07 June 2009, 08:26 PM
MaxwellQMaxQ will be 50 years old on Monday, June 8.
Yes, on Monday, June 8, 2009, I will be 50 years old. I don't know if anyone remembers the 39ers back in the Xena days. There were a few of us Scrollers that just happened to have been born in 1959. Do the math, that was 11 years ago. Wow!
I'd like to tell you I'm aging gracefully but, I am not. Max is old and getting older. Yech!
Anyway, I hope somebody is still here to send me some positive vibes. I could use them.
18 July 2009, 05:06 PM
xenacrazedhappy belated b-day, Maxwell!

50 aint old. Old is a state of mind. i know old people in their teens.