It's here! PenPals, the Letter Game

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13 June 2005, 11:19 PM
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
It's here! PenPals, the Letter Game
It's here, the ultimate role playing game that gives you the most control possible. Did you feel like the other Racers in the Race Around Greece didn't catch your clues? Did you see the characer arc you were building disintegrate? Did you feel creatively constrained? Have you been overwhelmed by the demands of past games? Fret no longer, dear Scrollers. This just may be the game for you.

You are to choose a partner (or if you like, Faith and I can play matchmaker). You choose a fandom. You decide who you are going to be in that fandom and who your partner is going to be. And then, you write a letter. You set the stage and the story. Your partner responds to your letter and lets you know what's going on in her world.

In the ideal situation, you wind up with two stories that are inter-related. You can send characters back and forth to each other as seems natural. Toss the ball back and forth and have fun. Toss a few ideas to your partner and keep your eyes open for the cues she or he is tossing you

Pick a fandom, any fandom, one fandom (or what the hell, pick two and crossover)!

Pick a partner. Preferably someone you really like to play with.

The only rules are to follow common and artistic sense.

Whatever situation you and your partner place your alter egos in, just remember, you can never ever be in the same place at once (otherwise why would you be writing letters to each other?).

While you can choose any character you want, think about how likely it is that the character would write letters? How probable is it that if your character writes letters that it would be to a particular character. Xena and Gabrielle tend to have their adventures together, so they would not necessarily be the best choices. On the other hand, there may be a damned good reason why X&G are separated. Just remember to address it.

Be nice to your partner. Don't yank away characters from him or her when she's clearly in the middle of using them in the story. The more flexible you are, the more flexible your partner can be for you.

Sign up here if you're interested. If you have a partner, say so. If you want to be matched, let us know. Starting this weekend, feel free to start a thread dedicated to your correspondence. Place it in any forum, but Fight Club. If you want to see an example of how to start a game check out A Correspondence of Interest. If you want to read the results this game has had between two very dedicated players, go to your library and request the book Sorcery and Cecelia.

Any questions? Fire away.

13 June 2005, 11:29 PM
Faith the Vampire Slayer
Suggestions of possible characters:

From the Xenaverse:

Autolycus and Gabrielle
Ephiny and Gabrielle
Xena and Autolycus (they did have those carrier pigeons!)
Joxer and Meg
Joxer and Jace
Joxer and Iolaus


Giles and Wesley
Giles and third watcher
Buffy and Kendra (obviously it would have to take place during the second season)
Willow and Fred
Willow and Angel
The Host and Anya (sometimes a Vengeance Demon just has to sing)

Crossover possibilities--find your explanation

X-Files and Buffy (Giles, Willow, or Xander and one of the Lone Gunmen)
X-Files and Xena
Star Trek and anything

Other fandoms to consider:

Tru Calling
Pirates of the Caribbean
Lord of the Rings

Got any suggestions? Feel free to post 'em

15 June 2005, 09:47 AM
This look like wickedly fun!!!!!!! I wanna do Drusilla! I wonder who wanna be my Spike, eh...? Lets see what happens, shall we...?


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
15 June 2005, 11:50 PM
i am expressing first signs of possible interest in this game.

buffy would probably be the most elligible candidate from that list, but i could also probably give the harry potter-verse a go.

did anyone say futurama...?

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, 16 June 2005 12:13 AM

16 June 2005, 07:52 AM
HA HA!!! I have found my Spike! *grins*

And I must say Futurama would be a cool verse to play it as well. Good idea there Madogis! Smile

A question to the "game-masters", will there be votings on who writes the best and so on and so forth? Just courious. Smile


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
17 June 2005, 11:13 PM
Free Madness
HArry Potter is an excellent idea, Mad.

Hmmm, excellent idea....

Anyone wanna send owls with me?Big Grin

Feel free to match me if need be. I could be Sirius or Harry, ok hard to choose....

ok, Sirius.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

18 June 2005, 02:12 AM
Smirk Morgan
I'm up for it. I'll do any fandom that I feel familiar enough with.

I kind of have an idea for Autolycus, but I don't know exactly who he'd be writing.

I'm also willing to consider a cross-over.

18 June 2005, 08:32 AM
i wouldn't mind being a certain werewolf, kate...

and we're sure we can't post these letters in fight club Razz??

18 June 2005, 09:33 PM
Free Madness

You're on, Maddie.Smile

Bummer about fight club tho...oh well. Big Grin

I'm sure if Drusilla can write love letters we can get around that.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

19 June 2005, 12:35 AM
done Smile

19 June 2005, 06:01 AM
There is nothing wrong with loveletters, is there? And I did put a warning on it, so I should be in the clear, shouldn't I?


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
26 June 2005, 03:01 AM
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Originally posted by Drusilla:

A question to the "game-masters", will there be votings on who writes the best and so on and so forth? Just courious. Smile

PenPals was not conceived as cutthroat competition. The real prize is the fun of playing a character and your satisfaction in writing a good story under the limitations that the game imposes upon you.

We may award prizes at the end of this, but more likely we will create prize categories and have Scrollers vote on them. As Faith and I are participating in this exercise, it would be hardly fair for us to have the only say in what is "good". It is our sincere hope that not only will Scrollers be entertained and diverted by reading the corresponence of various characters, but that the players will have a fabulous time getting into the the skin of their chosen personalites.

The most important object of this is to have fun. Entertain us, and be entertained by others.

26 June 2005, 01:44 PM
Alright then. I get it. Just have to make sure to write nice letters then. Wink


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
27 June 2005, 10:53 PM
I think you could perhaps write some naughty letters, my love. evil


28 June 2005, 02:06 AM
You want naughty.... I'll see what I can do.... evil


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
06 July 2005, 08:17 PM
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
It's not too late to start up a correspondence in PenPals. Remember, there are no minimum requirements. You want to write everyday? That's fine. You think you can only manage a letter every couple of weeks? That's cool.

It was asked in another forum if players could do more than one correspondence. We have no problem with this. You may do as many correspondences as you are comfortable doing. It's a great way to stretch yourself as a writer or actor. Can you play a dead guy hero and an evil warlord? It could be fun to find out.

Give it a whirl. Heck write a letter and post it and see if someone replies. (I do reccomend using protection in these spontaneous couplings, though!).

07 July 2005, 12:33 AM
Free Madness
Thanks, Buffy!Smile That's great to know. Big Grin

Oh yeah, it covered.WinkBig Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

07 July 2005, 07:56 AM
I'd like to get into this but I'm not really making with the good ideas right now. I'm having trouble coming up with characters I can get into. Maybe Willow or Anya, but I'm not coming up with who they would write and why.

Any suggestions or ideas?
07 July 2005, 08:33 AM
How about Anya writing to Joxer, who has convinced her that he is a powerful warrior. Wink


07 July 2005, 08:49 AM
You know that's not a bad idea! Now I'm thinking what if Anya started an afterlife agency for vengeance demons and general villains who wanted to turn their lives around but died before they could atone. So by hooking up with her and convincing her he used to be evil, he gets to return to earth and look for Gabrielle or something.

09 July 2005, 02:06 PM
Alrighty, got a partner, and we're doing Willow and Gabrielle. (hehe, that sounded funner than it was meant to Wink)
18 July 2005, 03:06 PM
Willow and Gabrielle, eh? That sounds fun! Were can I read it? Why don't you post the link here: The Bad Girl's Guide to PenPals


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...