20 March 2006, 01:46 PM
Smirk MorganCongrats to ROC --new baby girl
Katherine Fugate has reported that ROC gave birth to a baby girl on Sunday (3/19).
I didn't even know she was pregnant. I didn't know she'd gotten divorced. Funny how I find out most of my news of Xenaverse actors from message boards devoted to other fandoms.
Sigh, really it's slipping away.
20 March 2006, 07:30 PM
Amethysthehe, not the only one out of the loop dear.
is this baby to the guy she was married to, or is it to some new guy or even husband i know nothing about?
do we have a name?
20 March 2006, 07:57 PM
zoomi think i heard she'd divourced the Kiwi--no idea about the new guy if there is one or the baby. i hope this baby didn't drain as much of the cute out of her as the last one did...man, we're lame Xenites' arn't we?
but we're still 'the cool ones' dammit!
20 March 2006, 10:41 PM
Smirk MorganI gathered she'd divorced the Kiwi, but I really couldn't find much on it. ROC is kind of under the radar of most Hollywood gossips. Which I'm sure suits her just fine, lol.
We are so lame. Though, come to think of it, I think I've somehow missed a pregnancy of LL at some point too. I'm a lapsed Xenite, aren't I? I shall have to do penance.
20 March 2006, 10:49 PM
AmethystRenee has given birth to a baby girl on Sunday 19 March 2006! Congratulations to Renee and her boyfriend, to young Miles and their families.
thats all i could find.
21 March 2006, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by eyezoom:
i think i heard she'd divourced the Kiwi
No one divorces a Kiwi and gets away with it!!
NO ONE, I SAY!!The only thing worse is divorcing an Aussie.
*sharpens blade for next time Tom Cruise is in town*
21 March 2006, 08:02 AM
zoomooh. ooh. use the green knife i gave you on Tom!
21 March 2006, 10:04 AM
XF3I do remember hearing she was with child again but I didn't hear that she got divorced.
21 March 2006, 10:17 AM
WXFI knew she was pregnant but I didn't hear she was divorced. Seems like I remember someone saying something about the last convention that she didn't have her wedding rings on but that could mean nothing-I know lots of people that don't wear their rings.
21 March 2006, 05:57 PM
xenacrazedShe gave birth to a girl? No one's sure who the poppa is? Oh my gosh! It's Hope and Dahok again!

21 March 2006, 06:45 PM
lila997From ausxip.com (or something like that)
"Welcome to the World: Iris Sura O'Connor - Renee's little bundle of joy!
Renee has posted on her official site that the new bub's name is Iris Sura O'Connor was born
19 March and weighs in at 7 lbs, 15 oz and is very mellow."