock Courtney Thorne Smith Kelly Preston Jane Seymour Jennifer Garner Caroline Dhavernas
Umm just a few offa the top of my head..
I used to be able to use ICQ/AIM but this comp is pretty dodgy so Im loathe to put too much on it.
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
22 February 2006, 02:03 AM
Brucy Braless
HAY! I forgot my fave movies:
the LOTR trilogy Road Warrior Schindler's List
Ill probably add more stuff here as I think of it.
Great thread Ame... I was actually thinkin of re-introducing myself to scrollers so they could fully appreciate just whom they were lookin down their noses at..
22 February 2006, 04:42 AM
Real name: Andrew
Usual scroll name: Salem
Age: 20
Country you live in: NSW, Australia
Kids/pets: Don't got any of these
Other tv shows you like other than xena: Okay, here we go: Futurama, Kath & Kim, The Vicar of Dibley, We Can Be Heroes, Absolutely Fabulous, Family Guy, American Dad, Neighbours, Home and Away, Desperate Housewives, Lost, House, Veronica Mars, The Simpsons.. There are definately more, but I'll leave it at that..
Other Past times: Watching TV and DVDs, playing my GameCube, my DS, using the internet, reading..
Fav xena character: Well, Xena and Gabrielle, then Athena
Fav ep or season: Season 3 and 6. Favourite episodes, I'll go with The Rheingold, The Ring and The Return of the Valkyrie.
Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Quidditch. If no one accepts that () then I guess watching Rugby League.
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite movie/actor/actress: Movie: Labyrinth, Peter Pan (2003) Actor: Jason Isaacs, Chris Hemsworth Actress: Laurie Foell, Jennifer Connelly, Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet, Maggie Smith
22 February 2006, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by Salem:
Fav ep or season: Season 3 and 6. Favourite episodes, I'll go with The Rheingold, The Ring and The Return of the Valkyrie.
Holy Cow... I JUST finished The Return of the Valkyrie and then checked the scrolls...I mean Literally JUST finished it.... It's still on the DVD menu for "chapter seletion,main menu, and PLAY" with that pic of Xena looking VERY "Dr.Zhivago" with that white fur outfit...
(PS~ sorry, I tend to freak out sometimes)
22 February 2006, 08:32 AM
beauTifully tragic
Real name: Tamariah
Usual scroll name: Tam
Age: 35
Country you live in: USA (current state: maryland; originally: louisiana)
Kids/pets: none at the moment
Other tv shows you like other than xena: buffy, CSI, veronica mars, battlestar galactica.. just starting season 1 of '24'
Other Past times: computer, photography, sleep, work
Fav xena character: gabby
Fav ep or season: early and middle stuff
Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: couch potato.. like to watch soccer/futbol, baseball
Favourite Colour: primary colors.. blue and green mostly
Favourite movie/actor/actress: these change, but check out my sigs for some ideaThis message has been edited. Last edited by: beauTifully tragic,
Real name: Sheryl (with a capital letter & everything!)
Usual scroll name: eyezoom
Age: 46
Country you live in: Austin, Texas
Kids/pets: Alaskan Malamute named Stella, Golden Retreiver named Maverick. no kids...nieces & nephews
Other tv shows you like other than xena: LOST, Survivor, The Shield, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Bonanza
Other Past times: camping, roller derby geekdom
Fav xena character: Xena, Callisto
Fav ep or season: The Debt
Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Tennessee Titans of the NFL. Holy Rollers of the TXRD
Favourite Colour: green (it's not easy being green...)
Favourite movie/actor/actress: The Princess Bride/Robert Duvall/Meryl Streep
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
22 February 2006, 10:49 AM
Real name: You can call me Sara
Usual scroll name: Sara
Age: 27
Country you live in: Texas, USA
Kids/pets: None, thank God
Other tv shows you like other than xena: The Boondocks (yeah bitches), The Shield (YEAH BITCHES!), Family Guy, Sleeper Cell, LOST, Commander in Chief, InuYasha
Other Past times: fanatic video gamer, definitely a World of Warcraft fan, reading (I'm currently re-reading Kurt Vonnegut), camping, and generally being a smart ass to everyone
Fav xena character: Xena
Fav ep or season: Three
Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Texas A&M, Team USA Softball, UCLA Bruins (softball), Dallas Mavs
Favourite Colour: purple
Favourite movie/actor/actress: Gone With the Wind, Denzel Washington, Audrey Hepburn & Natalie Wood
Occupation: I'm a Rental Property Coordinator for a (soulless, sucktacular) non-profit organization. Read: Landlord.
