Scroll Tragic

| Yes Merry Christmas All Its not yet monday here.. All I want this Xmas is for my Daughter to ANSWER HER GD PHONEwhem I call.... even 50/50 would be a nice improvement...  |
| Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003 |
Scroll Disciple

| Peace on Earth. Good will toward men.
in the words of Rodney King... "can't we all just get along???"
Love and blessings to everyone.
Brian |
| Posts: 207 | Location: Tennessee, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003 |
Scroll Guardian

| quote: Originally posted by I'm a Xmas Ho Ho Ho: so merry xmas all, and i hope you get what you wanted.
More xc wives and more cds, thankee Santa! Merry Christmas to all ye scrollers! |
| Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004 |
Scroll Guardian
| Merry Christmas Everyone! |
| |
Ultimate Scroller

| hey hope you've had a nice solstice night, too |
| Posts: 571 | Location: Brasilia | Registered: 23 June 2003 |
Scroll Guardian
| Post- Christmas wishes from the holiday beagle! |
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Scroll Stalker

| Thank you lila, it's just not Christmas without a beagle. Y'all have some fine lookin' pups. Here's a belated Merry HoHo and a pre Happy New Year! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| Posts: 1673 | Location: everywhere, nowhere at all | Registered: 23 June 2003 |