I know we've asked this before, but I'm curious what people use for their homepages.
I've just had to redo the main computer after a crash and I couldn't get the homepage to reset and it bugged me to no end. Finally after disabling Spysweeper for a minute I got it. Anyway, it made me realize how much I need my homepage to be:
Mine has always been ...boot up to the scrolls for netscape/mozilla which is what I nearly always use.
And for the rare occasion when I wanna leave a trail of footprints all over the web..I have Yech-plorer set to open blank,with yes to cookies etc... set to go. *shudder*
----------------------------------- Factual correction...I was on the web a 4-5 months before I found the scrolls I dont remember what I used back then.
Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003
in n.o. we had the same internet provider as lila once, in an out of town restaurant, darryl asked my mom how much she paid for 'cox' the guy at the next table couldn't have stared at us more
Originally posted by Prof. X: I created a simple web page with links to my favorites, stored it in the My documents folder and set it as the IE homepage.