Holy crap, I remember this place!
21 February 2009, 09:21 AM
Donna...the CCHoly crap, I remember this place!
Well, seeing that I have some old time Scrollers on Facebook (Robyn, Martine, Bucket-of-poo...I mean Bucaroo), I thought I'd check out if this is still alive. Then again, Buc put in his Status RIP Pandora, and I do remember her from her.
Ah, fond, who's still around from the old days?
21 February 2009, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Donna...the CC:
Ah, fond, who's still around from the old days?
hiyas Donna!

Hope yer doin' great, dern, it's been long time since i seen ya round these parts. i'm still around. Actually i's still a square but that's okayse dokaysee, right??
Not much activity here but i like seeing the old neighborhood is still here and that when i click on the scrolls icon i dun get redirected to a walmart web site- yuck!
21 February 2009, 12:11 PM
Donna...the CCYay Xenacrazed!
I thought this place had settled in the dust, but I'm glad it's not a bunch of tumbleweeds! I've been checking around to see the familiar faces of the past...ahhh fond memories! I'm going to point Robyn, Martine, and why even Buc to this place so we can have a fun family reunion.

How are you doing?
21 February 2009, 03:16 PM
xenacrazedi'm okay, tryin to survive the recession & stay employed. Hope ya get all those folks back here. It'd be great hearing from them again.
21 February 2009, 05:47 PM
GabberIt's good to see you, Donna!

24 February 2009, 06:19 PM
JubsHeya Donna!
Good to see you around!
26 February 2009, 09:33 PM
Donna...the CCHey Gabber & Jubs!
Great to see you both! I always wonder what happened to the Scrolls and Scrollers...glad to see all is kicking ass still!
04 March 2009, 03:55 AM
AdminI'm going to keep this place alive as it still gets lots of visits each week. Believe it or not people still read, even when they don't post.
There is also a Facebook group that
Ame has started called
Scrollers Unite! You can join that, as well, if you want to keep up with old Scrollers.
04 March 2009, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Admin:
I'm going to keep this place alive as it still gets lots of visits each week. Believe it or not people still read, even when they don't post.
There is also a Facebook group that Ame has started called Scrollers Unite! You can join that, as well, if you want to keep up with old Scrollers.
Either Admin is Argy or sumbuddy's in for a whippin' when Argy shows up!
Scrollers Unite, huh? i'll havta ponder that. my mind is pertty united and crazy. So crazy that the only way i can journey through the woods is on a psycho path!

05 March 2009, 12:15 AM
ArgeauxAdmin = Argy
I forgot I was logged in under the Admin account.
05 March 2009, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Donna...the CC:
Well, seeing that I have some old time Scrollers on Facebook (Robyn, Martine, Bucket-of-poo...I mean Bucaroo), I thought I'd check out if this is still alive. Then again, Buc put in his Status RIP Pandora, and I do remember her from her.
Ah, fond, who's still around from the old days?
Excuse me? Bucket of poo???
Well your donna the crusty crack!!!
06 March 2009, 12:42 AM
Amethystactually donna started the group, cause i didn't know how
but we have 24 members now
so all you ppl, get a cracking and make a facebook

for ppl like xc, call yourself xenacrazed as your real name for your facebook and put a fake pic.. we no care
07 March 2009, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by Michelle:
for ppl like xc, call yourself xenacrazed as your real name for your facebook and put a fake pic.. we no care
now wait a cotton pickin minute! if other ppl call themselves xenacrazed too, how ya gonna know who's the real xc and who's the pale imitations, huh?
okay, i'd be the stoopidest of the bunch but that's beside the point... *grumbles mumbles & stumbles*
16 March 2009, 01:21 PM
WildyWow wow wow....I didn't realize this place still existed!!! Someone invited me to join the Facebook Scrollers group and so I decided to wander over here and check out what is happening!!!
It seems like a lifetime since I have been around. I am married with a kid now...not the little teenage girl who was here so long ago.
So glad to see you all! Even you Buccy :-D
17 March 2009, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Wildy:
I am married with a kid now...not the little teenage girl who was here so long ago.
Then who's that teenage girl claiming to be Wildy that i see here allllllll the time?!?!

Doppelganger double-Wildy!!
heya Wildy how y- hmmm, are ya still "Wildy" now that yer married w/a kid? Shouldn't the kid be "Wildy" and you be Wildy Sr (or Srette)? If'n you are still "Wildy", does the hubby know or is that a secret sshhssshh i won't tell.
21 March 2009, 12:41 AM
xenacrazedwhere'd everybuddy run off to, hmmm?
i still need to check out the facebook scroller tbingie. What does it do and what's the purpose? why it and not here? hmmmm?
22 March 2009, 09:33 PM hubby is fully informed of my Wildy ways.
I think Nicholas (Mr. Mini Me) can be Wildy Jr iffin he wants to be....maybe I'd have to go back to being strictly Wildwind, and he could be Wildy?
09 October 2015, 10:36 AM
who's still around from the old days?
Here, was a troll. I remember Buccaroo, and Linxi, Serpahin.
I remember you too.