*edited to add occupation otherwise Ame gets pissy*This message has been edited. Last edited by: Sara,
I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
22 February 2006, 05:39 PM
Real name: It's not lila but turns out that I'll answer to that in the right company.
Usual scroll name: lila997
Age: somewhere between Salem and Brucy... okay fine, 37
Country you live in: USA
Kids/pets: No kids. 2 dogs - a ginormous yellow labrador and a beagle who thinks that she is a petite goddess (but isn't)
Other tv shows you like other than xena: Sooooo many shows..so little bandwidth! Current shows: Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Project Runway, Travel Channel, Degrassi (shut up!)The Food Network, Veronica Mars, The L Word, Inside the Actor's Studio and various crappy reality shows that I get sucked into and untimately enjoy but will not publically cop to watching. Past shows (R.I.P ): Six Feet Under, Wonderfalls, Sex & the City, Firefly, Buffy, Carnivale, China Beach
Other Past times: photography, travel, reading, yoga
Fav xena character: Xena
Fav ep or season: Season 3, closely followed by Season 6
Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Watch Olympics and most New England professional sports (Sox, Pats...)
Favourite Colour: purple
Favourite movie/actor/actress: Movies: Life is Beautiful, Wizard of Oz, Cinema Paradiso, Monty Python Holy Grail, Being John Malkovich, The Incredibles, Amelie Actors/Actresses: John Cusack, Kevin Spacey, Natalie Portman, Morgan Freeman, Hepburn...really, too many to name.
22 February 2006, 09:50 PM
Smirk Morgan
Real name: Nora Usual scroll name: (as some people change theirs weekly) Smirk Morgan Age: 29 for at least another five weeks Country you live in: (state too) USA, Oklahoma Kids/pets: (names are good too) One cat named Abigail Other tv shows you like other than xena: House, Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, The City Gardener (what? I like eye candy with my um...gardening), the MIA Location, Location, Location Other Past times: (sports, reading gamers?) Reading, writing (in fits and spurts) Fav xena character: Xena and Autolycus--aw heck, and Iolaus even if he didn't actually qualify as an XWP denizen Fav ep or season: (of xena) Season 2, 3 and 1. Favorite eps are The Price, The Lost Mariner and the Ring Cycle Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: I don't do sports. I like going to the odd baseball game. I always support the OSU Cowboys--in any sport. Favourite Colour: Green Favourite movie/actor/actress: [b]Movies: The original Star Wars trilogy; The Princess Bride; Airplane! Actors: Cary Grant, Bob Hope, Myrna Loy, Maureen O'Hara.
22 February 2006, 10:16 PM
Oh, i meant to also add occupation (or if studying, what are you studying)
I'm a secretary at a place that makes stickers
22 February 2006, 10:18 PM
hey look at that, i was logged out, and so i logged back in, and logged back in with the wrong name..lol this is the one i started when it all changed over, and i got confuddled.
I want to also add that I love Harry Potter, books, movies and games
23 February 2006, 05:28 PM
Free Madness
Real name:Kate Usual scroll name: (as some people change theirs weekly):Warrior Priestess 9 Age:38 until next tuesday Country you live in: (state too): U.S.A., Pennsylvania Kids/pets: (names are good too): 4 cats: Aradia, age 14, Cassandra, age 11, Figaro, age 8, Craela, age 1, approximately. 1 Ferret, Xerxes, age 8.
