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Things I learned in 2005
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 27 December 2005 06:32 PM
You can make it from Norman to Austin on one tank of gas and with no stops.

If you do this the last three miles will be incredibely long as you sit in Austin rush hour traffic and really need to pee.

Stella Artois in the parking lot at Roller Derby makes you the cool kid.

Texas liquor regulation is nearly as bizarre as Oklahoma liquor regulation.

Okies will not vote to impose a nickel gas tax on themselves when gasoline is topping $3 per gallon. Heh, actually I knew that. What I didn't know is that the backers of said tax could be so shocked that it didn't pass.

The Chamber of Commerce thinks that if they keep sending me membership invoices I will pay them. This despite the fact that my business phone and fax number have been disconnected for six months.

Transwestern Publishing Yellowpages will not allow their customers to save them from the embarassment of printing out of date information. They'd rather have the pissant amount of money they'll get from me on this contract and lose any goodwill I would have spread on their behalf had they been willing to work it out.

Pennywise is pound foolish.

Pound wise still doesn't mean it'll work out.

The protective order docket on a Monday in the heat of summer is no fun at all.

Never use the directions from

It's easy to get lost in Ft Worth.

Austin can be damned hot in the fall.

I can put up with damned hot if the music is good enough.

Gweneth Paltrow is clueless and makes Chris Martin 43% less cool.

Anne Coulter is a pretentious snob.

Michael Medved has a radio talk show. I don't know what this means, but I think there may be a second coming involved.

Louisiana needs a new governor.

Oklahoma State football can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Kelvin Sampson will never have appear on t-shirts with the same panache as Eddie Sutton.

Eddie Sutton can smile!

SonyBMG is without honor.

Record company executives are evil. Oh wait, we already knew that.

Shawn gets string theory.

zoom is really accident prone. smash

Ame has some ambitions for the people she loves.

Argy has more strength than she lets on.

Sara is a proseltyzer. Look at World of Warcraft. *g*

Tam really liked that pirate persona she took on. Wink

Listening to Art Bell's "Ghost to Ghost" Halloween show while driving by oneself in rural parts of Oklahoma on a dark, moonless night is not a good idea.

The Ginger Man deserves more Scroller visits.

What did you learn this year?

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Scroll Guardian

posted 27 December 2005 06:55 PMHide Post
The learning doesn't stop til your brain-dead. We hope.

well thar's my excuse.

i learned 2005 sucked much more than 2004.
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Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 27 December 2005 07:44 PMHide Post
i learned that if the first 8 months of a year go suspiciously fast, the remaining 4 will drag on like there's literally no tomorrow.

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Scroller Needing Therapy
Picture of Salem
posted 27 December 2005 11:51 PMHide Post
My limit of straight vodka..


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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 28 December 2005 02:33 AMHide Post
Anne Coulter is a pretentious snob.

Wait didnt we al know this in 2004..??? Wink

this was a rather drab year for movies.

The UN SHOULD control the internet...Al Gore is doing a terrible job.

Bill Gates has decided that all of the money he 'stole' from his Shite-y operating system should be spent on poor people..
Obviously Melinda gates has given this anti-christ a soul.

GWB can do no wrong in this eyes of stupid puny human voters in the redstates.

We have ALL learned that XC is the wisest sage of sages at the scrolls.

We have all learned that the people who will destroy America are Republicans...the terrorists think WAY WAY too small.

We have learned that odd numbered years allow us to catch our breath between the onslaughts of more politics of lies & hate in the even years.

I have learned that Gollum was speakin to me when he said:
"You havent got any friends.
...Nobody likes you...".
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Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 28 December 2005 08:35 AMHide Post
actually I didn't know she was a pretentious snob. I knew she was Republican Barbie. I knew she wasn't one-tenth as clever as she thought she was. I knew she was rather needy and required the approval of Daddy Republicans.

It was her attacks on Harriet Miers that revealed that kind of made me actively dislike her (as opposed to the passive, roll your eyes dislike). There were so many reasons to criticize that nomination, but what was Republican Barbie's biggest gripe? That HM's law school, SMU, wasn't a good school. Only Harvard, Yale, and Stanford law grads should be on the Supreme Court, she sniffed. Ya know, I've talked to a few products of Harvard Law. I've suffered under their "tutelage". You might have to be bright to get in there, but graduating doesn't mean you have any better grasp of Constitutional Law than that guy in the bar.

