29 July 2007, 01:28 AM
Hi everyone. I'm 18, go by Helareyn on sites, a lot of them mostly dating sites. Go on look me up, i'll wait. I think, as far as I can see that I am the only one with the name. I would love to meet someone with the same sn tho.
Anyways I am addicted to Xena, and under that evil influence :vvbg: am a lesbian. I'm kidding about the evil part, really. Its my favorite obsession.
I have writen Xena poems for a while, but haven't posted them anywhere, and I am knee deep in writng my first piece of Xena fiction.
Whew was that enough of an intro for the moment?
29 July 2007, 02:15 AM
FailteWelcome, ... uh... Helareyn. Had to look at it.

"HE-la-rinn"? Or "HELL-uh-rinn" maybe?
<When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother "What will I be?
Will I be pretty, will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me...
"Honestly, son, don't be such an effin' pansy.">
29 July 2007, 01:36 PM
Brucy BralessHay there!
Im Brucy Braless just a silly rhymer I came up with long ago...
Im sure most people on the WWW have no clue whatsup with it...
Im a man named Bruce.
Occasionally there wqas some confusion bout that at first with some..
Tho its quiet lately this is a fun place....
with more than a few mischieviously Faux -Evil members...
We dont get alotta new people here soIts always good to see a new name..
29 July 2007, 07:43 PM
HelareynHelAreyn-as in (Hell-Erin)
Hel-character on Cleopatra 2525
Areyn- Areyn Sun from Farscape
Thought it sounded cool.
oooooh thought about it a moment and got it brucy braless-lucy lawless it rhymes I got it. Gods i'm so brainless sometimes.
Yeah well its got more action around here than the group I used to be one most of the time. Ghost town there.
30 July 2007, 01:53 AM
FailteActually... I'd never made the connection with Brucy Braless's name... but then, I'm not so much a Xena fan. Although I will admit that there was some precious comedy in one I managed to catch, one time.

*whispers so no one can hear* Might I interest you in... some Kim Possible/Shego femmslash?
Who said that!?
<When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother "What will I be?
Will I be pretty, will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me...
"Honestly, son, don't be such an effin' pansy.">
30 July 2007, 10:31 AM
SaraPffbt, boys.

Hello Helareyn. Welcome and pull up a chair. As it's been said, it's quiet around here but there are some good peeps. Just keep posting, we'll all wake out of our stupor sooner or later.

I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness 30 July 2007, 09:24 PM
AmethystWelcome welcome, we always like to see new faces around here.
my name is Amethyst (i like to change my name around, but you can always tell it's me by my location and various other things)
here's a question for you, who do you like better, xena or gabrielle

30 July 2007, 11:27 PM
HelareynWell. Hmm good question.
31 July 2007, 06:56 AM
zoomgood answer!
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
31 July 2007, 09:17 AM
31 July 2007, 02:00 PM
GabberWelcome to the Scrolls,

If you ever feel so inclined, you should put up some of your poetry or fiction in the area for that. I'm a poet myself, so I always like seeing new blood, hehe.
It's good to have you here, hope you enjoy it!

01 August 2007, 08:03 AM
01 August 2007, 08:02 PM
xenacrazedA newbie! A newbie!
Hiya Helareyn, i'm xc and i betchya you're scared right now cuz i'm the mean stinky person of this board. BOOOOOO! my desk is made from bones from ex-newbies to this forum. HOWLLLLLLLLLLL!
har har! newbie stew tonite!

01 August 2007, 08:34 PM
lol you're funny haha. Oh yes so scared. I'm positively trembling in my 7 inch heel boots.
04 August 2007, 12:35 PM
BrianWelcome Helareyn.
I'm a fancier of the Xena fic so I hope you'll share one day.
And how about a peek at those 7-inch heel boots? Can you actually walk around in them?
Happy you're here with us...
p.s. Brian is my name. Straightforward and unimaginative perhaps, but it's really my name.
05 August 2007, 05:12 PM
Free MadnessWelcome, Helareyn!
I'm Kate, everyone calls me by my real name around here so you might as well too. My actual Scroll Name is Warrior Priestess 9 but since I change my name ALMOST as much as Amethyst does...

...it's probably simple just to call me Kate....plain, simple to the point.
Anyway, have fun scrollin, lots of forums to play with here. Something for everyone, games, music, Harry Potter....

Guess you can tell where MY obsession lies!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
15 August 2007, 01:24 AM
JubsWelcome Helareyn!
I can't believe no one's done this yet -
*breaks out the eggnog*
Here! Take a big glass! It's Mr. xenacrazed's finest batch. But shhhhhh don't tell him you got it from me!
(just run if he comes after you, you never know what that laughter may mean

Annnyway, I'm Jubilee. Because I liked X-Men before I liked Xena.... But around here (around these parts...around this 'hood) they calls me Jubs. I like to think it sounds like joobs. like noobs. But I'm not sure how the others pronounce it...
Welcome! Hope to see you around!
15 August 2007, 09:27 PM
xenacrazedDids i hear muh *hic* name mentshioned hmmmssy? *hic* ah'd luvs to havvs a bigs ol glasssh 'f eggsnoggsy, Jubie. Sense ya gots intuh muh *hic* finestest batchy there ya did *hic*. Jusst cants
holed *hic* thut eggsnogs stuffage unymores.
06 October 2015, 10:43 AM
Battle On!