Ummm, i think I have enough "kids" for now. Unless you count my husband, ok that's kid six. Other tv shows you like other than xena: Creature Comforts, Vicar of Dibley, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fawlty Towers, East Enders(altho I kind of stopped watching that awhile back cuz the storyline was bumming me out). Past shows that i miss: Buffy, Angel, Roswell, to name a few. Other Past times: (sports, reading gamers?): Hanging out with my husband, writing, internet hopping and chatting, reading, mostly fantasy, Harry Potter Books in particular, but also old fiction, like Mark Twain and Charles Dickens(recently read The Christmas Carol for the first time and loved it.). Singing, opera or rock and roll, and writing music. Playing the guitar or piano and jamming with friends.
Fav xena character: Xena, Ares, Lao Ma, Minya Fav ep or season: (of xena): Eps: Paradise Found, Adventures in the Sin Trade 1 and 2, a Family Affair, The Play's the Thing, and any ep with Lao Ma in it or her kids. Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: Sport to play: does opera count? i'm not a sports person at all, i don't watch games or play them, even computer games. Unless you count role playing games lol. Favourite Colour: Black, Purple, Red. Favourite movie/actor/actress:Movie: It's a Wonderful Life and The Breakfast Club. Actor: Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, James Stewart. Actress: Ingrid Bergman, Viviane Lee, Kate Winslet.
add anything else too
Occupation: Art Model and Standardized Patient...and just about any job that's not a "real" job, except prostitution and phone sex lol.
Voice type(for opera): Soprano(for anyone who's ever been curious and knows a bit about music.)
How long been married: 9 years
Msn handle: hazelkate67@msn.com
Yahoo Handle: kate19119 (Lately I've not had msn and yahoo on at the same time...i've been talking a lot on msn so i haven't had yahoo on...it's all about the RAM lol...I gotta get more RAM when I can afford it.)
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
23 February 2006, 06:27 PM
Discord Man
Real name: Dustin Usual scroll name: Discord Man Age:18, But Im Mature for my age Country you live in:Arkansas in the USA Kids/pets:Dog Named Cocoa Other tv shows you like other than xena:Family Guy,WWE shows,Simpsons,The VH! countdowns Other Past times: work,gaming Fav xena character:I like 3 the same, Gabrielle, Discord and Callisto Fav ep or season: season 3 and A Good Day in 4 Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch:Not any really Favourite Colour:teal Favourite movie/actor/actress:Any of the cast of Xena,Rachel Drach,a few others I cant think of.
Real name: Brian Usual scroll name: Brian. and just for the record, i've never cared for the constant switching of names. i guess i'm too lame to try and figure out who people are all the time.
Age: 48 yeah, so?
Country you live in: Florida, USA Kids/pets: one son, who has two kids of his own. I have a 5-year-old Jack Russell terrier named Callisto.
Other tv shows you like other than xena: lately... Lost, Numbers but i don't even bother with cable because commercials really irritate me. i'm not a tv watcher.
Other Past times: play soccer, volunteer work, reading, movies
I'm really bad at favorites. I have zillions.
Fav xena character: Fav ep or season: (of xena) Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: baseball, Florida Marlins Favourite Colour: Favourite movie/actor/actress:
I've been married for almost 24 years, but last January 31st my wife filed for divorce. geez, that sucks.
24 February 2006, 12:34 PM
Real name: Terri Usual scroll name: wxf Age: 50 Country you live in: NC in USA Kids/pets: No Kids 1 dog-Shadow just turned 11 and also diagnosed with diabetes so she gets insulin shots now-2 a day! Other tv shows you like other than xena: Law & Order, Law & Order SVU, all the CSI's, Lost, Ghost Whisperer, Survivor, American Idol, Medium, King of Queens, Still Standing, Numbers, Cold Case, Reba, all the news shows like 48 hours, etc, 24, Prison Break, The Apprentice, that's all I can think of now-I guess you'd say I'm a TV addict! Other Past times: (sports, reading gamers?)with all the TV I watch I don't have time for anything else! LOL Fav xena character: Xena of course Fav ep or season: (of xena) That changes from day to day-today it's Season 4 and Between The Lines Fav sport to play/or team you like to watch: don't like sports Favourite Colour: blue Favourite movie/actor/actress: don't really have a favorite-I like action movies, & crime mysteries