Posts: 2306 | Location: DFW | Registered: 24 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Brian
posted 28 December 2005 09:34 AMHide Post
I learned that hope is eternal. There were moments when dark thoughts dominated my soul in 2005, but as the year winds down, I find myself believing there is still reason to hope for all of us.

I'm probably one of the few people around who thinks the world is getting better. I know all the suck-ass stuff that goes on, and I'm not blind to the evils or the selfishness or the gross unfairness that grinds on each day. But as I see it, as the world gets overrun with people and drained of resources we're either going to kill each other, or learn to get along.

When the 2000 Millenium celebration was making everyone reflect backward, a moment that leaped out at me was a quote spoken by a grade school dropout, a petty criminal with a long rap sheet and a life long drug problem. Remember Rodney King? the guy the LA cops beat so badly and were caught on video and yet still were acquitted, creating ugly riots in Los Angeles? During those riots he went on tv and said, "Can't we all just get along?"

It's five years since the Millenium extravaganzas but I still find myself hoping that somehow the reasonable caring people of the world will win out, and that indeed, we will all get along.

Each Christmas reminds me that the birth of a single child can profoundly change the world. I'm not the Messiah, and I don't know anyone who is, but I believe I'm a son of God as much as Jesus was, or Mohammed, or Buddha or Krishna. So I choose to believe in goodness and strive to share peace and well being in this world.

After all, "when the world cried out for a hero, her courage changed the world." Maybe I can change a little of it. Even without a chakram.
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 28 December 2005 12:02 PMHide Post
Amen, Brian.Smile

I learned that just because I've learned to monitor my junk food intake, take off sixty odd pounds of excess flesh, AND managed to control my drinking without even giving it up completely...ain't NO way i'm gonna monitor that there cancer stick....even if it is made of pure tobacco and not all the chemicals that normally go into cigarettes. Once a chain smoker...always a chain smoker. At least I kept the abstinence going, hard as it's been.Razz

I learned that going off mood stabilizers/antidepressants cold turkey is NOT a good idea...however I learned that never have my husband and I been more Alive than we were this past year. Even with all the ups and downs, the stressors, we have never been more in touch with what's REAL then we were when we stopped letting the system make us "comfortably numb."

I learned that you CAN heal from past hurts without medication or any other numbing substance.

I learned that we have done better than I thought we would this year and thus enjoyed the best christmas we ever had.Smile

I learned that the simple things are what's most important. Not having a fancy house or fancy car. Altho for all that, I DO live in a fancy house right apartment of said house, but still, telling people this mansion is my address is loads of fun.Big Grin

I learned good things come to you when you don't want them so desperately. Usually that's when the universe decides you're ready to handle it.

I've learned that no one is going to live up to my expectations, which in turn lets me off the hook of living up to their expectations. Big Grin

I've learned that expectations suck anyway.Razz

I've learned that I still have a bit more creative juice than I thought I had.

I've learned I don't need a college degree to be complete...altho one day i will go for that degree just to say that i did it.Smile

I've learned to say NO.

I've learned to say YES.

I've learned to say MAYBE and mean it.Big Grin

I've learned that friendships can be healed and people can change.

I've learned the difference between accepting what I can't change and changing what I can.

I've learned that an animal can just look at me and teach me more than even my voice teacher can...which is saying HEAPS.

Happy New year all!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 28 December 2005 12:51 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Smirk Morgan:
Sara is a proseltyzer. Look at World of Warcraft. *g*

You make that sound like it's a bad thing. Big Grin

What have I learned?

I learned that it's ok to get help with dealing with things.

It's alright to be sad, to be angry, to be upset, it's what I do with those things that matter.

Nothing is better than looking at the person you love and having them smile at you for no other reason than that they like being with you.

I have strength.

People's ideas of me are not what define me, I decide who and what I am.

My parents' withdrawal and subsequent rejection of me sucks and has had far reaching effects.

I do not have to let that rejection run me anymore.

The meaning of true friendship is too complex to ever be put into words.

I should still find a way to tell people who are my friends that I appreciate them anyways.

Thank Christ for KC.

Thank God for Keri.

Once you have your first real "I'm blacking out, can't remember what happened" drunk, it kinda tends to be your last.

At least for me. Razz

Trying my best is good enough, I do not always have to win, come in first, finish first, be first in line, etc.

