30 December 2006, 10:23 PM
Smirk MorganWhat Calendar did you get for the new year?
One of my favorite things about the New Year is picking out a new calendar. Yes, I'm a geek. Deal with it.
This year's is
with some classic Steinlen cats and various vintage ads and magazine covers.
What's hanging on your wall for 2007?
31 December 2006, 12:13 AM
XF3I'm a calender freak. I got a free Colonial Williamsburg calender in the mail so that's going to be the one we write the bills on. I got my day by day Disney calender that I get every year and I got a Buffy one to go next to my scrapbook table. If I could get away with it I would have one in every room. Yeah...I'm crazy...I know this.

31 December 2006, 03:03 AM
Brucy BralessAck I havent bought one yet....does this time stops for me at midnite..????
31 December 2006, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Br%cy:
Ack I havent bought one yet....does this time stops for me at midnite..????
Nope, you luck out. Most places have reduced them to 50% off by now!

31 December 2006, 09:39 AM
beauTifully tragicquote:
Originally posted by Br%cy:
Ack I havent bought one yet
me either.. guess i should get moving on that
31 December 2006, 09:52 AM
lila997I have to furnish offices at home and work. Got lots of calendars from Santa.
For wall at home:
For wall at work:
and this is an extra- probably for somewhere else at home...maybe next to my computer (the colors match that room):
Desk calendars that i got as gifts from coworkers

31 December 2006, 11:01 AM
zoomsomeone gave me a long, narrow Far Side calendar for Christmas. otherwise i ue the gimmes from the vendors t work. i usually use the the Egg Recipe of the Month one at my desk...
31 December 2006, 02:38 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by lila997:
Originally posted by Br%cy:
Ack I havent bought one yet....does this time stops for me at midnite..????
Nope, you luck out. Most places have reduced them to 50% off by now!
Ha Ha I WISH !!
Not around here !!
They wont do that till nearly February... Buffalo & surrounds are fulla skinflints so businesses must work Hard to extract their pound of flesh.
Brucy Swiftly scoops up a 2001 calender from Australia(!) that just HAPPENS to be on top of everything ELSE in the room & shouts WOO HOO Janauary started on MONDAY that year too ..

First easy thing ALL Day !!!
edited 4 or 5 times Cause Im a Retard...

01 January 2007, 01:03 AM
xenacrazedhey Nora, i have a poster of your calendar-
-on the door of the room of the cat who owns me. The cat looks a like the cat on the poster. *my cat scratches me! owwwww!* NO! i mean kitty cat looks BETTER than the cat in the poster, MUCH BETTER, yeah, that's the ticket, eh kitty?
i can't find any multi-page monthly calendars of the xc wives. However, there is this i'm thinkin' bout getting-
There are some fridge magnet calendars of Jennifer Connelly and Zhang Ziyi but please, 6x8 inches!
So my wall calendar so far is a Mariah Carey calendar-
At least there's not competition between the xc wives...(though i do want that Danica calendar)...
If only the Xena calendars weren't so dern expensive.
01 January 2007, 03:40 AM
SaraInuyasha. Heh. I'm a fangirl.
21 January 2007, 07:04 AM
KSenaMe and hubby are crazed WoW-players... Yes, we do have a World of Warcraft wallcalender in our computer room...

21 January 2007, 12:50 PM
Brucy BralessThey did mark stuff down but 1/2 price is still expensive...
They used to give nice calendars away for FREE when I was a tadpole...
I got Val a Monster-size Lord of the Rings Poster Calendar....
Im still using the 2001 Australian calendar...
Hmmm Australia Day was friday the 26th that year...
*Ponders the significance*
15 April 2013, 09:29 PM
xenacrazedmy 2013 calendar is Zooey Deschanel.
Gotta have one of an xc wife!
15 April 2013, 09:42 PM
ThersitesVal bought me a Boris V - Julie Bell fantasy art calendar for Xmas.