When I start to get settled I'll try and post some more pics and get your ideas about colors etc.
First order of business is new carpet in the master bedroom and living room and Pergo in the kitchen and dining. I'm going to stain the concrete in the remaining rooms.
Posts: 1673 | Location: everywhere, nowhere at all | Registered: 23 June 2003
OUCH !!Hay!!!! Thats IS NOT OLD!!! Im Older than that !!!! Every place Ive lived in except my parents house was put up before 1920... this one WAY before...
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003
My house was built in 1948 and considering what I have seen from some more recent construction around here all I can say is "they don't make 'em like the used to!" . I love my high ceilings, crown moulding and thick walls (almost enough for me to overlook the miniature bathroom! ). Gives it character.
Posts: 2164 | Location: USA | Registered: 23 June 2003
Very nice looking place! I am sure you'll enjoy that house. Looks cozy. And I'd suggest you'd take of the wallpapers before doing the paint-job. It will probebly be more work, but in the long run, it will look much better.
Best to remove the wallpaper first, when the house is still empty of stuff. You REALLY REALLY don't want to be removing it later in the day when you are living there and wanted to redecorate.
We've just moved up north and bought somewhere as well, so I feel your pain! I spent the weekend stripping the bathroom, which had wood panelling fitted over two layers of tiles. Hard work, but it's added about an inch all round to the room, which is important in our tiny bathroom!
---------- "Attitudes are contagious. Mine might kill you" -- despair.com
Posts: 10 | Location: Bath, UK | Registered: 29 October 2004
and lila, remember how my apartment was right behind my office? Well this house is just on the other side of the interstate. I can almost see my house from my office window. I'm going from a 1 hour each way commute, to 5 mins!
Thanks for the good links Heitie I've bookmarked them.
Congrats to PJ on not only her graduation, but home ownership and love! Here's to you!
And yeah, I think it may come down before I paint.
Posts: 1673 | Location: everywhere, nowhere at all | Registered: 23 June 2003