I like Knott's Berry Farm strawberry and boysenberry jam and their shortbread cookies more than is probably normal.

Normal is stupid.

I am better than the job I work at.

I need to finish school for my own sense of self worth.

A relationship based on trust and honesty is worth it's weight in gold and then some.

Communicating is good, even though it's hard and sometimes sucks.

Sometimes it's necessary to shut the outside world out and regain your sanity with your love in your own private world together.

Hugs are good.

Kisses are good too. Big Grin

There are people of worth in this world, you just have to sift through the assholes to get to them.

WoW is crack on the pc.

Everyone should play WoW.

Proseltyzing is good. Big Grin


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
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Picture of zoom
posted 28 December 2005 01:28 PMHide Post
i learned that people will believe what they will regardless of the truth?

i learned that a place that a special part of my heart calls home could be irrevocably changed/destroyed?

i realized how hard it is to help someone who is full of bitterness and anger.

i realized how much like my bitter, angry relatives i am.

thankfully, i also learned how much NOT like them i am.

i learned that being a friend doesn't necessarily mean having a friend. yet again.

l learned that it doesn't matter how good your jammer is if you don't have good blockers?

i found out what getting stitches & having a somewhat broken bone feel like. and just how much i can still do with either.

i've learned a lot about owning/being owned by a Golden Retreiver?

i learned that i lose track of the big/real picture when i think more about myself than others, and i really need to work on that cuz i keep getting creamed when my guard's down.

better days in '06...


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 29 December 2005 09:37 AMHide Post
I learned that sometimes the best way to heal is just to let people love you.

And yes - that applies to EVERYONE who reads it.


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Ultimate Scroller
posted 29 December 2005 10:19 AMHide Post
I learned that there are some things in life you can't control so just to roll with the flow on those things

I am continuously reminded that life is short so make the most of every day we have

Don't dwell on the past

Cherish moments with those you love

And Amen to some things several of you said-Argy, Brian, Snow Miser, Sara, & Zoom!
Posts: 507 | Location: NC, USA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroller Extraordinaire
Picture of wolfe
posted 29 December 2005 12:02 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Salem:
My limit of straight vodka..

And when I've had half a bottle in half an hour, I'm definitely past it.

I've learned I will get paid more per hour if I stay a student for the rest of my life and work for the school.

I've confirmed that the harder I work for a company, the less I will get paid.

I've learned an education doesn't mean diddly if you live in a place where bartenders make more in a month than white collar workers make in 6.

I've learned that common sense and political correctness can go hand in hand in small groups.

I've learned that even though I love many aspects of where I live, there is nothing quite like the joy of visiting California and eating my heart out.

I've learned that no matter how much they protest, your favourite mexican restaurant WILL overnight you fresh salsa if you beg enough(and offer enough money).

Conversely, I've learned that no matter how much you beg, you favourite chinese restaurant will not overnight you anything.

I've learned that nothing brings a community together like free beer and a fight that requires it's fighters to be too drunk to stand.

I've learned that people forget all the work you do for them and just remember that you were the one running Kilts Gona Wild.

I've learned that the people least worthy of your respect will be the ones most likely to think you are below them and let you know it.

I've learned that nothing improves child-parent relations like having a parent substitute teach in the high schools of gangland.

I've learned that nothing is quite so vindicating as having the parents that always nagged you that A-'s were too low apologize to you for nagging and admit you were a better child than they thought.

Nothing improves the mood of a grumpy old man with antisocial tendancies better than retirement.

I've learned that the times I most want to smoke a cigar are the times I can't.

I've learned that carmel corn is a dangerous thing to have on your desk.

I've learned that no matter how flamboyantly gay they act, no matter how outrageously butch they appear, and no matter how many pride symbols they sport, members of the opposite sex will still think their homosexual friends are interested in them.

I've learned that when gay men drink themselves straight, it's open season on me.

Life's too short to smoke cheap cigars and drink bad wine.
Posts: 51 | Location: Las Vegas | Registered: 06 December 2005Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 29 December 2005 12:07 PMHide Post
Originally posted by wolfe:

I've learned that the people least worthy of your respect will be the ones most likely to think you are below them and let you know it.

i learned that a long time ago, but that lesson revealed itself once again this year.


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 29 December 2005 04:56 PMHide Post
I've learned no matter how hard I try I can not get away from working in food.

