Any scrollers from days of yore left?
04 December 2007, 10:22 PM
Smirk MorganAny scrollers from days of yore left?
and how do the other wives feel about this?
05 December 2007, 11:31 AM
ChianaYeah, are they liking it in Utah?
05 December 2007, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Smirk Morgan:
and how do the other wives feel about this?
the wives are respresented by Keren Ann crazed-
"welcome, Camilla Belle crazed to the harum of xc wives. Come love the xc with us, but please be kind & don't keep xc all to your busomy self. We all desire the xc!"
05 December 2007, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Chiana:
Yeah, are they liking it in Utah?
Utah? Nah Utah. Indhickiana. It's state law to feed beautiful women to xc for brides. That way they can wash his feet & socks so to keep the smell away. Just ask Zhang Ziyi crazed-
"No, xc, do not remove your socks now. No, not during the honeymoon. Damn Indhickiana! Arranged marriages are bad enough but this is a derranged marriage!"
06 December 2007, 09:18 PM
xenacrazedZooey Deschanel crazed in a scene from "(xc's Brain is Made Outta) Tin, Man"-
"This must be the yellow brick road after xc walked on it with his dirty socks. Hope them munchkins don't make me scrub it clean."
ok, that's dumb but i's here all by myself *sigh*
06 December 2007, 10:47 PM
Brucy BralessYaY Youre postin Like CraXy
13 January 2008, 08:48 PM
xenacrazedyay my first post of the new year.
too bad nobuddy will read it.
14 January 2008, 01:24 AM
Gabber*waves at
I see ya, buddy.

14 January 2008, 09:52 AM
Chiana*waves at
*waves at
*waves at
X.C.'s wives*
Hello! Hope you're having a good year.

14 January 2008, 09:04 PM
xenacrazed*waves at
*waves at
*waves at my wives, all
8 er
10 um
11? ok 12 of them*
glad to see somebuddies here! Hope all is fine & groovy with ya'll.

20 January 2008, 02:50 PM
TiggsWPHey, I'm here too! *waves at everyone!*
25 January 2008, 08:55 PM
ShawnTesting... testing... one-two-three...
*waves sheepishly*
Belated Happy New Year. Hope this finds everyone well.
27 January 2008, 04:00 PM
xenacrazed*waves at
Tiggs and
Good to see some life here!
28 January 2008, 06:42 PM
TiggsWPLil' bit anyway! Has anyone talked to Argy lately? I haven't seen that chick in FOREVER!!!
31 January 2008, 02:18 PM
ShawnIt was as if she dropped off the face o' the Earth. No email replies, nuthin'.
Was right after she was talking about shutting down the scrolls.
I do hate the idea that she's paying money for something she's not even using.
If anyone does hear from her, give her my best.
31 January 2008, 07:17 PM
Discord ManI was in the neighborhood.
How's everyone?
Snowing here. Cold, but the good kind I guess.
I miss Argy as well. She gets on YIM now and then, not much anymore.
Anyway, glad to see the ones who are still here.

04 February 2008, 06:48 PM
xenacrazedyeah i haven't seen much Argy McBargy for awhile, well, since Nov 13, when she posted on pg 1 of this thread.
Argyyyyyyyyyyyy! come baaaaaaaaaaaa-ck!
for that matter, everyone- coooooooome baaaaaack!

05 February 2008, 02:40 AM
Brucy BralessI poke my nose in at least weekly tho sometimes I dont notice a new post rite away.. /
Ipost more than you do now.....xc

11 February 2008, 10:10 AM
ArgeauxIf you call her, she will come.
Thought I'd check up on things here for some reason. I do that once or twice a year.
I haven't gotten any emails from any one to reply to, otherwise I would have. Strangely enough, I just sent one to Shawn before coming here. Some bonds survive.
I stopped coming here after some Scrollers said and did some things which indicated that they wouldn't care if I "dropped off the face of the earth".
For example, when someone you think is one of your good mates doesn't come to your 40th birthday party after they say they will, and doesn't email or call to explain why, well ... it just hurts too damn much to want to be around them, even online.
Every now and then I think about shutting down the Scrolls. The stats indicate that there are only a few people using them.
However, the Scrolls don't cost much to maintain and I'm of a mind to keep them open. If they mean so much to a few people that they want to keep using them, who am I to take away that small, simple pleasure?
Things may change one day, if no one comes here any more but, for the moment, Scroll on.
12 February 2008, 12:21 PM
TiggsWPArgy! I have missed you terribly! Do u still use ur AIM? If so I've got mine up and running again, and am pretty much back online! So crack open a beer ol' pal!
15 February 2008, 02:14 AM
ArgeauxI miss hanging out at the pub with you.
(What else would you call drinking beer while playing pool, albeit online?)
I'll keep an eye out for you.
15 February 2008, 05:14 PM
TiggsWPA virtual pub...which in my mind is just as good as the real thing!!! I'll keep my eyes open for you too!
16 February 2008, 10:41 AM
WXFI still lurk here everyday.

Don't post much but I check out things everyday.
17 February 2008, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Ipost more than you do now.....xc
17 February 2008, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Ipost more than you do now.....xc