12 April 2013, 07:47 PM
ThersitesHi There
Hey I received a poysonal invite here from the mighty warrior xenacrased.....
It was a while ago. It got lost as # 336 of 344 spam emails....LOL
13 April 2013, 12:21 AM
xenacrazedHi Thersites! mighty warrior xc here!
i betcha i knows ya by another handle but i'll leave that up to you

yay scroll popularion increases!
13 April 2013, 12:28 AM
xenacrazedThen again... all my invites came back sayin nobuddy lived there...
13 April 2013, 01:28 AM
ThersitesI have been here previously,
Yes precious yessssssss
14 April 2013, 07:54 PM
ThersitesI was gonna leave you to wonder abit whom I might be but Im really not good at that sort of thing.
Im probably not much better a typist than I was in the mid-90s but Im at least 10x faster now.
Yes A Slow learner.
This year & time of year marks 30 years of being sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.....
Yes What a glorious anniversary!
in the good news column my despicable lil bunny of a daughter is now 32, a nurse & MARRIED !!!!!!
Chances of a Grand child for me a Slim & none but thats fine.
Im kinda the way I was a little slower, a lot heavier, obviously balding & now have 3 replaced teeth......I guess that makes me Bionic.
14 April 2013, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Thersites:
Im kinda the way I was a little slower, a lot heavier, obviously balding & now have 3 replaced teeth......I guess that makes me Bionic.
gabris? is that you gabris?