I've learned my ex step-father is less than human and should be taken out in the street and shot.

I've learned that thinking about that makes me happy.

I've learned that my father would rather lay a guilt trip than breathe.

I've learned that all of these father issues are furthering my hatred for men.

I've learned recently that I am becoming cynical.

I've also learned that I need to be a little cynical.

I've learned that I love seeing the look on peoples faces after they taste something I've cooked.

I've learned that all you need is a kitty in your lap and a DS in your hand to make afternoon pass.

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 30 December 2005 12:50 AMHide Post
i've learned that some people aren't as ready as you are to deal with things you're ready to deal with.

I've learned that that's ok.

I've learned that sometimes i bombard people but that's ok because i've never meant any harm.

I've learned that when I make mistakes, they're lessons, not something to condemn myself for for the rest of my life.

i've learned that just because I say "i'm sorry" to someone doesn't mean I have to lick their shoes forever.

I've learned that some people in my past, including my family, have taken that idea for granted.

I've learned that the people in my present don't have to be compared to the people in my past, or my family--anymore.

I've learned that the past is never going to happen again--even with family, altho certain things may LOOK familiar....

I've learned that sometimes it's time to let go.

I've learned that it's damn hard to do that.

I've learned to keep at it no matter what because the journey alone is worth the effort.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 30 December 2005 09:58 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Snow Miser:

I've learned that sometimes it's time to let go.

I've learned that it's damn hard to do that.

You are singing to the choir, sista!

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 31 December 2005 01:07 AMHide Post
Originally posted by bowing to the absurd:
i learned that people will believe what they will regardless of the truth?

i realized how hard it is to help someone who is full of bitterness and anger.

i learned that i lose track of the big/real picture when i think more about myself than others, and i really need to work on that cuz i keep getting creamed when my guard's down.

I have been yet again reminded of just how smart Zoomy is in 2005

Argy wrote:
I learned that sometimes the best way to heal is just to let people love you.

I learned in 1989 that loving {certain} others before myself is the best way for me to heal...

XWF wrote:
I am continuously reminded that life is short so make the most of every day we have

I still need to learn this ..heeheee

Xenafairy wrote:
I've learned that all of these father issues are furthering my hatred for men.

Please remember that men are ALL individuals & what 1'learns' in dealing with one should not be applied to all.ThanQ. Smile
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Picture of XF3
posted 31 December 2005 07:39 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:

Please remember that men are ALL individuals & what 1'learns' in dealing with one should not be applied to all.ThanQ. Smile

I've learned to keep this truth tucked away for times when I meet guys like my mom's husband. Wink He's definately a keeper.

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 31 December 2005 11:57 AMHide Post
I learned that sometimes the best way to heal is just to let people love you.

I've learned that the simplest lessons/truths are often made into the most complicated messes by our huge busy human brains.

I've learned that you can travel a mile to get to a waterfountain that's two feet away...or just simply walk two feet.Razz

I've learned that it's not necessary to kill a cockroach with a sledgehammer.smash

I've learnd that we have a nice or be mean.

I've learned that even THAT is too simple for some.Razz

However, I've learned that as long as a few close people in my life understand these things, I'm a happy camper.Smile

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 01 January 2006 03:21 AMHide Post
I've learned that the people least worthy of your respect will be the ones most likely to think you are below them and let you know it.
That perfectly sums up a couple of Scrollers.


Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 01 January 2006 10:02 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
I have been yet again reminded of just how smart Zoomy is in 2005

zoomy would be a lot smarter if these truths came to her before the 2005 retrospective thread...

better luck next year. Wink


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Shawn
posted 02 January 2006 02:32 PMHide Post
evidently, I haven't learned a f#@&%ing thing.


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Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 02 January 2006 08:02 PMHide Post
I think I've finally learned to say screw what other people think...and mean it. whoohoo!

I learned by watching my husband at a new years eve party that sometimes you gotta speak your mind and draw boundaries.

And you can do this without making anyone feel bad.

I've learned that people will think what they think and yet the truth is what is between you and your Maker.

I've learned that NO one can define me except myself and my Maker.

I've learned not to waste any respect on those humans I've met who have a God complex.Razz

I've learned to take the high road and enjoy.Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroller Needing Therapy
Picture of Fahrenheit
posted 05 January 2006 09:30 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Alive and Dancing:
I've learned not to waste any respect on those humans I've met who have a God complex.

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