21 October 2010, 11:29 AM
MR. DarlingHELLO

i am mr. darling and i am hopeing thar be not zombies here...i like gameing and roleplaying

if you wanna try your hand at iether with me feel free to chat me up (but no feeling)
22 October 2010, 09:45 AM
ArgeauxDon't worry, if any zombies start hanging around here Xena will decapitate them in no time.
She has many skills.
22 October 2010, 10:18 PM
xenacrazedMMMmmmMMMM zombie heads tastes um guud. Me likes.
Role playing? i have been role playin xc sooooo long that i dunno who i is supposed to be when i aint xc so i probabably be xc most the time cept most people don't know i'm xc and they don't know who i am anyhoo so i am always role playing to fit the need and stop me before this sentence gets way too long and i can't find a frioken period to end it okay wait : no that's not a period ya see i get no cooperation from the keyboard as its role playing itself into a xc zombie and { hey! that's not the period either oh will ya come on and put a dot here to end it okay then i'll spell period and end it now period
25 October 2010, 04:10 AM
ArgeauxYou coulda just said STOP, like they do in telegrams.
27 October 2010, 09:41 AM
ArgeauxAw, we scared him off.
Here I was hoping he'd stay around so that we could play with him.
Like a kitteh plays with a mouse.

29 October 2010, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
You coulda just said STOP, like they do in telegrams.
Telegrams??? they still have them? 'member the stories bout great-great-great-greatgrandpa gabris? He gots an urgent telly-gram tellin him to tell Gen Custer not to fight the Injuns. But he reads dyslexic so he thought it was a not urgent telegram, so he waited til it was too late. On second thoughts, it wasn't a telly-gram about Gen Custer. It was a graham cracker with custard on it that got stuck in his wooden dentures. Nevermind.
29 October 2010, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
Aw, we scared him off.
Here I was hoping he'd stay around so that we could play with him.
Like a kitteh plays with a mouse.
i'm de one who scares ppl off!

besides, i replied first with that smoke signal then with the pony express then with a belly-gram (it was written on Keira Knightley's belly so there wasn't much space to write on but a lotta fun writin it there).