Ame is Scroller of the Week
15 October 2015, 11:24 AM
ArgeauxAme is Scroller of the Week
It's done. Finally
Smirk Morgan has been knocked off her perch as Scroller of the Week.
Now it's
Ame's turn to be Scroller of the Week for the next couple of years.
Well done. You've earned it.
PS. Scroller of the Week is non-refundable, non-redeemable, non-toxic, and not negotiable.
15 October 2015, 11:36 AM
ArgeauxWhen you are banned from the Scrolls a reason is sent to you, notifying you of the ban.
My favourite reason to give to certain people, at the moment, is "No more living for you".
I crack myself up.

15 October 2015, 05:18 PM
xenacrazedThere is no Ame!
anyhoo, yay Ame! Ya know, Scroller of the Week
should mean ya gotta post here again- and not once every couple years!

How aboot Ame & Argy both postin at least a couple times a week so Kate & me have good, non-trollish company, eh?
15 October 2015, 05:20 PM
xenacrazedOh yesh, before i forget, a big thankies to Argy
for banning the troll!

Ya made my day, ArgE!
15 October 2015, 05:30 PM
xenacrazedThis from Argy (or ArgE as i like to write it these days) in the Announcements forum:
I have also set the final karma points to 100 000 000.
Nope, not even joking.
I thought that xc might relish the challenge.
NoooooOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOO! i wanna be Ruler of the Scrollerverse again! *weeps*
i'd have to live as long as BrucE Braless or even older- gabris- to get that many posts.
Guess i'll have to settle for Scroll Desperado
*Then sings to the tune of an old Eagles song*
"Scroll Desperado, why don't ya have any senses?
You been out postin nonsense for so long now
oh you're a stoopid one
i know that you got yer xc wives
them ladies that been pleasin' you
will kill you someday
Don't you cross the Amazon Queen, xc
She'll beat you with yer stinky socks
You know Jennifer Connelly will help her too..."
well that's all i'm singin, i gotta think up things to post if'n i ever get my Ruler title back!
15 October 2015, 09:07 PM
Free Madnessquote:
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Oh yesh, before i forget, a big thankies to Argy
for banning the troll!

Ya made my day, ArgE!
Yayyyy! The troll is banned--Long Live the Troll!

Like Argy and Xena said..."No more living for you."

Yay! I can feel more comfortable posting creative stuff even tho I was resolved to do it anyway without giving a rat's arse.
Whoohoo! xc entreated, maybe more scrollers can come back and scroll with us perhsps? Otherwise we'll have to keep partying with the crickets and...they get bored of my company lol...I talk too much.

Their language and thought process is simple and my brain's too complicated for that.

Then again...who can talk only to insects all the time, even if they do have a lot of wisdom?

Johnny used to like cockroaches. Lol. Dunno what he thinks now. I think he used to collect insects but prolly gave it up so that he wouldn't be entrapping them from the wild where they belong.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
15 October 2015, 09:54 PM
Amethysti am awesome :P
16 October 2015, 08:30 PM
xenacrazedGee, so quiet now that the troll is gone.
C'mon peoples POST now & POST often!
16 October 2015, 08:52 PM
Free Madnessquote:
Originally posted by Amethyst:
i am awesome :P
You are awesome. Stay awhile!

There are 9 guests on here now!!!

C'mon, let's all sing now..."All we need is loooove, doo doo doo doo doo.."

There should be a rock band with just crickets, lmao. New sound, that's fer sher!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.
19 October 2015, 10:20 AM
ArgeauxI don't post here often as there just isn't anything that interests me any more.
From time to time I'll post something
Xena or
Orphan Black related.
The forum I most post in is invisible. It's the
Games forum where I keep an updated list of all the video games I've finished.
19 October 2015, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
I don't post here often as there just isn't anything that interests me any more.
noooooo don't say that! we all gotta have interests!
From time to time I'll post something Xena or Orphan Black related.
i'm watching Xena again in honor of the 20th anniversary of the show & i hope to make it thru eps i didn't care for in case i like something this time round
The forum I most post in is invisible. It's the Games forum where I keep an updated list of all the video games I've finished.
Invisible, huh? Most ppl i know wish i was invisible. Sheeeesh!
04 November 2015, 09:19 PM
XenaSo long scroller of the month....
05 November 2015, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Xena:
So long scroller of the month....
i like cheese
i have peeling scales on the roof of my mouth